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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. Yes, just a few weeks ago I was thinking about how dead Soi Skaew Beach had become. It is the Soi on 2nd Road before Soi Honey.

    I think the main problem was they shut down the big bar beer complex at the end of the Soi which was a direct short cut onto Soi Bukhaw. Many times I would walk back and forth through Soi Skaew Beach, so I was passing trade.

    I used to go to some of the cafes and bars on the Soi and I only ever heard good reports from people staying at the Skaew Beach hotel (reasonable rates). Now it is very quiet down there which is a pity, but that is the story of Pattaya: Continuous changes.

  2. Some banks refuse farang point blank, some demand a work permit. But just keep trying different banks/branches and visit the bank during a quiet time, ie. Not opening time on a Monday morning.

    I have discussed this with Thais and they say, if the manager of the branch refuses to take farang, then that is the branch policy. There are a small minority of Thai nationals who just don't like foreigners, English, USA, Indian or whatever.

    It seems crazy that company policy does not precide, but the bank manager in Thailand has the last say.

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  3. The Friendship Supermarket on Pattaya Tai offers a reasonable selection of delicious offal. The tripe is excellent, consumed with onions and vinegar. I did buy some Chitterlings (intestines) there as well, but I don't think they went so well in a casserole.

    I am planning on buying some trotters to experiment with, and I prefer Lambs liver to Ox liver.

    Any Pattaya Offal experiences you wish to share, along with advise about alternative vendors and recipes gratefully received. I would be interested to hear about anyones experiences with Brawn available in Pattaya (brains or 'cheese of skull'). Thanks.

  4. Obviously the tiny toiletries are there to be used or taken away along with the tiny sewing kits or disposable slippers. But if you take the towels it is stealing for sure and I have never done it.

    I notice now in the UK and in some Thai hotels they ask for your credit card when checking-in as guarantee, why don't they just bill guests later for missing towels, remotes, kettles, DVD players etc. ?

  5. Yep, seems a lot cooler today after the rain last night..

    How long did the rain last for? I faintly heard some thundering throughout the night, and then woke up to a flooded back room! :D:o

    I first heard the rain this morning at 0634 hours then there was a bit this afternoon. This morning it lasted for 96 minutes.

  6. There was a place on Soi Kao Noi just before the railway on the left as you head from Suk, he had good pork sausages.

    Western meats in South Pattaya supply lots of places, their meat is good. Owned and operated by a pom, Wayne. They have a good selection of steak, sausages pies, bacon and gammon.

    SS Sausage is the place with the B Lucky sign on the Pattaya Nakleua Rd, they have a good selection of meats and cheese. Prices are not that competitive.

    Big Joes on soi Rungland has a good range of meats as well as curries and pies.

    Thanks for the heads-up Chang_paarp. I am going to Big Joes tomorrow on Soi Rungland. I will take my camera, and get some close-up photos. Thanks!

  7. What is PG-Tips and Boddingtons bitter I am farang and never heard of such things so why would I love it? As for Tea bags your farangs don't go to Pattaya for a nice cup of tea it is other things and I sure it is not work for your wife.

    PG-TIPS is a brand of Tea-Bags, well known for their superior blend and tetrahedron-shape tea-bag that allows 'Brownian Motion' inside the teapot, thus securing a fine tasting cup of tea.

    Boddingtons Bitter is a Manchester (England) beer, which is made from Lake District water and a special recipe. It is a satisfying canned beer much loved by Northern dwellers of the United Kingdom.

    If you are on vacation, you are correct; you don't come here for the tea. However after the first six months of sack-emptying, a cup/mug of tea becomes quite important. Thanks.

  8. I think it is much better than the old airport. At least you can ignore them and go down to the lower level. I seem to recall at Donne Muangue the touts grabbed your bags and forced you into a clapped out taxi cab, that went the long way taking four hours for 2000 baht.

    Compared to arriving at Manila, it's a dream.

  9. Finding a thread from the past, about a subject which has been much discussed makes sense. It is also interesting to read older posts and see how things have changed in Pattaya. I've been living here a while now and much enjoy the food threads, which are very interesting and usually don't get closed down or get aggressive.

    I am always on the lookout for new breakfast diners and restaurants to try, and get updated on other peoples experiences.

    Bacon and Sausages in Pattaya are of particular interest to me. Thanks.

  10. Thanks, cochran for all your informative reports.

    I will check out the Jameson's sausages on Monday for breakfast.

