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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Good luck with this policy - rice happens to degrade over time. It's a perishable good. Lord have mercy with the poor taxpayers...

    A former neighbor tried to rent a condo next door for more than double the going rate. couldn't get it rented - wouldn't accept the market rent - or get out by selling the condo.

    Not sure what the guy was thinking. He was a Thai-chinese guy and not some farmer with dirt under his fingernails.

    Holding on to dead capital makes perfect sense to this guy. It doesn't to me. Condo prices have been under pressure, JMHO.

    At this point in time, Thailand needs someone to actually sell the blasted rice pdq, pretty darn quickly.

    Moreover, the scheme should be publicly scrapped, as the poorest and smallest farmers won't qualify anyhow. (There's nothing new about the fat cats getting the cream, all over the word, is there?)

    The village I rented at before I bought in my new village had a lot of properties like that: people unwilling to admit that the selling price would ever match their expectations, and so the houses were left unoccupied and unmaintained until they were falling apart in untrimmed jungle. There was a nice big house we wanted to rent but the owner was adamant not to. Instead we saw it sit for 5 years unoccupied and rotting.

  2. 60 billion withdrawn in 3 days - sounds like a big scary number until you check the GSB deposits in 2012 which were 1,680 billion.

    So citizens against the bank's decision to support the government withdrew less than 4% of the total deposits.

    Citizens who support the government's move deposited 30 million.

    So for every baht of support (all 30 million of them) there's 2,000 baht of opposition (60 billion).

    Conclusion: The bank isn't going to fail for this move but there's more money in opposition than support. Then again, if you don't pay the farmers for the rice they gave the government, how could they possibly put anything in the bank?

    Yeah but they only have 200b liquidity. That's what you have to look at.

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  3. If that was a real grenade in the OP picture, then several policemen at that location would be dead or severe wounded, not ?

    Most probably it was a firecracker that turned grenade in Tarrit's imagination.

    Thankfully the cop who kicked it away still has his leg and foot intact, though it is in a big cast. So I would have to say that the grenade must have been pretty low power.

  4. Chalerm and Yingluck are to be blamed for this.

    Wrong!!!! suthep and his band of thugs are responsible for this. If they had not done what they are doing this would not have happened.

    Suthep and his "band of thugs" include people from all across the socio/economic strata of Thailand. They are reacting to the massive rape of Thailand by PTP as dictated by ShinCorp. Always remember, the one and only purpose of the Yingluck govt. is/was to get Thaksin back. Nothing more, nothing less.

    It must be incredible to have such detailed inside knowledge of the so called protest movement. Can you point us in the direction of the research you are privy to that supports your post? Or was it just an ill informed rant full of cliches?

    Considering that the PTP slogan is and has always been "Thaksin Thinks - Pheua Thai Acts", I don't really have to do much research. Good try though!!! thumbsup.gif

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  5. Chalerm and Yingluck are to be blamed for this.

    Wrong!!!! suthep and his band of thugs are responsible for this. If they had not done what they are doing this would not have happened.

    Suthep and his "band of thugs" include people from all across the socio/economic strata of Thailand. They are reacting to the massive rape of Thailand by PTP as dictated by ShinCorp. Always remember, the one and only purpose of the Yingluck govt. is/was to get Thaksin back. Nothing more, nothing less.

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