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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. I doubt it's any kind of scam. COVID numbers are beginning to go through the roof in countries where tourists come from. All of europe will likely be locked down again or under severe restrictions by or before early December because many more will be infected - it will happen very quickly, arguably 'winter measures' are already here in many places. They started this opening up at the worst possible time - COVID season has started.
  2. Makes a lot of sense but then you hear that your private insurance which likely costs you many thousands of pounds or dollars each year will not cover any vaccine related issues. I don't know anyone who had an issue after having covid - they were ill for a few days and then got better. I do know one person who developed blood clots on her lungs after vaccination and she didn't have covid. Now she's going to have insurance problems for the rest of her life as that's a pre existing condition, she's in the UK so won't have any private insurance, not yet. People tend to get that when they retire abroad which is a big mistake, I started mine in my 30's as I foresaw this problem down the road so I've got them 'on the hook' for everything - except a vaccine related injury apparently - I'm on my own there. I'm fully covered for covid though, just not for a vaccine related injury. Think about that for a moment, they fear vaccine related injuries more than covid related treatment as a risk. Why is that when it's apparently so rare? I suspect it's a regulatory thing regarding emergency authorisation so it will eventually become normal but the actuaries will be working overtime on this one that's for sure.
  3. You won't socialise with anybody or you will catch covid and off to prison you go, this is why the bars are closed and will remain closed - forever ????????
  4. Also lets not forget that based on what everyone is saying these vaccines wear off after just 6 months. So within a year everyone will need to be vaccinated again or their 'special status' will revert to 'leper' and that's for everyone in the country. My conclusion is that the system will fail as there's no way they're going to be able to vaccinate everyone every 6 months, it simply won't be possible in this country. If they introduce a system like this then it will be cancelled in well under a year.
  5. You bank with Coutts or Childs banks which are now a part of Natwest?
  6. I went there about 2 weeks ago, same rules were in place as entering a supermarket.
  7. Approximately when did this stop happening? There must be something 'in common' linking all these accounts which will reveal where the card information linked. For example it might be a single store (online or offline) which had its systems hacked. They're not supposed to store all card details forever but I have to wonder how strictly these regulations are followed. If someone hacked say a well known supermarket which stored all card details then there would be potentiall hundreds of thousands or millions of card details on file. I once worked on such a back end system used by some larger supermarket chains years back (literally 30 years ago), in fact I wrote the program that received all the credit card details from the checkout network and converted them one format into another for processing by the back end system. As this was so long ago and pretty much before the internet was used by anyone outside of universities the level of security was non existent, all the details were stored in a database on a Unix server at each stores branch. I'm sure things have changed a bit since then but this is an example of how things can leak and where they could leak from. It could be literally anywhere and the problem might not have originated at a bank itself.
  8. It's the mass tourism I'm referring to, that's what they want back, tens of thousands of '2 week millionaires' arriving every day - without that it's dead or might as well be.
  9. A little tip, whenever you enter anything into a banks website, make a record of it - I've been doing this for maybe 20 years. Do it for everything, loans, credit card applications, etc, etc. Then you can never make a mistake, I know it's too late for you now but keeping a directory full of little files in an encrypted volume on your computer can really be useful over the years. I do the same for any interaction with any 'official' or government agency as sometimes I lie to them and I need to maintain consistency over time.
  10. People want less hassle with warm weather, the destination country doesn't really matter that much. No bars = no tourists regardless.
  11. Burry has closed all his shorts with massive losses. The guy was shorting Tesla and look what happened to that over the last 6 to 12 months. He was wrong about everything but he said yesterday that he never did short Bitcoin.
  12. Looks like he forgot to pack a business suit.
  13. I'm sure that's coming at some point after the shots are deemed to have 'worn off' - don't rule anything out. There could be random spot tests in the streets / roadblocks.
  14. That's what people are doing. They're not tourists though, they have second houses here. My next door neighbour turned up the other day, back from spending his summer in Europe. They stay for a night in Bangkok then get a taxi to Hua Hin.
  15. That right there is why nobody should step foot in Thailand until this is all ends. If it never ends then never come back.
  16. Could they not build a new waterproofed wall with deeper foundations and keep all that water where it came from?
  17. Neither is Bitkub but then again - it's not supposed to be nor claims to be decentralised.
  18. I see you've made it your lifes mission to make sure everyone knows you read something slightly differently to them ????
  19. The people who are scared of catching covid won't be going to bars and discos, by choice. They don't need the places closing for that. But that's nothing to do with why everyone else apart from the above group can't do this, that's entirely on the government public health policies. I have zero confidence that the nightlife will be opened up back to normal any time soon and I'm measuring that in years, not mere months.
  20. Interesting, I read recently that once the existing stocks of Chinese vaccine had run out there would be no more, yet here we are....more on the way.
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