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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 15 minutes ago, G_Money said:

    So Greta Thunberg upon realizing the earth hasn’t turned into a fireball 🔥has switched her attention to the pro Hamas terrorist organization support.


    Who would of thought.


    She's too old now to be the child deity of the climate doomsday cult. 


    A switch to terrorist supporter could be seen as a necessary career move at her age. 

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Voted for by the whole of Parliament with proportionally more support from Tories than Labour.


    Based on Tony's lies to parliament.


    22 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:


    And opposed all the way by your favorite MP Corbyn. 


    Like Biden on Israel and a broken clock, wait long enough and it will be briefly correct. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Acting like clowns is one thing. 

    Utilizing an unassailable majority in Parliament to squander tax payers money, stuffing the pockets of their chums and waisting hundreds of £millions on premature cruelty projects is quite something else.


    It’s way past time for a change,




    Maybe we can get back to good old illegal wars in the middle east under "compassionate" Labour?

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  4. 39 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Not happy about the way things are going Jonny?


    14 years of Tory Government, an unassailable majority in Parliament and what have they delivered?


    The NHS in perpetual crisis, a national housing crisis, schools falling down, rivers polluted and tap water that needs to be boiled to be potable, public transport over priced and under serviced, dangerous prisoners being released early and police being told not to make arrests (when they bother to show up at crime scenes), immigration out of control, border import checks near none existent, UK farms going out of business taking UK food security with them.


    Oh and a cost of living crisis.




    I guessed you missed the recent news on the performance of the UK economy under the Conservatives.




    I have no doubt Labour will quickly undo all the good work though. 


    • Haha 2
  5. Labour has no idea what it is. They will say whatever it takes to get into power. They are utterly devoid of principles. When they gain power they will mess up the economy like they always do. 


    Fortunately for them, The Tories are now Conservative In Name Only and are led by the clueless Sunak. So they might just squeeze over the line. 


    Never mind God save the King, God help Britain might be more appropriate if they get power. You only have to look at London to see what has happened under loony lefty Khan to get an idea of what lies in store.


    For expats in Thailand who bring money over from the UK, I can only hope the pound doesn't crash too quickly. 

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  6. Correct decision.


    Not only was he the producer of the movie (and therefore should take some responsibility if he hired incompetent safety personnel) but he picked up a loaded gun, pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger when they weren't even filming a scene.


    He then denied pulling the trigger and claimed it just "went off". That was found to be impossible so he should also be charged for providing false evidence. 


    Of course, being a famous Hollywood actor he thinks he should just get away with all this. 


    As an aside, he should also be charged with goonery for calling his American wife (Hillary) Hilaria and claiming she is Spanish. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Dont confuse me said:

    Had a bit of a kicking over a bar bill albeit disputed but paid.

    Dust yourself down get on with your cultural fueled holiday.

    Or start throwing your toys around get plod involved spend hours making statements I.D. parades etc enjoy what remains of your holiday then (probably  at your expense) return some time later (possibly years) to watch them get a micky mouse fine.

    Best option stay away let social.media take its toll on tourism. 

    Just my view.


    I'd agree. 


    I imagine these bouncers are protected, maybe even friends/relatives of the local police. Not worth ruining your holiday and risking a counter charge, fine, finger pointing in front of local journalists etc.


    Better to enjoy the rest of your holiday and if you're feeling bitter then give The Sun an exclusive interview when you get safely home to give your side of the story and pay for the holiday and any medical bills. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, CharlieKo said:

    That is one very bitter woman. Eight years on and she still blames everyone else but herself. 


    I'd be bitter as well.


    Imagine having your husband humiliating you by cheating on you with a plump intern in front of the whole world, then work your whole life for something only to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with one bitchy comment. 


    I'm not surprised she's bitter. She's looking to play a card, and as a priviliged Caucasian the only one she has is the woman card. Massive fail. 

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