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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. I quite agree with you!

    I almost always fly business class now that I can afford it and have gotten older. When I fly there's one "amenity" that's the most important to me -- having an aisle seat. I don't care about free drinks or high-class first/business-class food. But I want my aisle seat. I book early to be sure I get an aisle seat. Then, particularly because I'm a single flier, there's often someone who wants to know if I'll give up my aisle seat so they can sit with their friends or family. No! If they wanted to do that they should have booked the seat that way when they bought their ticket or at the ticket window.

    One year I was flying business to Thailand on NW, and in Detroit an older fat lady and her sonny boy (mid-20s) got on. I heard her say to the flight attendant, "Miss, I have seat 3A and my son has seat 5A. Isn't that in the same row?" Of course not! Then she turned to me and said, "Maybe some nice man will move to a window seat so my son and I can sit together." I looked at her and responded, "Good luck finding that nice man. If you wanted to sit together you should have booked the seats together. Now, please stop annoying me." I rather enjoyed that aisle seat more than any I had ever had!

    Yes! Dead right!

    I also insist on an aisle seat when I book my tickets and I am sick of people wanting to 'swap' seats with me. I just say no, then whisper I need an aisle seat because of my bowel problems.

    However if I already knew the guy/woman sitting next to me was obese (happens a lot these days) I would grab their offer to move.

    This is in economy class of course. I always dread a big fat, smelly person sitting next to me.

  2. I think people should be more concerned about people tampering with their baggage, and planting things in the baggage, like drugs.

    It amazes me that some people check-in rucksacks and zipper-style bags which could easily be used by a dodgy employee to smuggle via a mule.

    Shrink-wrapping or very secure Samsonite multi-lock baggage is the way to go.

    Can you imagine trying to prove in Thailand, upon arrival a side pocket-zipper stuffed with drugs?

  3. I went to McDonalds in the Avenue and bought a fish-burger. when I bit into it, it was cold and under-done, I took it back and asked them to change it. They just pointed at the sign which says; 'No Refunds & no Exchange'.


  4. The best scotch egg EVER was in Best Supermarket, North Pattaya. I admit that I was fortunate with the timing, as it had just come out the oven and the lady was about to put it on the shelf. I relieved her of her wares and scoffed it promplty.

    Yes, Best Supermarket near Dolphin R/B. Not available every day, but a few times a week.

    At 25 baht for two, (cut into four halves) Very good value.



    This is sounding like a much better lead: 25 Baht for four halves. I will have to check on a daily basis. Thanks!

  5. I see Howard is trying to make an explanation for his friends behaviour on the Pattaya Daily News website open forum:


    Dear Warina Re: comment 48 Thank you for removing the abusive comments, it was much appreciated. You mention this was a significant story and a legitimate news item. At Pattaya One we are very careful to ensure that news items that we feature, especially those from the Police Stations are backed up with Police reports and other documentation such as witness statements. I can confirm that no such reports were filed in this case which was dismissed by the investigating officer within minutes of the case arriving at Pattaya Police Station. It was unfortunate for Mr. Harrisson that some journalists were there at the time the case presented itself and it ended up in some newspapers and other media outlets including PDN. Mr Harrisson was never charged with anything and the Ladyboys never filed an official complaint, therefore, this does not warrant any legitimacy. Your comment about "leaving you alone" is a bit baffling to me as well. Are you saying I do not have the right to question your content......why? I wish PDN success in the future but would suggest that you look into apparent problems with inaccurate information and the "sexing-up" of stories, which appears to be a fault of the foreign news writer you have working for you. Pattaya One News is also guilty of publishing the wrong information on occassion as well and is soemthing we all suffer from. Sometimes, the truth in stories is "lost in translation". I would also like to mention that PDN and Pattaya One News Online are completely different. Our stories contain generally less detail because our website is essentially there to complement our TV service and we have a strict daily deadline to meet to ensure the stories are completed on time. Pattaya One Online is NOT a dedicated online service, however PDN is and they can take more time over their stories and therefore often feature more detail. I hope everyone can understand this and enjoy reading all the Pattaya online news services. Trust me, it is not easy to always get the truth, but we all do our best. Howard Pattaya One News

    From : Howard - [ 10-03-2009 03:57:54]

  6. Friendship Supermarket Scotch Eggs are ok.
    Foodmart in Jomtien, Yorkies in Jomtien....

    Friendship Supermarket sells Scotch Eggs, but they are pre-packed Yorkies produced, and IMHO Yorkies produce is overpriced and mediocre quality.

