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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I've been sending between 75 and 100k+ a month every month for about the last 10 years and never been asked anything, ever. Then there's the times when I needed more to buy something specific, and transferred perhaps up to a million Baht like when I bought a car or one of those 5 year Thailand Elite visas (which I did twice), also no questions were ever asked, even when I withdrew 500k in cash to pay for the visa at the bank next door, I did that procedure twice as well as it was 'too late in the day' to do an inter bank transfer so I had to withdraw the cash and 'walk it over' to the other bank ???? It's really weird that they checked you out over 80,000 Baht. I use a very basic Kasikorn 'savings account' which comes with only an ATM card - I believe this is the lowest form of bank account they offer, as such I only use it for day to day expenses. They don't seem to trust foreigners here so I do my real banking elsewhere.
  2. They call it 'winter pressures' - it happens every winter and has been going on for decades. These days they normally they blame 'norovirus' and it's been closing hospital admissions in the middle of winter for a very long time.
  3. Tut, tut, tut, you're not allowed to speak badly about the vaccine. Lets see how long this lasts ????
  4. I don't need a backup, I just find it convenient as like you say there will always be outages for one reason or another, there has never been a time when they both went offline at the same time...
  5. They're good at fixing things around here too which is why I continue to keep 3BB as well as CAT, it is the backup though. CAT is far faster for everything in my area
  6. Yes, it will be an interesting few weeks when they do open up but it won't last, at the first sign of an uptick in infections which is inevitable they will flip flop and revert to how it is now.
  7. They're OK, iuse them as a backup connection for my main ISP which is CAT. 3BB was great until I got CAT.....all it takes is one unpruned tree and your connection will suck for months - every year.
  8. Correct, however if you're under 50 years of age and not married to a local and don't want to take a job with visa/work permit then this is the only way to stay uninterrupted for extended periods of time. The extension process takes 5 minutes and involves a single form, no bank statement nonsense either.
  9. This winter will make last winter look like a rehearsal, there's very little reason to think things will recover in 2022.
  10. I used to go to the Sunday Lunch buffet nearly every week at The Londoner in Bangkok many years ago, I'd take one plate of tasty food, eat it and then leave.I don't eat appetisers, cakes or any kind of 'sweet course' and would consider myself completely full after one plate of food. They asked on more than one occasion if I knew I could go back for more ????
  11. I've seen many such 'dips' before where the price has retraced some 20% to 30%+ in the extremes followed by a massive swing to the upside. Based on what I'm seeing, I would suggest we are in an accumulation zone where those market movers with truly massive amounts of cash due to their earlier selling are now re-buying again. I won't be surprised if it hits new highs before about the middle of December. I'm often wrong about such short term things but in general over the years I've always had the feeling that it can always go far higher than I would ever anticipate reglardless of where it is at the time. I wouldn't rule out a dip to the $50-$52k kind of level though
  12. No, you never need to leave you just do 1 year extensions every year for the duration of your membership but if you do exit the country at some point then you get a 1 year stamp when you return, every time.
  13. Insurance companies which don't do their job properly already have a procedure to follow. It's called bankruptcy and that should be the end of the matter.
  14. If you've got 600k Baht to spare you could buy an Elite visa and stay for 5 years without leaving, or 20 years (also no need to leave) with the 1 million baht option. Not so cheap but it's the nearest thing to permanent residency you can simply pay for.
  15. Yes, that's quite curious isn't it, why the fear? Maybe he's scared his mother in law will get ill but I don't think that's it.
  16. Seems a bit too much paperwork to go on holiday, if it were me and it was just a regular holiday in a place where I didn't own a condo then I wouldn't bother with this whole process. Proving you have 20,000 Baht for 6 months, what's all that about - it's nuts!
  17. Sell it for a higher price, fortune favours the patient.
  18. ...and that right there is the problem. The science around immunity gained through infection is being completely ignored by the politicians. They pretend it doesn't exist. Over time thinking will change on this and I have a feeling it won't take that long, as in by next summer once this winters carnage is over.
  19. You really think every country in the world ruined their economy so a couple of companies can make a few tens of billions? ???? The economic damage is well into the trillions world wide. Forbes put it at $24 Trillion back in February this year so it's far more than that.
  20. Yes, a bit weird, happened once and didn't come back. Probably just a side effect from some virus I'd had or something like that.
  21. Only one question remains.....Why are they doing this? There will be a reason, we just don't know what it is yet.
  22. Then they use their riches to pay the going rate, the same as everyone else. Or simply buy hardly any at all which is what I suspect will happen, buy it in the expensive private hospitals and nothing for the plebs.
  23. I had a spot of alopecia many years ago about the size of a large coin on the back of my head, it was round and probably about 2.5 inches / 6cm in diameter. It remained for about a year before slowly growing back and returning completely to normal after about 2 years. Pretty weird, no apparent cause whatsoever. I didn't even know it was there until the barber mentioned it during a haircut.
  24. Why would Pfizer ever dream of handing over their trade secrets to a potential customer?
  25. I would have thought that if the insurance company fails to pay then the liability and legal argument lies between the insured person and the injured party. They're still guilty of the crime so sue the driver of the car, not the insurance company. The driver of the car has a problem with their insurance company, not the family of the deceased. Now all they need to do is enforce the debt. It's a shame that this fully insured person doesn't receive the cover they paid for but that's life, they will have to pay the 2.5 million baht themselves. The insurance companies opinion is irrelevant, maybe the driver sues them to get their money back.
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