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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Thanks for confirming your hypocrisy. Pontificating on internet forums while people like me make a real difference. You've got nothing of worth. Just links to articles. You're probably driving a diesel truck while posting links to articles where Gates hires people to confirm 99.9% of people agree with him. I'm sure your links will save the planet though :).
  2. If man made climate change were real, the hypocrisy of people virtue signalling about it while simultaneously contributing to it would very much be relevant. I suspect you are exactly the type of person who spouts off about it on internet forums but does little in the real world to address it. Or is your electric car charged by the solar panels on the roof of your eco farm? My farm is organic, how about yours?
  3. Absolutely. I have a few very vocal lefty friends in the UK, always posting green virtue signalling krap on social media. Drive their 3 kids to school in a diesel people carrier. Holiday abroad. It appears talking about saving the planet is more important than saving the planet for the left. Biden's massive convoy to the summit was a great example of this. Same as Harry Markle with his private transatlantic jets. Bill Gates massive beachside properties. Hypocrisy of the highest order.
  4. This is a strange United team. You never know which version is going to turn up. They've been doing OK in the league and then they put in a performance like that against Sevilla or the 7-0 loss to Liverpool. Massive game for them on Sunday vs. Brighton. I'm guessing Ten Hag is going to be in the market for a new back 4 in the summer. De Gea might be out as well.
  5. No need to panic guys. But best you don't make the trip back to Issan to vote. Better safe than sorry.
  6. Yep. In a little pod covered in tin foil. And the wind was blowing when we got there. Amazing indeed.
  7. Yep. What an idiot. 18 years old, wealthy, protected. A long luxurious, priviliged life ahead of him. And he ends it all over some plastic 'influencer'. You have to wonder about the intelligence, you really do.
  8. Given his success in life thus far, maybe he is onto something? Plenty of very intelligent people believe in God, Heaven, Hell etc. I visited a fortune teller in my girlfriend's parents village one time and a lot of what he said was very accurate. So much so that I got nervous about the whole thing and wanted to leave ASAP before he told her anything I preferred she didn't hear ????.
  9. Very sad. I'm guessing Phumiphat was a spoiled little rich kid who had never been told No and couldn't handle it.
  10. With the greatest respect, I very much doubt you'd be able to ride this bike anywhere near it's limits.
  11. I agree. I have an MT09 and a Panigale but you can only really stretch their legs on longer trips and you have to do silly speeds if you want to ride them hard. I'll probably buy the ZX4R (SE) for that reason. You get all the fun without the need for massive speeds. Having said that, it's no slouch, does 240kph top speed and 0-100 in about 4.5 seconds so it would outrun a lot of these lolopping thumpy heavy machines that some people like to own. Plus "small" bikes have a lot of benefits. Light clutch, less weight, less engine heat, less gyroscopic force from the engine, flickable, good fuel economy, good stopping power, cheaper consumables etc. Kawasaki aren't making it easy for me though. I tried to put a deposit one at the motor show and was told the sales person was "having dinner", then I signed up for a test ride from a FaceBook link and nobody called me back. Gotta love Thailand ????.
  12. Absolutely. Home grown Identity Politics is doing a fantastic job of sowing hatred and division amongst the various groups in the US.
  13. Just pointing out the irony of people who support uncontrolled immigration arguing that the use of foreign words stifles a culture. It was clearly lost on you. Or maybe you prefer not to see it.
  14. I would argue that excessive, uncontrolled (and often illegal) immigration has a much more detrimental impact on a culture than using a few foreign words. Most cultures use foreign words as part of daily language. I remember growing up in the UK words like Deja Vu, Pro Rata, Faux Pas, Prima Donna were all frequently used. I don't remember it negatively impacting the culture, if anything it enriched it. Same in Thailand, plenty of English words used as part of Thai language when I'm in meetings with Thai managers speaking Thai. Nobody seems upset about it. Being unable to walk through certain parts of the city on my way home from a good night out due to drug dealing immigrants (mainly but not exclusively Somalians) flooding the 'culturally diverse' areas after midnight was much more "stifling". But we must celebrate that apparently (unless they describe short changing a client as a Faux Pas, or seeing the same cop car go by twice as Deja Vu of course, that's terrible for the culture ????).
  15. So an organization funded by the climate alarmist billionaire Bill Gates, one of the richest men on the planet has one of their staff create their own bespoke algorithm to conclude that 99.9% of people agree with Bill Gates. I mean, who could possibly argue with that? ????
  16. The "Alliance for Science" created the algorithm that produced the results. It's in your link. They are funded by Gates. It's a PR piece for Gate's organization. It may as well have been funded by Greta herself. The fact that papers don't contain keywords like solar, cosmic rays etc. does not mean those papers are backing their theory. Although, by using such an algorithm that is how they reached their conclusion. Facts? Hardly... More like an algorithm created by Gates organization to produce results that backs up Gates opinion. "Oh, the paper doesn't contain the word solar so it must be agreeing with us". Laughable. ????
  17. Nuances of context ????. What nuance of context did I miss in the sentence below? It's a very simple statement. Show me the link that 99.99% of climatological research support anthropogenic climate change. 99.99%. Look forward to it.
  18. Depends what the link contains. If it's another opinion piece from The Guardian then probably not. If it's really shows that 99.99% of scientific research supports it, then Yes. So let's see it.
  19. Really no surprise when it comes to this family. Absolutely disgraceful.
  20. It was presented as a fact. So in accordance with forum rules, I would like a link to back up the fact as it was presented to be.
  21. Do you have a link to prove that fact re. the 99.99%? I'm sure I don't need to remind you about forum rules regarding the presenting of "facts" without links to back them up.
  22. I'm actually saying the opposite. It makes no difference what the USA says or does. Their attempts at foreign interference have failed too many times therefore that ship has sailed. If China wants to invade Taiwan then it will. I believe they will. Biden can blow as much hot air as he likes.
  23. Yes, the Russians were clearly terrified of Biden as well, hence their decision to invade Ukraine ????.
  24. Biden oversaw the chaos that was the actual withdrawal as you well know. But anyway, I have no desire to have this diverted into yet another Trump thread. The fact remains they withdrew and the country collapsed into mayhem. https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/asia-and-the-pacific/south-asia/afghanistan/report-afghanistan/ China will be well aware of the US lack of success/staying power when it enters conflict overseas. They will be very confident of a repeat performance so a bit of hot air from Biden won't exactly have them quaking in their boots.
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