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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. As Jsixpack said, it should be a moderate protein, low carb, high fat diet.

    Have moderate sized meals, and use butter, olive oil, and coconut oil to supplement the fat in them. Quite easily done, but like J said, you have to get your mind around it.

    Too much protein, by the way, will interfere with getting keto.

  2. He's been on Howard Stern a bunch of times over the years. Jonah is bi, though I think he swings more towards men than woman. He's a funny, smart guy. He let George Takei touch his penis on his 70th birthday on the show. George was all like "Oh myyyyyyyyy".

  3. If all attendees are searched so that not even a box of matches is taken, then all should be well.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There's some confusion around this year. Are they all meant to be bringing their own 1 litre bottles of petrol this year, or has Chalerm organized this to be collected on site?

    When they get tired of threatening to burn Bangkok down to the ground, they can all have another good laugh about bombs killing children. Reds will be reds.

    • Like 2
  4. I can understand you being used to Windows, but not sure what is "childlike" about the Mac OS.

    I spent 20 years tweaking the Windows OS til my hair started falling out. Starting with Windows 3.1 on the floppies, all the way through Windows 7 (not much experience with 8).

    My own personal opinion is that the Mac OS is straightforward and very reliable, and lets me do my work and not worry about tweaking. Everything I use my iMac and MBP for, video editing, songwriting and recording, all my business stuff, watching media, and of course communications, is streamlined, flawless and keeps me staying productive and creative.

    I'm not bashing Windows, it definitely holds a part of my heart, but using Macs have let me focus more on my own production and less on trying to get my computer to allow me to be productive.

    The earlier windows have been real bad but from 7 on wards (if you paid for the software makes a big difference) it great and much better configurable as the mac. Its ok if you don't want too much out of a computer to use a mac. As i said its made for people who are average and don't need the control.

    I might give you this that a macbook might hold things over windows if you do video editing macs have been strong at that (or so i heard from people who should know.. i don't use it so I would not know)

    But for me windows on a mac great combines the best of both world good design and good OS.

    But of course it might depend on what your used too. I think those of us that have used win7 extensively know. I just installed 8.1 yesterday on the mac was my first contact with it. I still use 7 on my desktop (no need to change its great)

    Yeah I have to admit that windows 7 was the best so far. I have it on my Mac via fusion and use it occasional, along with Ubuntu.

    I am not sure though if I am an average user, whatever that means. What are you doing that makes you an above average user on your computer. Just curious.

  5. I can understand you being used to Windows, but not sure what is "childlike" about the Mac OS.

    I spent 20 years tweaking the Windows OS til my hair started falling out. Starting with Windows 3.1 on the floppies, all the way through Windows 7 (not much experience with 8).

    My own personal opinion is that the Mac OS is straightforward and very reliable, and lets me do my work and not worry about tweaking. Everything I use my iMac and MBP for, video editing, songwriting and recording, all my business stuff, watching media, and of course communications, is streamlined, flawless and keeps me staying productive and creative.

    I'm not bashing Windows, it definitely holds a part of my heart, but using Macs have let me focus more on my own production and less on trying to get my computer to allow me to be productive.

  6. Option 2 close it down.

    It serves no useful purpose except for the left bent fantatics to spread the poor me syndrome. The links provided are of no use as I have my preferred new source(s) that apply to the country in question, if it's GLOBAL news then there is a place for that & the mods will take care of any comments that are against forum rules.

    There is little fun or humour and it's the same posts over and over again.

    There isn't a hope in hell of ever attracting any advertiser on this sub forum once they see the comments. I spent a lot of advertising money in my previous life and I wouldn't want my name attached to this sub forum.

    The homophobic comments are dealt with so that should be the least of everyone's concern, but I do believe some posters encourage hostility as it feeds their agenda.

    Most importantly the constant us against them mentality is disturbing, I'm gay yet have brothers, uncles & friends who may wish to ask a question, they are treated horribly and that reflects on me, luckily my life isn't TV and I'm able to show others we are much more than the nasty comments posted here.

    Option 3 you don't need to come and post in this forum. Easy for you and everybody else! Problem solved!

  7. This thread reminds me of the BMW riders in the UK in the 1960/70s era. They owned what they percieved as the best bikes and only they were allowed to criticise them. The more superior they felt the louder the criticism.

    The analogy is there with phones, "My phone is more expensive than yours so I can criticise it". If you don't like your phone, exchange it for another.

    Just wait for the BMW owners who use iPhones.................................