    I was tempted to purchase just one, for 69 baht (small by the way) but it was not fresh, so I will probably buy one when freshly delivered.

  7. Is there a bank/currency exchange in Suvarnabhumi airport?

    Im not sure whether I should bring all GBP into Thailand then get it exchanged at the airport, or if I should bring say £100 in THB just to be on the safe side to tide me over until I find a bank to exchange the rest.

    Suggestions appreciated.

    Bring GBP cash, forget changing any in rip-off Britain.

    There are loads of Siam Commercial Bank & TMB Exchanges at the airport when you land.

    There is an exchange BEFORE you go through immigration and several AFTER immigration and customs. Take your pick. They all give the same rate.

    TIP: I always exchange my GBP before immigration, because then I don't have to keep my eyes on my stacks of luggage and hand luggage valuables if changing after immigration, baggage pick-up and customs.

    There is always an exchange open before immigration for tourist who need to change money for visa on arrivals etc.

  8. That's a good list for hotels near the airport, for people on a budget.

    I would imagine that the vast majority of people stay at a hotel near to the airport because of an early departure or early arrival.

    I would say to those who arrive early, that if your destination is within taxi distance, then negotiate a price, or pre-book a dedicated driver and avoid the hotel stopover.

    Those who have an early morning flight, let's say a check-in of 6.00 am-7.00 am then the whole point of a hotel stay near the airport is to get a good nights sleep and rest before what might be a long haul flight ahead.

    I choose to stay at the only airport built at Suvarnabhumi Airport: Novotel.

    Many people will ridicule me citing the cost. However if you consider that you can book in advance for about 4,500 baht and that will give you a luxurious room for two persons that does NOT require an early taxi ride.

    I can safely say, having stayed there several times now, that the Novotel Hotel is of a very high standard for the price. It is 4,500 baht well spent.

  9. What happens if you happen to be browsing trough 4th floor when a raid starts? Do you get into trouble for beeing farang?

    Pay heavy fines or end up in soi 9 jail. Just like our friend with a bare-shouldered passport photo in Phueukett.

  10. 18 Coins on Soi Buakhow do a excellent plain burger (homemade) with tomatoes, lettuce, onions and chips 100 baht, nice to wash it down with any 3 beers for 130 baht, if you want the 3 beers you need to ask for the promotion first cos the staff don't always ask you

    This place has been mentioned on several food orientated threads, where is it exactly please?

    It is on Soi Buckheaw on the opposite side of the road to Club Oasis Go-Go about three hundred metres down towards Pattaya Tai (South Pattaya Road).

    Or come up Soi Diana from Pattaya 2nd Road, as you reach Soi Buckhaew, turn right and it is 300 yards down on the right hand side, you can't miss the large open front and the 18 coins signs and golf notices.

  11. I have 3 accounts at SCB and 3 Debit/ATM cards.

    I can use any of them at the ATM and I can use any of them as a debit card at store that accept the VISA Debit card.

    Foodland on Pattaya klang does not accept this card so I must pay cash.

    When I use the card as a debit card no pin number is required just my signature on the slip

    The debit is for the exact amount of the purchase and it is "debited" from your account almost immediately or within a minute or so. This is important to know^^^^ do not let the card out of your sight. If anyone has dishonest intentions and they scan your card a second time or make a "copy" of the card then they have enough info to use that to debit purchases from your account and then can go on a shopping spree. In 3 years I have had no issues but I only use the card for debit purchases at reputable stores and restaurants and I watch the card like a hawk after a mouse.

    Thanks for clearing that up. I wonder if it can be used as a debit card overseas? My visa debit card here does not even have my name printed on the card, so they are going by signature alone, plus if my card was lost or stolen it could be used in stores without an ID check.

    This must be a high risk type of card to own. I will keep the Thai Bank 24 hour hour help line number at hand in case I need to cancel the card.

  12. Absolutely, this place no longer has a member only exclusivity.

    Where exactly is this place? Never heard of it.

    It is on Soi Drarin (Soi Xzyte) about 285 yards from the intersection of Soi Chayapooun and Soi Buckhoew. You can't miss it because you will see the bowling green from the road. Holds a Tuesday night quiz night and daytime beers are 50 baht.

