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Posts posted by carbine1125

  1. Well if Scotland gets its way a little less of a united kingdom me thinks

    Well, it still could be the United Kingdom, right? Just a little less united and a little smaller kingdom.

    After all, we wouldn't stop calling our nation the "United States" if, for example, somehow Alaska or Hawaii were to break away from the fold. biggrin.png

    For now yes...Scotland gets its independence, then Wales will want it, and then possibly northern Ireland

    So we could be back to an English pp and no United kingdom

    Funny thing about the Scottish thing is that they want independence but don't want to give up the pound as a currency....if they want independence give up the currency join the EU and use the Euro, and give their UK pp,s back I say

    The English has had enough pounds from those countries already, pounds of flesh.

  2. you often call yourselfs americans, while in fact you are NOT when it comes to your country. "Americans" is in the context of informing that

    you come from the american continent. Canadians also comes from America, and they do not call them selfs americans...

    So take note over there,, you come from USA, and that is what you shall write...


    ps. this lesson was free of charge

    No. USA is not a nationality. You're asking us to give an incorrect answer. Like, what would you like to drink? I'd like to drink the pork cutlet. People already think Americans are stupid. Now some foreigners are dictating that we can't correctly answer questions about our nationality? Nice try, no cigar.

    I am sure someone once said "better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are stupid rather than open your mouth and prove you are"!

  3. Anand supported the 2006 military coup that abrogated the People's Constitution and overthrew the government of Thaksin Shinawatra. Anand had been a sharp critic of Thaksin for several years prior to the coup, and he blamed the coup on Thaksin. He also stated fears that the military junta would fail and that Thaksin could make a comeback. "When the [Chatichai] government disappeared from the scene [after the 1991 coup] there was no fear it could make a comeback. But over the past five years Thaksin and his party have become too powerful. They have consolidated their hold over the government machinery and certain sectors of the armed forces and parliament. So I think it's a more precarious situation." Anand claimed that the coup was well received by the people and that the military junta's ban against opposition or political activity would not last long. He also noted surprise at the international community's condemnation to the coup.

    He is my Man.

    who cares what YOU think?

    are you Thai? no - so shut up and let Thais decide

    And there was me thinking it's ok to voice your own opinion in these forums, silly me!

  4. There will be a coup and in 2-years the other side will be on the street and the powers that be will cave to their wishes and so on and so on ... nothing will change until people accept election results and let their terms play out or use the courts and political process and not holding areas of a city hostage. I say this as somebody who firmly believes no leader should be able to hold their post if they are in ongoing communications with a wanted criminal ... especially one who is trying to influence Thai policy while in exile.

    Forget all the BS about vote buying in the north, all sides can and do give bribes. I think very highly of Abhisit but he blew it by not doing more for the people in the north to show them his party is truly the one who is going to make their lives better in the long run.

    No matter what people think about Thaksin, the coup of 2006 has turned out to be the worst decision in modern Thai history.

    But hindsight is 20/20 unfortunately.

    While he clearly had his faults and believe his goal was to be the ultimate life long leader of Thailand there would have been much less ugly ways to deal with the issue. Not to mention, he did a lot for folks in Bangkok during his time including the MRT and new Airport. Most of these people who get overly passionate and go from not wanting to kill a bug to cheering when a cop is blown up are not really effected directly much at all by which side is in power. Although I think the rice scam was bad, I actually can relate to the people in the North being more passionate as many more are directly impacted by who is in power (many free handouts vs. not so many).

    I am just not sure anything can really change when closing down roads and things like hate speech and storming or blocking access to government buildings can be considered peaceful way of protesting and is often rewarded, especially when it goes on for weeks or months. On the other hand, I don't think the heavy handed tactics used in some places in the west to silence protesters is right either. Has to be somewhere in the middle.

    I wonder how much the MRT and the new airport did for him?

  5. I wonder if Tida and the rest of the Communists intend to return to the jungle and start a Khmer Rouge type insurrection like they did before.

