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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Indeed, when you think about it - they should tax the debt repayments each year as they happen - that would be a nightmare to administer.
  2. Just put them on commercial flights with the tourists which according to another article seem to have no problem getting flights. They could force or coerce the airline to carry them if they need to after all they make the rules up as they go here
  3. Indeed, based on the rents mentioned at the top of this thread they seem to be yielding 3 to 5% - and that 5% appears to be the lucky one. When the yield is 3% you know someone got ripped off if they paid the asking price for the condo - of course those asking prices are nonsense anyway.
  4. It will when the partial video of one of the murders of a Thai man starts to circulate this week and I'm sure it will do so in the next day or two. Attempting to cut someones head off with a large spade is not going to go over well with the population.
  5. This guy listens to nobody, he's always been the big boss and I suspect is very used to getting what he wants. How long before coalition partners start to 'break off' into other factions? I may be a small tax payer next year, do I get one of these digital wallets? ????
  6. Maybe I'm grandfathered in under the old signup rules as I've been using UpBit on and off to buy since just after they launched. I guess one day I'll also be excluded, at which point the Mrs will open an account I guess.
  7. I'd like to see the 2019 and 2018 figures as well - just for comparison.......????
  8. I'm like 99% sure that's a stock photo and not a photo of the patient in question but it does sound a bit nasty from the description.
  9. We know that, but I have a feeling the Chinese press won't be quite so 'restrained' in their reporting. I guess we'll find out in the next day or two.
  10. Wow, this will be front page news all over China tomorrow. They're not going to be pleased at all.
  11. It has been clarified elsewhere - there are ZERO tax benefits to the Elite visa itself, when it was promoted as having a potential for tax savings by over zealous agents they were relying on the 'bring it in next year' feature which is still built into the act of parliament since nearly 40 years ago - the one that they think they're going to change. The Elite Visa itself is just a glorified tourist visa, they last for 5 years each time you get a new sticker in your passport and every entry / extension is for 1 year. So you're a tourist who can easily stay all year which means after 180 days you're a tax resident and if you haven't paid any tax on your income abroad then they are going to be looking for some from next year onward which means the tax return submitted in 2025.
  12. This story is wrong anyway, it had nothing to do with the official lottery app, from what I've been hearing now it's hit the larger TV news he bought the tickets from some third party website online. There's a lot more to this story than meets the eye - the tickets were not sent for some reason and they said something about selling them to someone else when they didn't send them COD to the original guy who wanted them.....
  13. So they're going to repeal that act of parliament from the 80's which contradicts this new memo? Good luck with that ????
  14. International commerce would grind to a halt so it will never even be considered as an option let alone implemented.
  15. Wrong - that was 100% the intention of the original law which is exactly why it's not a loophole.
  16. It's not a loophole, it's enshrined in law as part of an act of parliament nearly 40 years ago. Why are so many people here brainwashed into thinking this is some oversight, way of cheating the system / a loophole - it's not. It's not some oversight that someone missed when drafting the law - it was carefully inserted into the law without ambiguity and provided a deliberate way for those who keep funds overseas and perhaps generate earnings from those funds or assets purchased with those funds to bring them back without having to pay any tax. What they want to do is change the law without going through the process of changing the law - which is not really possible - and is the reason why it should fail.
  17. Correct - there's a lot of hysteria and absolute nonsense about CRS being circulated by people who obviously know absolutely nothing about it i and I'm seeing a lot of it in this thread.
  18. They're not going to care, it's the oppositions job to make life hell for the government - not lick their boots.
  19. Yep Makes sense This is exactly what would happen, it's exactly what I would do if I needed some money in a hurry
  20. What kind of tax form? Is it a 'tax receipt' or a form you're expected to fill out? If it's a tax receipt then I get them every time I deposit and purchase something from UpBit.
  21. Nonsense, I have an account at a different exchange (UpBit Thailand) which is 100% AML/KYC compliant and there's none of these problems - the problem is a Bitkub problem not any kind of legal obstacle.
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