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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Why? Do you think I just made it up? Here's one very famous example case where the above happened : https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-robert-durst-self-defense-20150316-story.html The above is likely the most extreme example of this kind of case you will ever come across.
  2. Don't they live in a village where presumably everyone knows everyone else, even around here everyone knows each other by sight at least.
  3. In some places if someone claims self defence you don't need to prove it, quite the opposite, the prosecution needs to prove that it wasn't self defence or that's the end of the matter.
  4. Hilarious, another year or two of this and things will be in a state of permanent disrepair Nobody's coming until there are no quarantines on either end of the journey.
  5. If virtually nobody is spreading COVID due to the wonderful miracle vaccines then the unvaccinated / immunocompromised / non previously infected part of the 'herd' won't catch it because they're much less likely to breath it in due to being surrounded by people who don't have COVID. I think he left out a little bit of information from his post, something that would clarify what he's saying. He should explain why this is the case specifically for COVID.
  6. This is the reason the article I read yesterday suggested that some countries will remain on the list - anywhere that's got the Beta variant, the one from South Africa - that's what they're looking out for and it mentioned Thailand specifically.
  7. I believe it when it happens and continues to happen without a sudden cancellation after just a few months.
  8. Based on all previous predictions coming out of government this one is not a good omen.
  9. Are these are the places where they pay a lot more to live there? A massive premium to be near a flood hazzard ????
  10. They can't die from COVID if they're already dead. What's the average age of death?
  11. The global insurance market will for sure be making special calculations for the new special Thai regulations. I hope they take a normal insurance policy, increase it by 100% and list this extra as a 'Special Thailand dual pricing surcharge' then wait and see how long it takes for the changes to come.
  12. I'm going to rename this to 'rule of dumb'. Imagine sitting in your multi national companies HQ meticulously researching which country in South East Asia to locate your new 5000+ employee manufacturing facility - then you read something like this....
  13. There we go then, it's official and allowed. Let the gouging continue and expand into every possible industry. How long before we see dual pricing for airline flights, hotels, special extra taxes for foreigners, etc, etc?
  14. I suspect it will be more than enough, supply will be far greater than demand, even at a mere 1000 rooms.
  15. Read between the lines, many people have been vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine, they now need a proper vaccine which is being called a 'booster' - likely as a face saving measure. So yeah, you're right - it's the fix for the crappy shots they gave out earlier in the year.
  16. When they want to raise extra tax it never stops with just cigarettes, expect the same on alcohol as well.
  17. They're not very good at predictions here, the PM himself stated there would be no floods just before the rain started afew weeks back. Expect the opposite of what they say.
  18. I heard this was coming a couple of weeks ago when the inevitable happened. The distributors stopped delivering Marlboro and L&M cigarettes to some of the large stores. The guy who owns the store said this is what happens before a tax rise comes, the distributors stop selling them and hoard them instead. Normal deliveries only resume once the rate has been increased. I'll bet they've got full warehouses and based on what happened every time before the price of foreign cigarettes will almost certainly rise far higher than the Thai brands. I expect a 15 to 20 Baht rise in price per pack for foreign brands instead of the reported 6 to 8 Baht rise which will almost certainly be for domestic brands.
  19. I'll bet he was well putside the 100 meter range of the gun when he was firing it making the whole incident quite irrelevant. Of course you would still hear it on the beach.
  20. It's quite fashionable to redefine old terms since the turn of the century. I think if we knew what exactly is defined as a 'Weapon of Mass Destruction' we would likely be a little surprised. Does it mean an ICBM or a semi automatic weapon?
  21. One day the PM might learn to just keep his mouth shut regarding things he has literally zero control over. I doubt it though.
  22. You get a full translation if you load the page using Chrome and click 'English' Says something about after the prosecution was over he then went into hiding and later turned up in Hua Hin. "With the behavior of Mr. Benjamin having a character that is a threat to society as a person who is forbidden from entering the Kingdom under The Immigration Act requires revocation of permission to stay in the Kingdom and push out of the Kingdom." It appears he did a runner to avoid being deported. Strange that they let him out when they intended to deport him but TIT and he likely has a little less money now than he did at the time of his conviction ???? So they're kicking him out because he's a menace to society. Seems fair enough.
  23. Knowing someone with a tow truck would be useful in case it happens again.
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