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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. 2 years for rape, but 50 for selling a few tablets.. BS. I feel desperately sorry for the victim and her family, an awful waste of life. I just hope the justice system does a better job of sentencing this time, nothing less than 25 years would suffice, but that said he really should get the death penalty.

    Also the re enactment thing is farcical, I know it makes the cops look good and everything (in their eyes at least), but it surely has no purpose, and actually does more harm than good as a lot of the time the alleged perpetrator almost gets lynched which adds to the fuel to the fire of the argument that the keystoners are only fishing for approval

    did he get one of those royal pardons?

  2. I think some people must live in a bubble.

    Yep I'm the first the knock the current government in Thailand but really Thailand is a destination of choice for millions around the world.

    Sex tourist are probably 0.1% and are restricted pretty much to known red light districts . All my friends and family that come to visit have a great time with the food culture etc etc and have nothing but praise about the Thai people.

    Sure your going to get the dodgy scam artists bent cabbies and tuk tuk drivers but for the sheer volume of tourists these incidents are in the lower range.

    Mind you so much has changed in places like Phuket people are looking to alternatives because of the massive number of tourists they attract and the way they have converted from family friendly. To more of an adult themed location.

    On the whole Thailand is a great place for a holiday and will be popular for a long long time.

    Thank you for saving me the time to write pretty much the same thing.

  3. NRF493lg.jpg

    Sautee them in a small amount of olive oil, for awhile, they will start to lose some of their liquid and get less slimy. I add some tomato paste, onions, maybe a little beef. It's not half bad.

    Max Valu and Foodland have the half Kojac/ half tofu - they are a better texture, when cooked are quite a bit like pasta. But I stopped eating them becasue the next day I would feel like something was stuck in my throat. Don't know what that was about.

    I was in Foodland today but couldn't work out what was Konjac noodles and what was egg noodles, any suggestions.

  4. I tough just few months in a elementary school, and had a couple of bad behavior boys, 12 to 14 years old, on my class don't responding to my corrections. One morning, after class, I found my motorbike with cutted tires and the boys watching and laughing at me. I complained with the Principal, and nothing was done. Happened again, and I have to quit the job because I knew that I was going to react bad next time......But...if I was Thai...... other history... After many years living here I learned that ...unfortunately...most Thai people are not very inclined to dialog and compromise...and just acts.. provoking and testing a physical response or some kind of confrontation.

    I hope you were not teaching English! 2/10

    Haha I was going to write the same. As well, kids are not going to 'cutted' tires for no reason. Would like to know the whole story.

  5. Why are there so many people supporting what he did?

    He strikes her out of his own uncontrolled rage, not as punishment or in any way for her to learn a lesson. Then she is forced to feel shameful and support the mafia goon teacher.

    What that teacher did is as bad as raping someone. He should be in jail for a long time.

    Just sickening. That teacher did what he did, and the way several members of TV seem to be fantasising about and supporting what he did.

    Is there any comparison ask the girl whether she would prefer a slap around the head or being raped, I think I know the answer.

    Both are physical violations with the victim unable to say no to. Then made to feel shame for.

  6. In fact i think it sent a psychological message to young minds that there are consequences for bad behaviour.

    The western PC crowd is even worse than the Thai parents who just smile like idiots when their kid does something completely innapropriate.

    result: just look at the news

    Oh yeah, and in your day I guess there just were no problems at all?

    The psychological message you are sending when you strike someone without that person being able to strike back is that the person is not worth enough as a human being to talk to and to come up with consequences that will help them to grow. Instead, a good smack on the head and you feel powerless, ashamed, and helpless. Later on when that girl is being thumped by her husband for burning the chicken, she'll have learned her lesson and just be quiet in her shame. Or, if she is raped, she will again be quiet and live in her shame.

  7. Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

    Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

    Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

    Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

    When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

    End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

    Yes I remember them unpampered days only to well. We had the big brown belt rule at home and the odd kick in the posterior. It was an experience and I like to think it made me into a better person. Now children goad their parents and teachers to see how far they can push them. I was wrong to hit this girl about the head and face for sure. Sadly we have given our kids an inch and they are now taking a mile and more. They are in the "we know it all" generation till one day they wake up and realize they really don't but its to late by then. Ask me I woke up in time to make something of my life. There are a lot who will not. All this IT stuff has turned teens into fat button pushers lacking the wisdom and knowledge of how to roll up their sleeves and tackle a real job.

    In my school we would never be physical with a student. There are a million other things you can do instead, that actually teach the student a lesson and help them to grow. Punching students in the head is not a way for anyone to learn except to feel that violence is the quickest way to get your way. Also, our kids are respectful and caring for one another, I would like to think so because they learn from the adults around them that even if they do wrong, and need to be punished, they will still be respected as human beings in the process.

  8. Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

    Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

    Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

    Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

    When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

    End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

    I agree entirely. Step out of line you get walloped, behave and you don't. Unlike today in the west where, because of the absence of corporal punishment, kids more or less do as they like, including beating up their teachers. Reading the comments from the lefties on here, it's hardly surprising that the youth of today doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. On this occasion I think that the Thais have got it right.

    That ok Mr Thai-bashing policeman?

    Do you punch your kids hard in the head then when they do something wrong? Wow, must be great having you for a dad.

  9. Why are there so many people supporting what he did?

    He strikes her out of his own uncontrolled rage, not as punishment or in any way for her to learn a lesson. Then she is forced to feel shameful and support the mafia goon teacher.

    What that teacher did is as bad as raping someone. He should be in jail for a long time.

    Just sickening. That teacher did what he did, and the way several members of TV seem to be fantasising about and supporting what he did.

  10. Sickening in many ways.

    Firstly shows he cannot control himself or manage situations, someone who vindictively chases a child to hit them should be thrown out of the teaching profession.

    Secondly, why have people leapt to his defence ? He might have won the Nobel prize in the past, what he did here is indefensible.

    Thirdly, the girl admits she did wrong and pleads for the clip to be taken down, "because of the trouble it causes". She is petrified of further revenge stunts from this low life and/or his colleagues. Suddenly she is bottom of the class in her marks, oh what a surprise.

    Rant over, you get the gist.

    He's obviously a school mafia type, I'm sure the girl was heavily coerced to plead people to remove the video.

  11. This is the same guy who introduced the 300 meter no alcohol zone near to schools / universities law, he also commented at the time that he would rather the no alcohol zone be 500 meters instead of 300.

    They then backtracked and said 'near schools' instead of some arbitrary number of meters and since then pretty much nothing has been heard about the whole business at all.

    In my neighbourhood it affected a mom and pops shop right next to a school, but about 5 doors down it's business as usual.

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