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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Brother in law just returned from Asoke. He has a pass for the protest area and has been going there to pick up his Japanese client since before the protests began, This morning at 5.30am when he arrived as usual, on his way back out he was stopped and told to get out the car by two guards and was accused of having a fake pass and they wanted tea money to let them go on their way, things started to get heated but luckily another guard who has seen him over the last few weeks stepped in and spoke up... they did apologise and he was on his way but with one pretty nervous Japanese businessman

    End result is the Japanese client has told him he has a meeting tomorrow with his company about possibly returning to Japan with the management and suspending business here as it is getting too dangerous. If that happens then about 25 Thai will be laid off in BKK and maybe another 50 + if they close the factory in Nontaburi.

    Things it seems are deteriorating pretty fast now.

    Well, maybe the Japanese biz man should move to a safer area for a few weeks? Rather than close down a whole factory?

  2. I've always felt that alcohol was not my problem, it was the solution to my problems! I had to figure out how to deal with my problems in a different way, rather than use booze.

    Spot on! Are you tired, lonely, bored, angry, frustrated? If you are any of these and use alcohol to cover it up it can become a crutch.

    I have been working on mindfulness to identify how I am feeling and to work on why I am feeling that way, and the coming up with ways to stop feeling that way. It's a very empowering way to do things! :)

    • Like 1
  3. You mean the democratic vote under the SOE? Oh I see, sorry for my misunderstanding. Hang them all then <deleted>.

    Again, read the article before you post. They should be brought in alive if possible, but if they resist and are killed it's not the police's fault. And yes, a democratic vote under SOE. If you fascists would respect democracy and voted instead of trying to disrupt it, the SOE would not be necessary.

    Ha ha well somebody's woken up on the wrong side of the bed!

    I woke up just fine actually. And felt even better when I read the good news this morning.

    You know how Chalerm shoots his mouth off after overdosing on ear medicine. I doubt he'll remember what he even said last night to the reporters.

  4. Putting Chalerm in charge just goes to show how little the guy in Dubai cares about Thailand

    Arrest or kill suthep and Bangkok will be over run by the student wing rampaging and rioting

    IMO Thaksin and possible Chalerm deserve charges for crimes against humanity for previous events

    Now Chalerm spouting off about "extrajuducial killings" when referring to arresting Suthep ... same MO as war on drugs

    Looks like Chalerm is Thaksin's "sammy the Bull gravano" .... paid to do a specific job

    I wouldn't stress too much.

    Chalerm has completed zero of his assignments in the last 5 years

    I'm still wondering why he didn't have his head cut off… wasn't that a promise he made?

  5. You mean the democratic vote under the SOE? Oh I see, sorry for my misunderstanding. Hang them all then <deleted>.

    Again, read the article before you post. They should be brought in alive if possible, but if they resist and are killed it's not the police's fault. And yes, a democratic vote under SOE. If you fascists would respect democracy and voted instead of trying to disrupt it, the SOE would not be necessary.

    Ha ha well somebody's woken up on the wrong side of the bed!

  6. In my experience most people who slag off facebook simply don't know how to use it, especially privacy settings.

    I slag it off because it's full of dross and worthless prattle.

    One could say that is what most of the internet is, as well as everything else. But if you are smart you can find things that are worthy and interesting hiding there.

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