They're sending someone who hates Trump because the current British government also hate him - this Mandelson character represents their interests completely and precisely.
He shouldn't be allowed to step foot inside the US.
I haven't changed my spending habits at all, I buy whatever I want or need whenever I want or need it.
That said I don't in any way live an extravagant lifestyle.
What I did alter is my location, I spent half the year in Cambodia this year.
Especially if you owe them money in one form or another.
I do wonder if anyone has ever had their account closed down whilst having an ongoing loan or even long term mortgage which is paid by direct debit from the main current account which is subject to closure?
Because that may not end well for the bank if they cut off the only easy way to repay things....and we all know they're not so stupid when it comes to collecting.
The most important consideration here is how much tax has been paid on this 150,000 per month income already?
If it's been taxed and you're from a country with a double taxation agreement then things will alter a lot.
I have questions about these gates which don't provide the stamp.
It is important to me that I can track my own travel history (easy to do) and can prove it in the future with similar ease yet solid proof to back up my entry and exit dates to / from Thailand to establish that I am NOT tax resident in any given year.
Do these automatic gates provide any proof of departure at all?
The OECD calls for minimum 15% tax rates to encourage countries NOT to offer tax breaks to companies whereby they pay little to nothing.
Here it's being twisted into an excuse to lower corporate taxes and screw the people over using VAT at the same time.
To simplify things - they're talking about giving corporations a massive tax discount at the expense of private citizens.
Exactly this, never tell them more than you need to as the results can be VERY unpredictable unless their English comprehension level is very good - and it's usually not.
Once I was ordering a toasted sandwich and asked them to make it with white bread instead of brown bread. Same sandwich just different bread.
Instead of getting the tuna / cheese melt on brown bread as listed on the menu I got a club sandwich on brown bread instead.
I just ate it and it was indeed a tasty sandwich but I learned a valuable lesson that day - only ever speak the bare minimum unless it's completely necessary.