    Did you mean the Jamesons near Nova, in the middle of nowhere? And do they open early for breakfast because I like to breakfast early. Thanks.

  11. A Family relative has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (non-injection type). I want to help by buying a blood sugar monitor, I have seen them for sale in pharmacies in Pattaya/Thailand.

    Can anyone recommend which type/style to buy and any advise about this regarding blood sticks etc.

    I really want to get a good one, quality is more important than cost. Thanks for any advice.

    I have used both Lifescan and Accucheck. My diabetes specialist in the US swears by the Lifescan models, so that is what I use. Although I have not seen them advertised here in Thailand, since you can find strips for them, they must be available through special order. I buy my strips in Chiang Mai at pharmachoice.

    There are two basic types that I can think of: One where you apply a drop of blod to a strip, and insert the strip into the meter. The second where you put the strip in the meter first, then you touch the drop of blood with it. This second usually requires a smaller drop of blod than the first kind. Personally, I have used both and cannot say that I am partial to one of the other.

    Thanks for the feedback. I will check out the Lifescan models.

  12. A Family relative has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (non-injection type). I want to help by buying a blood sugar monitor, I have seen them for sale in pharmacies in Pattaya/Thailand.

    Can anyone recommend which type/style to buy and any advise about this regarding blood sticks etc.

    I really want to get a good one, quality is more important than cost. Thanks for any advice.

  13. I am always on the look out for some decent sausage in Pattaya, thanks for the above tips. I am not a huge fan of Yorkies sausages, better ones can be found in Friendship Supermarket on Pattaya Tai.

    A recent post suggested making one's own sausages, obviously this takes some effort.

    Does anyones here in Pattaya have any tasty sausage recommendations?


  14. I just wanted to share this excellent offer with you:

    Pizza Hut dial 1150 has a meal deal in Pattaya:

    Medium Italian Mix Pizza

    4 New Orleans Wings

    Garlic Bread

    Pepsi Cola

    All for just 299 baht delivery free.


    I never understand why they offer garlic bread in pizza deals, surely after stuffing the stodgy bread based pizza down the last thing people want is more bread.

    Pizza Pizza in the 2 shopping malls of Pattaya offer the best pizza by far that ive eaten here.

    You make a valid point about the garlic bread being filling (alongside a pizza), however what I do, is eat the garlic bread yet save a few slices of pizza and refridgerate them for the next night.

    Cold pizza is agreeable after a beer session, late at night! TOP TIP!

  15. Yorkies are <deleted>.. There are tasteless, full of fat, ground too fine and about the farthest you could get form a decent English sausage.. How do I know ? Because my Dad and two generations before him were Master Butchers and made small goods for wholesale and retail.. My Father used to make several 1000 pounds of sausage 3 times a week. Two of our family recipes won awards at National British sausage contests and were very popular sellers..

    I spent a lot of my free time as a young lad boning out 'hands and bellies' of pork to earn my pocket money. I helped with every stage of the process and consider I know a fair bit about what goes into a good sausage. The sorry excuses I see called a Bristish Banger here are an insult at best.

    Easy enough to make your own..

    18.5 lbs of pork meat.. (not too lean or the sausages will be hard and dry 85/15 lean to fat is good and forequarter meat is best.. don't use leg of pork you'll only bugger them up)

    2 lbs of medium rusk ( you can used 'staled bread or make your own rusk cake and grind it if rusk isn't available. plenty of rusk recipes on the net)

    2lb cold water

    8-10oz of Sausage seasoning (lots of recipes and spice mixes online) ) Potters London mix is good

    Handful of dried sage.

    Mix the rusk with water and allow to 'dry' add the seasoning and sage and mix. Coursely chop or grind the pork meat.. combine with the seasoning/rusk and 'punch up' by hand. Grind again thru a finer plate (no smaller than 5mm o/d holes or the mix will be too fine and you will loose the 'bite')

    fill into natural 'hog' casings. Link by hand and hang overnight in refridgerator for the flavours to combine and develop.. Seperate into convienient size packs and freeze.

    I make sausage here when I get the time.. don't bother to fill em into skins. I just make sausage meat 'patties' which are great fried or grilled with breakfast..

    Obviously if you don't need 20 odd pounds of sausage it's easy to split the recipe.. there are dozens of sausage sites on the net.. No reason to eat second rate poop.. make your own ...

    Excellent post!

    You have convinced me to make my own sausages. Thanks for all the information and recipe.

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