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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Having spent time in my youth in Mexico, I can confirm that a majority of the guys there may claim not to be gay but are verrrrry flexible in their sexuality, especially when drunk.

    Well, in Mexico being on top sexually in MSM is a macho thing and not necessarily labelled gay. Difference again between MSM and gay sexual IDENTITY.

    You'd be very surprised how many macho guys when sober became otherwise after some cerveza and tequila! :)

  2. I have a great phone, no camera no internet I can make and receive call and I think I can text (not tried to do that yet), and it only needs charging once a week, all up cost less than 500 Bt

    Ps have dropped it a few times and it is still going strong

    Oh whoop-de-do. So why are you posting in the Apple forum trying to look cool by saying you're stuck in the 1990's. I assume you also use a type writer rather than a computer, as who'd need all those 'fancy' features such as email, right?

    No I have used Apple desk top computers for around 10 years and have never had a virus attack in that time, also have an Apple Air lap top for traveling, great machines with terrific operating systems.

    I love seeing the plonkers get out their huge telephones and try to work out how to use it, scrolling up and down like a demented banshie.

    Oh well fair enough :-) Yeah I'm not a fan of those ginormous phones. Hopefully the next iPhone isn't going to be stupidly large. The current 4 inches suits me just fine....

    I tend to think the same but am going to have to take a look at it. 6 inches might be nice.

  3. It's my eleventh birthday today which I shall celebrate quietly at home with my family. I was up at 0430 to go birdwatching this morning. No one had to tell me what I did last night. I didn't drive home legless. My wife and kids are relatively happy people and if they are getting support to be able to live with me then I don't know about it. I didn't wet the bed last night and the house wasn't stinking of piss and shit this morning. It wasn't like this 12 years ago. I quit drinking and have been able to stay stopped because of AA.

    If they said to me today:" look Gerry there's been mistake, you're not an alcoholic, you can drink" I'd like to think I'd stay stopped cos my life is so much better.

    In a forum it's easy to be rational and logical about something like alcoholism and about the choices a drunk has. Pull yourself together man/woman take control of your life. ...... just what you want to hear when you're in year six of a vodka drip and have a preference for the solitude of your own room where you can develop your negatives and piss and shit in a bucket because it's too much of an effort to go. .....

    At this stage you don't care if AA is run by Al Qaeda.

    AA brings people back from this and much worse. We are by no means perfect. But we are a good option if you want to try quitting drinking.

    Thanks for love.

    Sent from my GT-S7270L using Tapatalk

    AA never ceases to amaze me. I had no intention of replying to any thing else on this thread but I was wrong


    Eleven years is a long time to be living a life mostly free from problems. Chances are you would not have made the eleven years. Good Job. Keep up the good work.

    If your story is like mine I have to offer your wife some congratulations for staying with you through some of those dark years.

    Happy that it works for you and all. The important thing is to realize that different things work for different people. I like the support, thus I make my daily visit to http://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking. Lots of people there, doing AA, RR, or their own thing. Sharing there gives me strength, especially if I can help somebody else.

    Allen Carr's book, the Way to Control Drinking is amazing. He does bash AA a bit for the way it forces people to feel they are helpless victims of their own disease and never able to be free of regular meetings. The book itself is amazing, it somehow created a paradigm shift in my thinking and I have never looked back. Sure I get urges, but I quell them with logic and various coping skills and diversions that are healthy choices.

    Are big book tells us that there are other ways. It just offers us the way that the original members did it. More power to you if you can think your way out of the desire to drink I couldn't. I have found a new way to live far superior to just not drinking and I don't have to fight it. Which is a very positive point in my recovery. I have no reason to believe I could fight it today I do have two years of trying to fight it. But I lost the fight every day .Why fight it if you can not afford to lose. I can't afford to loose.

    Check through this forum there are several other methods being suggested. I have no problem with any of them. I have found an answer that works for me and I have no intention of playing games with it. My story is not a pretty one. Nobody but nobody wanted me around and I was physically on my way out. I had lost the ability to do a days work. Mentally I was even worse off. No I am going to stick with a proven method that works for me.

    I am however curious why you sagest other ways when you have found a way that is working for you. You should be carrying that message to people who have not found away not to people who have found a way. If you feel your way is really not that good try the course of miracles it works well for my brother and sister in law.

    I never said my way is not that good, it works for me! :) My last 7 months of sobriety has been amazing, and a life changer. I never went down the sinkhole with my drinking, but I was on the path. alcohol is not for me anymore, and I really don't miss it, though old thought habits die slowly. I use a variety of "tools" to move me towards being a more honest and caring person. Even a few tricks from AA are in my toolbox. But I cannot accept that I am "helpless" or diseased, or that I need to answer to a higher power to quit drinking and enjoy my life. I am of free will to do or not do anything I want. I have set my goals high for myself, and am achieving it!