    Your statement is a simplistic attempt to raise the bogeyman of "commies". It is 2014, not 1950 and Senator Joe McCarthy the master of manipulation drank himself to death long ago.

    Professor Thavornseth was an accomplished microbiologist and had a career on the rise until she made the sacrifice to join the pro-democracy uprising in 1973. It was that uprising that ended the brutal military dictatorship that had ruled Thailand with an iron fist. Subsequent to the 1976 massacre of students at Thammasat University and the reinstallation of the military dictatorship, her name was put on a target list for execution by the death squads that were roaming Thailand at the time killing the opponents of the military dictatorship. Yes, she fled to the jungle and the only group to offer her protection and support were the communists. She had no other option. It was flee or end up raped and dead in a field. She hid out for 6 years enduring hardship and suffering, all because she believed in democracy. She was non violent and it has never ever been alleged that she engaged in any acts of violence. She is the one UDD leader who has remained firm in her belief in non violence.

    After accomplishing all that what a sad, bitter and brianwashed person she has become.

    • Like 1
  6. Yes, they must appeal. The Thai legal system is already viewed as something of a joke. But it's the same posters applauding this decision who endlessly bemoan the anti foreign bias of thai courts.

    Anti-foreign bias? In the past 25 years, I have been involved in 8 court cases - in the civil, criminal, appeals, labor, and intellectual property courts - in the various roles of plaintiff, defendant, and witness. I have never seen any evidence of anti-foreigner bias whatsoever. On the contrary, I have been impressed by each court's competence, fairness, and adherence to the principles of justice.

    Ah leave him alone, he wake up soon with his face in the cornflakes.

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  7. One thing is 100% for sure, if Suthep or his bosses, or whomever they deem to be "prime minister" are in power any chance at all that farmers might get paid ever flies out the window. Anyone with even a slender grasp of Thai history knows how the Dems and and their military allies have treated annoying farmers over the past 50 years or so. It wasn't that long ago that bombs were an acceptable means of control for the rural masses.

    Oh you mean like fire bombs in Bangkok 2010?

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  8. looks like brand new tractors, unlike agricultural machinery which is seen in the countryside.

    somebody lend them to the farmers?

    also it looks like there are several groups, each with a different objective. It seems somebody is playing politics, instead for the farmers to represent themselves.

    those national flags on the tractors are worrying, a nationalist card is played too often in thai politics, always against interests of the majority

    I think you will find the majority are farmers!

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  9. I hope this has open the eyes of the farmers to who is their friend. Suthep is two face, he has his people withdraw the money from the bank in the south while he often a mere 25 million baht for legal fees for farmers. I wonder how much money was pockets from his march on Silom the other day.

    Can't accuse you of being two faced or you wouldnt be wearing the one you have!

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  10. Suthep is to blame for this , he is a raving idiot, It is obvious that the firing is coming from the protesters, if the Police were doing the shooting Why is one dead and at least 4 or more wounded, Thai news stated 29 some were injured at noon, did not say which sides.

    It is time for the rule of law to be enforced, let the army do what they may!.

    Why do you bother to post other than to stir the pot. This is full of contradictions. So of the 29 injured lets assume some were protesters then how were they injured?

    Yeah i though his wife would have gotten bored of writing his stupid posts by now!

    • Like 1
  11. If the Bank of Thailand had enacted fiscal measures to reduce the value of the Baht when finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong asked them to do so, Thai rice wouldn't be overpriced in the international market. The bank, ruling elite members to a man, refused because their mates in the Ruling Elite were strutting around the worlds financial stags with bulging wallets bloated by the strong baht, buying up stocks and companies. For all the corruption in the rice scheme, it has been a major factor in the growth of the Isaan economy, which has pissed off the ruling elite because now they have to go to Burma to find room maids and gardeners as less Isaan people want these poorly paid servile jobs. But one wouldn't expect The Nation to print reports like that.

    Oh how Millwall must be missing you and your silver tongue!

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