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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. There's a world of difference between inviting someone and the invitation being accepted. You don't simply 'invite' these people, you pay them a huge fee for a performance.
  2. It could be years away, or even many years from now. I wouldn't count on the Chinese doing anything at all any time soon.
  3. They like to audit your bank account just to make sure you have enough money for a longer stay, it was the same for the multiple entry tourist visa (METV) which I don't believe is available any more. So this is not something new but it's something that applies to visas that last a little longer, it's a well known requirement. If you think that's intrusive just wait until you arrive and you see the covid restrictions they've got planned.
  4. I heard their argument is that all these people deliberately got infected with COVID in order to get the insurance payout. That's how low the insurance companies will stoop in order to avoid paying anything out to anyone. This demonstrates exactly how much Thai insurance is worth : Zero. ....and yes, without the name of the companies involved I have no choice but to assume that every single Thai insurance company is doing this.
  5. Interesting choice of words here 'does not worsen'. I wonder if they're referring to the COVID situation here in Thailand or in the places where people are flying in from. What will they do if say the number of COVID cases in Europe doubles in October and then doubles again in November. Will the proceed as normal?
  6. This is interesting because it appears to reveal how much faith they have in the vaccines which from where I'm sitting looks like not much.
  7. This is exactly what's going on. Delivery contracts have been broken, it's a free for all out there right now and everyone is screwing everyone else over.
  8. Whatever they do will fail. It might work a little bit. They can't keep the frontier borders secure so there's no chance they can prevent people from moving around inside the country. I guess they will make it a little harder to move around.
  9. If there's jobs in other provinces which remain open then they will find a way. Travel is not expensive. Unless they close the roads they're coming.
  10. Indeed, I said I would be very surprised if Thailand is removed from the list and I am very surprised right now. Shocked even. I hope they don't have a COVID Beta outbreak in England over the coming winter. I'm more surprised that South Africa has also been removed from the list than Thailand though - for me that's the real shocker here. Good luck with the current round of vaccines, I look forward to updated versions - maybe we get them in a couple of years.
  11. It's looking like they're no longer regarding Beta as a threat, with South Aftica coming off the list confirmed by Grant Shapps (transport minister) I would now expect Thailand to be removed as well. I am surprised by this move, all of Africa is also coming off the list. In fact someone posted a leaked list of the 7 which remain on the list, I don't know how accurate it is but here it is : Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Venezuela.
  12. It's a lot harder to un-ban something once it's been banned than it is to just allow it in the first place without any specific legislation. For a government to specifically give the OK to something that's once been banned by a previous government (regardless of which party is in charge) I believe it opens them up to liabilities.
  13. Here is a link to the current red list on the UK Government website : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/red-list-of-countries-and-territories At the moment it hasn't been updated since October 4, when it's updated the date at the top of that page will change. Based on past announcements they tend to come late in the afternoon, UK time.
  14. Don't rule anything out. They've got more chance of catching COVID while outside their rooms.
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