    Your analogy is flawed. You are coming into a room where everybody likes and is talking about their Apple products, And then you start to bash said products. What type of response are you expecting?

    I don't feel 'superior' about using iPhones or iWhatevers. I was a Windoze user from 1992 til 2010, dabbling in Ubuntu on occasion. I avoided Apple and had many ideas about the platform that were formed from people like you. Then I got an iPod, then an iPhone, then iPad, MBP, and finally my latest member of the family, an iMac 27". The reason why? Great quality, even here, have not had one problem yet with any product I have bought from this company, because the build is so good.

    If you miss troubleshooting problems on your phones or computers for hours, or tinkering around with the inner workings of your Windoze machines, by all means have fun and be careful of viruses. I'm beyond all that and want a machine that has great programs that work all the time, so I can stop the tinkering madness and get to work.

    • Like 1
  8. Define polite? describing somebody as fat or ugly to their face whilst picking your nose, would that be polite?

    Cover your mouth while using a toothpick but openly stick a finger up the nose to the knuckle.

    Take shoes off before going inside but put feet up on furniture, on restaurant seats and on trains, buses and aircraft and this includes sitting cross legged with both feet up.

    At home I don't spend most of my time with farmers and factory workers, and neither do I here.

    You don't see that kind of attitude or behavior with the type of people I hang around with here.

  9. Dude nobody is coping s attitude but i was looking for advice off people who own iphones, you obviously dont own a iphone otherwise you would know that you cannot move pictures and you would know that if you delete from camera roll it still shows in moments view, but you posted half baked shit that make you look stupid

    See what I mean....try to help this guy and he starts throwing insults and attitude. You can tell some people really have unhappy bitter lives.

    Listen dude:

    1) I do have an iPhone. If I delete a photo from the camera roll and it didn't upload to photo stream, the photo is GONE. From everywhere. From all albums, from collections, from any and every view.

    2) You can move photos into albums. Go to the album, touch select, touch add...and add any photo from your camera roll to the album.

    3) Camera roll is a roll of ALL your photos on the phone. It's not an album. If you delete a photo from the camera roll, it deletes it from the phone....again like I said in 1...it deletes it totally all albums, all views.

    4) If you want to to remove the photo from the camera roll and keep it somewhere else....USE ANOTHER SERVICE. iOS is amazingly versatile and open. You can use:

    - Google+ photos

    - Facebook

    - Flickr

    - Dropbox

    - Box.com

    - Camera+

    and about a jillion other photo services.

    So STOP copping attitude and throwing insults and chill out to someone WHO IS TRYING TO HELP YOU.

    Geezus some people.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    Yet again just because of ur anwser no2 puts u in a world of I don't know shit, I have 1 iPhone, 1 iPod and 2 iPads and none if them are able to move photos unless urs is special

    Create a album and move the pic to that album and the. Tell me it's gone from camera roll and it's in the new album then delete a photo from camera roll and tell me it's gone froments then say sorry

    If you could write to us in English we might be able to be a bit more helpful.

  10. When i lived in the UK, i had a contract with O2, they sent me a Iphone 1, 2, 3 and 4. All were returned within 2 weeks because they were faulty. They eventually sent me a Samsung Android phone. Brilliant, the battery lasts 3-4 days and it wirelessly talks to my PC, to transfer pictures and music. If this phone ever breaks, i will replace it with another Samsung.Oh, and Samsung's don't cost the earth, ( Unlike Apples) lol.

    PS, i don't work for Samsung biggrin.png

    I used an iPhone 3S for 2.5 years, never a problem with it. Decided to upgrade, sold the 3S for a good price actually, got an HTC HD Desire. Problems from day one with with this phone that was more expensive than my iPhone. Oh so fun to constantly be troubleshooting around the buggy Android OS, waiting for months for HTC to send out the latest updates, trying apps that often never worked.

    Kept it a year, finally sold it for about a quarter of what I bought it for, got an iPhone 4S. Have had it for 2.5 years, never one problem, rock solid, a real workhorse. Battery after 2.5 years needs a little boost during the day, but gets me through if I don't play with it too much.

    Recently played with the idea of the Note 3, my friend got one recently and I helped him set it up. Nice big screen, good camera, kinda fun having a large size like that. But also feels cheap and a bit half baked. Give me the rock solid iPhone any day. I'll be happy keeping my 4S for another 6 months and will happily wait for the 6 to come out (or 6S more likely :).

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