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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. That's the dream for Thailand. It almost certainly won't happen due to the presence of a certain Beta (South Africa) variant in Thailand - that's what I heard. I will be very surprised if Thailand is not one of the very short list of countries which remains on the list. 1 - Due to the variant and 2 - Due to their choice of vaccines That said, I like surprises yet I'm rarely surprised.
  2. Effective antivirals would be in the form of tablets which can be widely distributed anywhere on earth, have a long shelf life and be administered by pharmacists directly to the patients. If you can't see how that helps everyone then there's something wrong with you. Don't remain so fixated on vaccines, they're not the only game in town.
  3. I think you're missing the point here. The vaccines in their current form are not doing the job they're supposed to. We need new and better vaccines specifically built to counteract this delta strain of COVID. Alternately a treatment that almost never fails, something like antibiotics but for covid will be required. I'd say we will get both of them, in a way if COVID remains a problem for a few more years it will accelerate antiviral research a lot - which can only be very good for our long term future. Viruses do a lot more harm than people realise.
  4. Don't forget - everything's going back to normal in just a few weeks time ????????
  5. I guess that depends where you are. There's no way they're going to be able to vaccinate everyone every 6 months here. In Israel they're pushing ahead with the 6 month boosters full steam ahead - no shot inside the last 6 months and you're lumped in with the anti vaxers and can't even go to a restaurant. I would say this is a transitory period and it won't last very long - anywhere. Better not to start it, all it will result in is a change of government wherever they do it and then a reversal.
  6. Sure, that's why he took the gun with him right? So you're suggesting he went there to rob the guy of the house, make him homeless but not steal his money? Makes perfect sense ????
  7. It's also a complete waste of time. A friend of mine back in the UK who received 2 AstraZeneca shots a few months back has covid right now, said he felt pretty bad with it for about 4 or 5 days but he's on the mend now - he hopes. Under a green pass style scheme he would be allowed to breathe covid all over everyone down the pub for several days before he became symptomatic which is likely how he caught it from one of his other friends who was also doing the same.
  8. It's interesting that he's living back in the same house as his wife and mother in law right now. I'll bet that creates a difficult atmosphere while they're sitting having dinner each night.
  9. This is not what's happening in the Thai social media, from what I've heard they're all overwhelmingly backing the Swiss guy here.
  10. Indeed they are so sure he wasn't there to rob him, that can only mean one thing - he went there to kill him.
  11. What's different about 'down south' compared to the rest of the country? They must be doing something very wrong for it to spread like this, do they have a curfew in place?
  12. Lol, this is Thailand, nobody 'needs' a driving license, it is however better to have one.
  13. I can't wait for the 'green pass' to come, it's going to be mayhem. They have one in Israel, it gets revoked 6 months after your latest shot. Full details here direct from the Israeli government : https://corona.health.gov.il/en/directives/green-pass-info/ There's going to be mayhem both over there and here when they introduce a similar system.
  14. Yet these morons attacked him anyway. This is like a garden shed buring down, put out in 10 minutes. Likely by lifting it up and dumping it in the nearest klong ????
  15. Nah, only 4 of them are coronaviruses, there's like 200 common colds in total including the various strains / sub strains - that's why there's no vaccine - it's due to the 200, not the 4 coronas. That said the coronas do hit much harder than the others and despite being only 2% of the viruses they account for a large percentage of all colds, can't remember what it is exactly - but it's thought to be something like 20%
  16. Might have tripped him over and he banged his head on some sharp stone corner, very common.
  17. When someone is pointing a gun at you there are no limits.
  18. So what? I'm seeing news headlines reported about 'secret accounts' on every TV news channel. There's nothing 'secret' about them, they're just offshore accounts and who in their right mind advertises what they do with their money? Someone stole this data from banks in financial service centers and the worlds media is publishing all this stolen information. It's not a 'leak' - it's data theft. I wonder who paid the hackers to do this?
  19. Yep, putting it in the pond ensured one thing, nobody was getting shot that night.
  20. Why not? I would throw the gun as far away as possible after somehow getting hold of it, maybe it lands in the pond, maybe not I wouldn't really care where it went so long as it went away from me so it couldn't be used against me, but if I was quick thinking and saw the pond near to me and this guy is still attacking me - then it's going in the pond where he can't simply pick it up again and shoot me with it.
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