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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If that happened Andrew or Edward might be in line.


    BTW, even the monarch is not above the law. Ask Henry 2 about that.


    Perhaps you could have phrased it differently, as in "if an asteroid killed the entire royal family, except for Harry, would he be the next king.


    Or as Markle allegedly quipped, we are one plane crash away from the throne.


    I guess she doesn't know that they don't put the whole line of succession of one plane. 


    Keep flogging the jam, Markle. Once that fails, you can merch the kids.

  2. 13 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Here you go Jonny, straight from the mouth of the horse in the race, and he seems to have a message for you too:







    So he is claiming he thinks Corbyn is not an anti semite. That does not mean he supports him, neither does it make me a corbynite as claimed.


    I wonder how he feels about Corbyns ex mistress Abbott and her claims that being Jewish is like being teased about being ginger?

    • Haha 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Which the whole of Parliament got to vote on and Corbyn voted against.


    You just can’t bring yourself to give him credit for opposing the war you relentlessly bang on about.



    They voted based on his lies.


    The only mistake they made was trusting the liar.


    As for Corbyn, if he voted against it then maybe he had knowledge of Blairs dishonesty ? Or maybe he just hated Blair? Perfectly understandable. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, placeholder said:

    I stand corrected..oh wait a minute

    "The 60 year old politician, activist, author and filmmaker, was born in Cape Town, South Africa, to Viennese Holocaust survivor Erika Feinstein (nee Hemmer) and Ralph Josef Feinstein. Feinstein expressed his dismay and disillusionment regarding Starmer’s ongoing support for the funding of apartheid Israel’s genocide and numerous unfulfilled promises."

    We've established he doesn't like Starmer but where does it say he's a Corbyn supporter?


    I doubt a Jew is a fan of a known anti semitic hamas friend like Corbyn.

    • Confused 1
  5. 19 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I read the post Jonny, I’ve looked at the polling data and I’ve looked at the last election result.


    I stand by my view that Labour will not win Corbyn’s seat.


    Well they would win it if Corbyn wasn't standing as an independent, wouldn't they...


    Hence, if he wins he is costing Labour a seat. 


    I guess he is finally doing something useful. Maybe the anti-semite Diane Abbott could stand in Islington South and get rid of the English/working class hating Emily Thornberry?



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  6. On 5/23/2024 at 8:32 AM, WDSmart said:

    If Prince Harry were to kill the King, Prince William and all his children, would Harry then become the King? And if he did that, would he be prosecuted because, after all, that's one of the ways the crown has been won for hundreds of years?


    Highly unlikely.


    If there was a spider in the bath Harry would probably ask his wife to kill it, lest he broke his necklace and fell on the dog bowl. 

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I doubt Corbyn will split any vote, he’s enjoyed solid support from voters in his constituency.


    Given that his seat is Islington North it is hardly surprising that his brand of anti-semitism, pro Palestine, hard leftism is popular amongst the champagne socialists that reside there. 


    As for the rest of your post, maybe you didn't read the part of the article below if you think this is of no significance to Labour.



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  8. 15 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    No I don’t ever drink in the daytime,


    You talk this nonsense sober? 😄


    15 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:




    nor do I reserve venomous comments almost entirely for women.


    Great point, you'll never see me criticizing Biden, Blair, Harry, Sadiq Khan etc. 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:

    You seem to misunderstand Pride in the LGBT context. It wasn't that long ago that homosexuality was deemed illegal and was seen as something to hide, suppress and feel ashamed of. In 1967 in the U.K.  the law was repealed but gay people suffered continued discrimination and were still vilified for their sexual orientation. In 1972 was the first march under the Gay Liberation banner which then became Gay Pride. It is not the biblical definition of the sin of pride but an affirmation of pride not shame. 

    It's not peoples opinions I find sinister, although some are clearly misguided. It's just that anytime there is any discussion about LGBT+ issues you get a swathe of replies, usually the same names, up in arms about some perceived nonsense which seems to be just baiting and with no intention of intelligent questioning or polite discussion, just disgust. I wonder why?

    As I've explained before on here I do not use the h word as I find it can be misleading, preferring the term anti-LGBT. So I was not using any euphemisms. I'm sure you realise though that "stones" is a euphemism for balls. They're fine actually but thank you for your concern.


    I wish you and others would stop using the "many gays agree with me" line. It's irrelevant and we just have your word for it.


    As for Douglas Murray, I agree with him on some issues but not this. He should know better about Pride, for the reasons I've mentioned above. There are a number of right-leaning or religious gays who are unhappy with their lot but that's their tragedy not ours.


    It's like 80 year old women furiously marching for the vote, forgetting they already have it. 


    Being gay isn't special or shocking any more. Just accept nobody cares any more. You're just an average Joe now. No need to dress like a flamingo and dance flamboyantly down the road to drum up a reaction.


    If anything its an advantage. Of all the DEI boxes to be ticked when applying for jobs, being gay is a pretty good one. To keep playing the oppressed victim makes you appear not so much as Baht, but Mai Dem Baht.



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  10. 4 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

    Maybe you should inform yourself a little better next time. Because it wasn’t Labour that ‘crashed it’ by 2009. The end of 2008 marked the beginning of a worldwide economic recession, caused by Bush and his neocon idiots


    Is that the same idiot Bush (and his neocon idiots) that Labour leader Tony Blair teamed up with for his illegal war in the middle east based on lies about WMD?


    You know, the illegal war that led to thousands of innocent lives being lost and the destabiiisation of the region?


    Or are you talking about a different Bush?

    • Confused 1
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  11. On 5/22/2024 at 8:37 AM, BE88 said:


    Yes I understand but you have to read history the British Indian Empire if you not know


    We don't need to go back centuries. His parents are Pakistani. Not Indian. 


    It's 2024. They are very different countries. Have been for a very long time.


    Stop embarrassing yourself and simply  admit you confused the two nationalities because "these Indian chaps" all look the same to you.😄



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