  4. If I don't like one meeting, I don't condemn the entire (time tested) program. I find another.

    Have you ever tried other methods?

    Why would I?

    BTW, in 10 years in China, I never went to a single meeting. The closest one to me was a 4 hour round trip car ride. Kind of pokes holes in the "never free of regular meetings" claim. In fairness, I'd go to some meetings when I went back to the States every 6-12 months, so it wasn't 10 years in a row- usually 6-10 months at a time.

    You tried 2 of the 10's of thousands of groups in the USA. Did you try a 3rd or 4th before condemning the program? There are lots of meetings I tried once and never went back. Other people loved them. I didn't care for them. So I found others.

    Edit: I don't go to meetings out of a sense of need. I go to meetings because I love them. If I'm going back the the USA, I can't wait to get to my old meetings where I used to hang out. I look forward to them for months. I go to meet people, and catch up with friends and go out to dinner before the meeting or coffee after the meeting. I get to hear how other people have dealt with life's problems, a lot of which I've either faced, or will face eventually. I get to watch people come in bruised, battered and beaten down by alcohol and watch them grow and reconnect to estranged families, and get jobs and become pretty great people. It's hard to explain that to people who think AA is just about "putting the plug in the jug" and tolerating life without alcohol.

    I'm sure it's possible to stay sober out of a book. You seem to be proof. Could I stay sober without ever going to another meeting? I did for many years, and have no doubt I could do it again if I had to. But then I would be missing out on the best part of life.

    It's possible I had not gone as far down the rabbit hole as others in regards to drinking. For me, it was something that was getting int he way of me having a great life, though I was still managing to have a pretty good life. Quitting was like washing myself off, and starting over. I rarely even think about alcohol, it pops up once in a while but now for me it is very easy to brush aside and get on with my life. I do stop by my forum every couple days to keep myself grounded, but I never had to white knuckle it or anything like that. Every day I wake up clean and sober is a blessing, that's all I really need to keep me away from that idiotic drug.

  5. It's my eleventh birthday today which I shall celebrate quietly at home with my family. I was up at 0430 to go birdwatching this morning. No one had to tell me what I did last night. I didn't drive home legless. My wife and kids are relatively happy people and if they are getting support to be able to live with me then I don't know about it. I didn't wet the bed last night and the house wasn't stinking of piss and shit this morning. It wasn't like this 12 years ago. I quit drinking and have been able to stay stopped because of AA.

    If they said to me today:" look Gerry there's been mistake, you're not an alcoholic, you can drink" I'd like to think I'd stay stopped cos my life is so much better.

    In a forum it's easy to be rational and logical about something like alcoholism and about the choices a drunk has. Pull yourself together man/woman take control of your life. ...... just what you want to hear when you're in year six of a vodka drip and have a preference for the solitude of your own room where you can develop your negatives and piss and shit in a bucket because it's too much of an effort to go. .....

    At this stage you don't care if AA is run by Al Qaeda.

    AA brings people back from this and much worse. We are by no means perfect. But we are a good option if you want to try quitting drinking.

    Thanks for love.

    Sent from my GT-S7270L using Tapatalk

    AA never ceases to amaze me. I had no intention of replying to any thing else on this thread but I was wrong


    Eleven years is a long time to be living a life mostly free from problems. Chances are you would not have made the eleven years. Good Job. Keep up the good work.

    If your story is like mine I have to offer your wife some congratulations for staying with you through some of those dark years.

    Happy that it works for you and all. The important thing is to realize that different things work for different people. I like the support, thus I make my daily visit to http://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking. Lots of people there, doing AA, RR, or their own thing. Sharing there gives me strength, especially if I can help somebody else.

    Allen Carr's book, the Way to Control Drinking is amazing. He does bash AA a bit for the way it forces people to feel they are helpless victims of their own disease and never able to be free of regular meetings. The book itself is amazing, it somehow created a paradigm shift in my thinking and I have never looked back. Sure I get urges, but I quell them with logic and various coping skills and diversions that are healthy choices.

    Are big book tells us that there are other ways. It just offers us the way that the original members did it. More power to you if you can think your way out of the desire to drink I couldn't. I have found a new way to live far superior to just not drinking and I don't have to fight it. Which is a very positive point in my recovery. I have no reason to believe I could fight it today I do have two years of trying to fight it. But I lost the fight every day .Why fight it if you can not afford to lose. I can't afford to loose.

