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  1. Yikes. Sounds like someone parked their EV too close.
  2. Plenty of videos out there Chomps. I'd post one - but you refuse to watch videos that show events that you pretend are not happening. Besides, blokes prancing down the street exposing their fake baps for the world to see might not be within forum rules. Anyway, you're already aware of what happens at these Pride marches just as I am. That's why countries are cracking down on them.
  3. Certainly not after what happened in the oval office 3 weeks ago. Zelenski knows his place now.
  4. I said they will address the issue. It appears step 1 is to put the issue firmly in the media spotlight and get the public/the media talking about it. As your plethora of posts on this thread indicate, that is working. Thanks for helping out.
  5. I go to my farm. Stock up in advance. Close the gate on 11th and reopen it on the 18th. Nothing but the birds tweeting, the jinjoks jinjoking and the faint thud of bass from the village in the distance.
  6. Good. When a Department is so clearly broken, it is easier to dismantle and replace than to try to repair.
  7. Well done GOP for confirming they will address the issue. I don't believe anyone claimed it was already complete. But feel free to quote anyone who did.
  8. Gey Pride parades don't happen on the internet Chomps. And unfortunately, you don't need to go looking for it on the internet either. The MSM have it front and centre, and the social media commentators also cover it, mostly to mock it. As for your laughable claims that you are unaware of it happening, I'll file that in the leftist Diversion/Denial/Gaslighting folder and conclude that you are actually well aware of it but have no defense for it.
  9. Are you implying they will not actually do anything? Trump's actions so far indicate he is going to do exactly what he said he was going to do. In some cases, to the extreme.
  10. Certainly not the ones that typically expose themselves at gay pride parades in front of other Liberal's painted children.
  11. Assuming there is a rational point buried somewhere in that post, could you rewrite it for the English speakers please?
  12. Much as I dislike McGregor, he is 100% correct. Say what you like about him, but he has massive stones and it takes someone like that (with his profile) to say what so many people are thinking. The Irish government are a disgrace. McGregor is a massive international star so it is hugely damaging to the Irish government to have their duplicity and incompetence exposed on a global scale. So Connor, you are a tool, but well done. Bravo.
  13. Meanwhile, back in reality.
  14. Zelensky has changed his tune pretty quickly. Amazing what can be achieved with strong, unapologetic leadership. Well done Trump and especially well done to the next President, JD Vance.
  15. Exactly. It's over. People are tired of pandering to this nonsense. Nobody cares what they do in the bedroom, but if you want to prance down the public street with your dangly bits hanging out to celebrate it, expect pushback.
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