    Non-members admitted........

  13. Meanwhile, back in Pattaya, I went to try the 18 wotsits last Friday but, as I was being seated I was redirected by an English guy to the Bowling Green in Soi Excite (?). I think it was 240 baht? The fish was very good (not cod) but a meatier fillet would have been better. The chips and mushy peas were about the best I've had here. Try it.

    I dont know 18 Wotsits bar but I will try the Bowling Green's fish and chips, so non-members are allowed to enter the forbidding gates of this establishment on Soi Drarin?

  14. I have a Kasikorn Visa debit card which can be used in supermarkets, pay hotel bills and the like, .

    When you use it in supermarkets, do you enter a PIN or just sign the receipt after purchases?

    Sign the receipts, this is of course in Thailand.

    Thanks for making that clear. If your bill at the Thai supermarket is 1235.25 for example, is that exact amount deducted from you account?

  15. Am I racist?

    Judge for yourself....

    I arrive at any airport immigration.

    There are three queues I could join.

    Queue #1. ...6 white skinned folk.

    Queue #2. ...3 white skinned and three Indian skinned folk.

    Queue #3. ...3 white skinned and three African skinned folk.

    All other things being equal I pick Queue #1 every time.


    Because in my experience this queue usually seems to move the fastest.

    Is this a trick question?

    Here is a helpful tip. When departing, always stand in the queue with all the orientals: Chinese, Korean and Taiwanese. This is because none of them ever complete their departure card and are all sent away by immigration, who will then beckon YOU forward.

  16. Once when leaving Thailand through Don Meuang airport, the Immigration Official decided she didn't like the look of my passport. It was a regular British passport issued by the UK Passport Agency and I had used it umpteen times to travel in and out of Thailand. It had tons of visa extensions and re-entry permits in it.

    She passed it back to a more senior, I assume, colleague. I was taken to this table where he picked at my photo with the edge of his fingernail. He did this for about two minutes. He said to me "This passport no good". He looked very stern (as all good immigration officials worldwide look) leading to me getting very worried. I said it was real. He continued to pick with his thumbnail. He made no attempt to check the passport with a phone call or computer check. He kept picking away.

    Suddenly with a scowl he thrust the passport back at me and I was on my way.

    About four years ago, a friend of mine attempted to leave Bangkok airport with a passport that had gone through the wash. He was refused his flight and told by immigration to get a new passport at the British embassy. His flight carrier even changed his ticket, free of charge.

    These days, Bangkok airport immigration would refuse the same damaged passport, but instantly jail the passport holder in an immigration prison, and make no attempt to notify you airline.

    We all know that times have changed. The moral of the story is always to present an undamaged passport with absolutely no abnomalities, such as bare shoulders, funny hat or folded pages or unsticked Cambodian visa stamps, or funny stickers or handwriting etc etc. OR YOU WILL GO TO JAIL. PERIOD.

  17. I have been searching the supermarkets and stores across Pattaya and Jomtien for the perfect Scotch Egg.

    Does anyone have any positive suggestions?

    I think a lot depends on the quality of the sausage meat used and that it is not overly-spiced. The external casing can also spoil an otherwise acceptable Scotch Egg if the preparation is spoiled.

    Comments appreciated.

  18. I paid my first visit to the new Central Festival food hall yesterday, and the cheese selection is v-e-r-y impressive indeed. It's better than a lot of western supermarkets, where they may have a larger cheese display, but a lot of it is the same bog standard cheddar. However, the place is indeed quite pricey.

    I was going to buy a small 145 g tin of foie gras with truffle, until I noticed the price tag was a few Baht less than 2000 Baht! It would have gone nicely on about three Ritz crackers.

    The new Festival Centre Food Hall is very good and has a good selection of cheese. I bought a good selection there. Definitely worth a trip for cheese lovers.

  19. Hi

    Thats my latest place to stay, when visiting SinCity.

    Its a great bar/restaurant/guest house and rooms are very nice/clean and inexpensive.

    75/27 Soi 5, Jomtiem.Tel : 038232223 www.windmilljomtien <snip>

    Its in the same road as Thai Immigration and British Consulate. Alan the owner is a 'top geezer' :D


    Dave (only a happy punter)

    Yes. I agree, an excellent place for a full English breakfast.

    Alan is indeed a 'Top Geezer'.

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