    Check through this forum there are several other methods being suggested. I have no problem with any of them. I have found an answer that works for me and I have no intention of playing games with it. My story is not a pretty one. Nobody but nobody wanted me around and I was physically on my way out. I had lost the ability to do a days work. Mentally I was even worse off. No I am going to stick with a proven method that works for me.

    I am however curious why you sagest other ways when you have found a way that is working for you. You should be carrying that message to people who have not found away not to people who have found a way. If you feel your way is really not that good try the course of miracles it works well for my brother and sister in law.

    . Hi, I am very happy with my method. No fighting, just dealing honestly with myself. However, different people may find different ways better for them.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. It's my eleventh birthday today which I shall celebrate quietly at home with my family. I was up at 0430 to go birdwatching this morning. No one had to tell me what I did last night. I didn't drive home legless. My wife and kids are relatively happy people and if they are getting support to be able to live with me then I don't know about it. I didn't wet the bed last night and the house wasn't stinking of piss and shit this morning. It wasn't like this 12 years ago. I quit drinking and have been able to stay stopped because of AA.

    If they said to me today:" look Gerry there's been mistake, you're not an alcoholic, you can drink" I'd like to think I'd stay stopped cos my life is so much better.

    In a forum it's easy to be rational and logical about something like alcoholism and about the choices a drunk has. Pull yourself together man/woman take control of your life. ...... just what you want to hear when you're in year six of a vodka drip and have a preference for the solitude of your own room where you can develop your negatives and piss and shit in a bucket because it's too much of an effort to go. .....

    At this stage you don't care if AA is run by Al Qaeda.

    AA brings people back from this and much worse. We are by no means perfect. But we are a good option if you want to try quitting drinking.

    Thanks for love.

    Sent from my GT-S7270L using Tapatalk

    AA never ceases to amaze me. I had no intention of replying to any thing else on this thread but I was wrong


    Eleven years is a long time to be living a life mostly free from problems. Chances are you would not have made the eleven years. Good Job. Keep up the good work.

    If your story is like mine I have to offer your wife some congratulations for staying with you through some of those dark years.

    Happy that it works for you and all. The important thing is to realize that different things work for different people. I like the support, thus I make my daily visit to http://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking. Lots of people there, doing AA, RR, or their own thing. Sharing there gives me strength, especially if I can help somebody else.

    Allen Carr's book, the Way to Control Drinking is amazing. He does bash AA a bit for the way it forces people to feel they are helpless victims of their own disease and never able to be free of regular meetings. The book itself is amazing, it somehow created a paradigm shift in my thinking and I have never looked back. Sure I get urges, but I quell them with logic and various coping skills and diversions that are healthy choices.

  7. Most chapters make you recite the Lord's Prayer at the end. So yeah, I guess.

    AA doesn't make you do anything, especially recite the lords prayer. Some meetings do end with the lords prayer, the majority of the meetings I have attended have not ended with it.

    Have you ever been to AA?

    The two groups I attended in the States were quite religious in nature, lots of God stuff, and everyone in the room recited the Lord's Prayer in very earnest voices. Hard for an atheistic buddhist to handle,,,,,,

  8. A lot of hogwash posts here.

    AA is a Christian organization, plain and simple. Established by Christians. Run by Christians. And headquartered in and Christian religious center.

    Just because they attempt to lure/accommodate people of no faith or of other religions makes them no less Christian.

    IMHO, they have largely been behind the gross distortion in American views towards alcohol and addiction, leading people to think they have no control over themselves. Even if you have never been to an AA meeting, you know the mantras as they permeate the American culture.

    You are powerless against alcohol and addiction.

    You are worthless.

    Only G.O.D. (Group Of Drunks) can help you.

    Notice on the success rate of AA: It seems to make no difference whether you walk in to an AA meeting voluntarily or are ordered to do so, the success rate historically remains at or below self help. The difference is that the ones that fail after being brainwashed be AA are now even less likely to ever recover having had the remainder of their spine and balls removed by the demoralizing hammering about your worthlessness. AA publishes no figures.

    God help us all.

    Haha, tell us what you really feel! :)

    I agree though, the whole "you are powerless and have no control" philosophy turns me off personally, others may relate to it.

    I always felt that I had the power to do (or not do) anything I want. To stop drinking it took educating myself, rationally doing cost benefit analysis, and seeking to be honest with myself, which drinking was not allowing to happen.

    I love a sharing community, but use the Reddit forum "http://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/" to share. It is a positive community that is really there just to support one another. I get my fix by going most days and reading, replying, posting, supporting for 2-30 minutes.And no Lord's Prayer at the end of a session there!

    7 months sober now, feeling great! Life is so much better without hangovers.

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