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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. No idea, I would only ever import from Amazon direct sales (not marketplace sellers) in the US as they handle the import taxes and appear to act as an agent. For any other type of direct mailed import you may get a letter telling you to come along to customs somewhere with your passport and be subject to the import tax rip off in person - and if you don't pay then you don't get your item. Far too much hassle.
  2. It's possible that the price was added to this site when the product was released, perhaps shoot them an email to clarify the pricing and maybe there's an update. Things are often cheaper in the US but when they arrive they often come with plenty of taxes.
  3. I guess you could order one from here and have it delivered within a week, they are a reliable supplier : https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/solid-state-drives-ssd/samsung/4tb-990-pro-nvme-pcie-gen-4x4-ssd-m-2-2280-mz-v9p4t0bw-p068968/
  4. I think we all know this is not going to happen, and if it does it will require daily enforcement or it will fail. In the past I drank in a late night bar and one cop came around telling them to close, now this was late and this cop was so full of himself that when they dimmed the lights in each of the little Soi 22 bars and turned the music off he was satisfied and went on his way - presumably he went home early or back to the station after this. As soon as he went the lights came on and the music started up again and he never once came back to check that people weren't simply ignoring him - which they all were 🤣
  5. Even if they haven't been closed yet, that day will eventually come, it's good to be prepared. I need to alter my banking arrangements at some point - still haven't got around to it yet.
  6. Someone on this forum told me about this bank about 10 years ago, so they've been around for a while : Standard Bank in the Isle of Man : https://international.standardbank.com/international/personal
  7. No, it is not normal in a functioning democracy. Finance minister is a full time job and so is Prime Minister so you kind of have to conclude that he's doing half a job in both of them in order to satisfy his need for control. An economist or very experienced banker would often be expected to fill the role of 'Finance Minister', what we call the 'Chancellor of the Exchequer' in the UK. They often go on to become Prime Ministers as it is one of the most demanding and important jobs in central government. What we have here is a half assed attempt at controlling everything, I'm surprised he's not also minister for defence and interior as well.
  8. I first bought some Bitcoin back in 2012 when it was $12-$15 At the time it had previously crashed down from around $32 to $1, I had ignored it during the early days but kept an eye on it as it started to rise again. Then I read about how it works and decided to buy some.
  9. Yeah, and good luck getting any of these changed through parliament when it comes to voting 🤣 They all hate each other, I reckon the first vote will tear it all apart and the PM will be out on his arse.
  10. If they allowed them all to open whenever they wanted then the same thing would likely happen as happened in other places where they introduced this. I was in the UK for a few years at the point where they opened it up to wide scale 24 hour licensing and I knew a few pub owners back there at the time. Licenses in the UK contain the hours which you're allowed to open (they used to anyway - not sure about now) but when they changed the rules anyone could opt in to the 24 hour license, at least where I was located and from what I heard most of them were supermarkets who remained open all night but many pubs got the 24 hour license option and never really used it, maybe they opened for an extra hour or two - but the option was there if they put it on the renewal forms. Previous to this the default closing time was 11pm unless they got some kind of special exemption which was not easy to obtain, especially for a pub in an area with houses. You see most people don't want to stay out all night, so what happens is they likely stay open a bit later but very few places end up being open all night simply because most of the customers go home long before 2 and 3am and a lot more go home by 4am, this leaves some who do want to stay out all night - but not many - and if I learned one thing about nightlife over the years it's that people will congregate in a few places which contain plenty of other people - the places that are empty will remain empty. Whether it's worth staying open after 3 or 4am was debatable for many due to increased staff costs, etc. If everywhere was allowed to open until 6am you would have nearly every bar sitting there with no customers so they would close anyway. I'll bet they didn't ask the tourists what they want - because these are the people who are on holiday trying to have fun and are much more likely to stay out later than usual and the following day is always very flexible for them.
  11. I propose that we name it 'Covenza' 🤣
  12. I still find it unbelievable that you are deemed to have a 'criminal record' if you're charged with a crime - regardless of the outcome of the trial. There is a solution to this. The courts should be the only ones allowed to ever update a criminal record database based on judgements handed down by the judges. If someone is convicted then the record is added, if not then nothing should be done. Police records (notes and such) should be regarded as pretty much irrelevant.
  13. Lol, don't count on that, remember the mushroom pickers case - 30 years for that.
  14. So why is he in the immigration detention center? What does this have to do with immigration?
  15. That's the only reason I clicked on this topic - but I wonder if that's a stock photo from before.
  16. The police may persuade her to return the passport, it's very inconvenient to lose a passport especially if he's got a bunch of active visas in there. If not then sure, have her arrested and get a new one or emergency travel document which of course requires a police report. I wonder if his wife is also from the UK and booked on the same flight back home?
  17. Well that's one way to crap all over the rest of the world who visit the country
  18. It's a very different virus that's circulating now compared to late 2019 until Omicron emerged.
  19. Interesting I guess. It would be more interesting if they broke it down by the most prevelant variant at the time of death. I know there was a mixture going around but I suspect that kind of date sepration would likely show that the Delta variant caused by far the most problems and the deaths dropped off a cliff since the 'new' Omicron variant emerged from nowhere even though it's most recent common ancestor was very old, it didn't evolve from Delta, there was no trace of Delta in it at all - quite odd.....
  20. Ok, but did he not feel any other symptoms of heart attack? Like chest pain, arm pain, etc, etc.
  21. Indeed, and based on their level of language skills I think we might be able to establish if some of them are native Thais.
  22. Don't worry, you have until well inside 2025 before you actually need to pay up
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