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Posts posted by phutoie2

  1. The hilarious thing here is tgat people think they should get quality service from low wage workers just cos they are white. Idiots

    The hilarious thing is that only mong like you think like that....thank God. Most people, white, brown or yellow think they should get quality service from people that are trained, experienced and are willing to work for a wage that reflects their finished product. At least in most countries you have a choice. Here in Thailand, its hard to find even anyone for any price. If Western tradespeople were allowed to openly compete here, plumbers, carpenters, electricians and so on would clean up. Who would hire a Thai when you could get a licensed, experienced tradesperson who would show up on time, do the job perfect, use quality materials and only charge 2500 per hour? Way better option than paying 1000 per day and a week later ending up with garbage.

    Thankfully bwana is not running the joint. No problem with paying for quality, plenty of decent tradesmen around if you look. If you are a clown at home, you will likely be a bigger one here.

    Not sure about that, the average Thai builder wouldn't know a 90 degree angle if it bumped into them in the street.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Maybe the most popular PM in the last decade needs to take advice from yingluck on how to deal with reporters.

    By ignoring them or replying with the usual "No comment" or "I was not aware of this" or "I cannot comment at this time"

    Unfortunately the most popular PM in the last decade is not a puppet so is unable to get away with this.

    no one really knows how popular the general is because he was never elected into office like Thaksin was. We could count his votes each election. Now what about the general?

    How many times has the Thaksins been booted out ??? and the rest of their classmates ??? how many times have the FAMILY been in court----all politically motivated.

    Keep up your biased rhetoric, if you were a little bit impartial would make a change, if some things are for the better why not mention them, problem again this is not your agenda to do so---just slagging off.

    Has anything improved in Thailand since the General intervened.???------nothing will be your answer.

    Pleased you are still around to remind us of the nasty Shins. Now you have done that , please climb back on your bar stool and carry on getting Leoed up.

    • Like 1
  3. Now this guy is speaking for the UK government. Another thread said that the UK summoned Thailand's rep in the UK. Who to believe? This is fun! w00t.gif

    Would you believe the words of a Prime Minister, or the words for some civil servants

    Surely you must believe Thai Prime Minister Prayuth.

    I.e. Porky Pie by the British civil servant.

    The PM has every reason to be cautious with dealing with the Brits. Fake bomb detectors anyone.

  4. The General really knows how to make friends, doesn't he?

    It's not about handouts - but to his point in the OP,... POOR farmers lease part or all of their land. The 'handout' helps their 'landlord'

    So he says no handouts we don't have money. The Thai farmers are going to watch him spend money on so many other projects and wonder what's going on.

    The general says nice things that make sense, but he might want to roll out a few concrete projects which will have a positive impact. And do it soon, too - otherwise it is just promises from a general cum politician. So far, the general has shown that he is a military man through and through with a complete lack of real understanding for the plight of farmers - be they producing rice or rubber or other crops.

    "So far, the general has shown that he is a military man through and through with a complete lack of real understanding for the plight of farmers - be they producing rice or rubber or other crops. "

    But it would be fair to say that P.M. Prayut's predecessor had a total and comprehensive understanding of the farmer's plight and a solid solution to their problems?

    Congratulations, you win todays prize of being the first to bring the previous administration into the topic.

    We all know YS had sweet FA understanding of farming but she has a better line in handbags than the current Duke of York in charge now, so we sort of forgive her.

    • Like 1
  5. I don't need to as they don't have any affect on my life in Thailand.

    In answer to the second question - the reason that I think he is benign is because I think he is benign!

    Well, as long as you think it, it must be so. 555

    Thankfully the Chang has done its job. SS has not posted for a few hours. Let me take this opportunity to assure TV members that not all Brits living in Thailand are right wing nutjobs.. The bloke is an embarrassment, most UK citizens are proud of our own democratic roots and would not support any military juntas, dictatorships.

    • Like 2
  6. That's very good, all things working correctly at Jomtien and Maptaput, funny I also got my extension for retirement in July, all done in about 30 mins at Phitsanulok. They are one of the most efficient Immigration offices within Thailand.

    So why the 7 day under consideration stamp? now. I will still go with UJ answer but will call next week to ask.

    Oh lets have some more clever dick "I'm all right Jack, everything normal here , move along now" replies..

  7. This is now at Phitsanulik Immigration, a friend went for annual retirement extension yesterday (10 Oct) and they would not make the decision on the day. Informed must come back in a weeks time. Reason given as country under martial law all passports need to be checked.

    Also heard from another person they are doing this for moving stamps to new passport, must come back in 7 days for approval.

    Well I am retired so not such a big deal apart from Phits is a 500km round trip from my town.

    I am going next week for tranfer of stamps to new Brit passport..


  8. Sorry I couldn't read 114 pages and sorry if this has been answered

    Has anyone worked out Table A and what is acceptable as proof of address


    has anyone been through this new process yet and how did it go ??

    thanks, I am going to have to do it soon

    Its a frigging nightmare, best to read all the pages, especially about booking the appointment at Trendy. The guidance notes, you can print off is fairly clear about proof of address. They check it all at Trendy, best to go with everything you've got. Mine took 7 weeks total. Two trips to Bangkok from up country.

    Thai immigration next weeks to transfer stamps and hoop jumping.

    Thanks and good luck with Immigration next week. 7 weeks WOW .... I don't have one thing on the Table A list for proof of address, I found them all, well, alien .... what did you use ?

    I used an income tax P60 from my UK pension administrator which has my Thai address on. I have read that some use a utility bill with your Thai address on. There are others but I cannot recall them.

  9. Sorry I couldn't read 114 pages and sorry if this has been answered

    Has anyone worked out Table A and what is acceptable as proof of address


    has anyone been through this new process yet and how did it go ??

    thanks, I am going to have to do it soon

    Its a frigging nightmare, best to read all the pages, especially about booking the appointment at Trendy. The guidance notes, you can print off is fairly clear about proof of address. They check it all at Trendy, best to go with everything you've got. Mine took 7 weeks total. Two trips to Bangkok from up country.

    Thai immigration next weeks to transfer stamps and hoop jumping.

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