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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I wasn't going to respond to that dross but the final part but was so amusing I simply had to. Indyref2 next year? That's hilarious. ???? Truss will put Wee nicola on top of the doll shelf in the spare room and leave her there for a few years. The best way to deal with narcissists like her is to simply ignore them. The Scots voted to stay and stay they will. Their choice, not mine.
  2. That's a weighty quote you've got there. Really hard hitting. I always quote fictional characters from fairytales when I really want to make my point ????. It seems you are struggling with the meaning. Or maybe it is the concept you cannot understand, being so vitriolic towards Trump? Allow me to assist. Still no news about the proverbial smoking gun found by The Dems, sorry I mean The FBI?
  3. It only happened yesterday. Evidence will be found in time, whether or not the FBI buries it remains to be seen.
  4. Untrue. Neutrals like myself hate to see a great country like the US lowering itself like this. As do many a patriotic American that DOES have the right to vote.
  5. A bit early to be calling for evidence. Let's hope if there is any evidence, it's not handed to the FBI on a laptop ala Hunter Biden. We all know how quickly they investigate such material. Second thoughts, if it implicates Trump they'll probably wrap up the investigation in time for brunch.
  6. Flawed logic again. Not every politcial move is a smart one. I believe The Dems have made a big mistake here.
  7. You don't need to be a Trump supporter to be angry about state sponsored political harrassment. Many a patriotic Amercian would be angry about the country being dragged down to banana republic status like that.
  8. Quite possibly true. Not exactly a great reason to enrage your opponents further with state sponsored harrassment though...
  9. A stretch? I suppose it was also 'a stretch' when Biden claimed to have been a tractor-trailer driver. It's not 'a stretch', it's 'a lie'. There are countless examples. Hence, I take what he says with a pinch of salt. PS. before you reply, yes, Trump lies as well. I am neutral and therefore able to acknowledge that both are liars.
  10. Flawed logic. Just because someone sometimes lies, doesn't mean everything they say is incorrect. I think the main issue for the Dems might be how upset Trump supporters when they come to vote at the next election. Angry people tend not to stay home on voting day.
  11. Ageism. ???? Classic. You love your isms don't you? ???? I don't have a problem with his age. I just don't believe someone clearly suffering from some form of dementia should be the POTUS. The so called 'leader of the free world'. What's the ism for that? Incompetencyism?
  12. You simply cannot understand someone coming from a neutral impartial position. It literally blows your mind. To the point that you use my confirmation that I dislike both as evidence that I must love Trump. It's bizarre frankly. There is a well known 3 letter acronym to describe the phenomenon but last time I used it my post was removed so I won't use it again.
  13. Yes I believe it was political. I don't believe Biden's statements any more than I believe Trump's so his denial is meaningless to me. I agree about upsetting Trump's supporters though. Not very smart. A great way to unite the enemy.
  14. Biden also said he was arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela. Forgive me if I take his statements with a pinch of salt (as I do with Trump's). He can't remember whose hand he shook 5 seconds ago, so maybe he knew about the raid and genuinely forgot? We'll have to see what they found during the raid. It seems to have gone awfully quiet, so I suspect nothing. Just adding more fuel to the fire of Trump supporters, not a smart move IMO.
  15. Quite the rant. Although inaccurate. Many things such as an education, healthcare, freedom of speech (if the Wokies don't remove it) are universally available in the UK to this very day. Things that other countries could only dream of. We voted to leave the EU. There was no option for collapsing the pound on the voting slip, that came later due to many factors which would lead us off topic. We didn't antagonize the EU, they got upset when we decided to go our own way. A huge lack of maturity on their part. There is no border in Ireland, it's down the Irish sea. This was due to the EU's spite during negotiations (there's a secretly recorded video of Barnier talking about it on YouTube), but will probably be gone once Truss gets in. The Scots comprehensively voted to stay when given the choice at the ballot box. The right choice IMO. Loving your country, to me, means being proud of the great things about it. And forgiving of it's failures. Hating it and trying to destroy it would be the opposite of that.
  16. There is some truth in that. That Filipino accent though. Yikes.???? It's even worse when every other sentence is some kind of blessing from God. And don't let any music start playing, they'll be dancing and singing Karaoke before you've had a chance to grab your jacket. Not generalising though... ????
  17. Once again, you are labelling me a Trump supporter and then arguing against this assumed (but incorrect) position. I am not a fan of Trump or Biden. I find Trump to be crass, rude and somewhat eccentric. Biden is borderline disfunctional at this stage and probably suffering from dementia. They are both economical with the truth. However, I am against using state agencies to harrass political rivals. I always thought the USA was above that, it's a very slippery slope.
  18. I'm talking about the people who love their country, have done well as a result of being born there and being afforded the many benefits of being a citizen of the UK, and who wish it to prosper. As opposed to the bitter people who hate the UK and blame it for their own personal failures. Not sure about index linked pensions, I stopped paying into my pension before I was 30. I'm mainly in UK property and have personal investment managers to look after my liquid assets. Anyone who openly wishes or encourages the UK to fail, to break up, to cease to exist is in my opinion betraying their country. That's my opinion, you are welcome to yours also.
  19. The dream of countless bitter traitors for many years.???? Fortunately for the successful, proud and content majority, a fairytale.
  20. Lockdown is over but the financial repercussions are just beginning. I'm ignoring sturgeon just like our new PM Truss will. Dear nicola is like a yapping dog, all bark and no bite.
  21. Their pathological hatred of Trump precludes such logical thought. It may well indeed go against them at the polls. They'll just keep insulting those who disagree with them. Same thing happened with the Brexit vote, the Remainers simply called anyone who argued with them Racist, Stupid, Ignorant etc. and therefore put the nail into the coffin of their campaign and eventually lost. One day they might realize that insulting people is not the most effective way to cajole them around to their way of thinking. Although I believe many are too far gone to reconsider their approach.
  22. I am not pleading the victim, in fact I enjoy a decent debate so bring it on, there will be no crying from me ????. I was merely pointing out the constant straw man arguements of many on the left who constantly label people as far right, Trump supporters etc. whenever they point out the hypocrisy and double standards of the FBI going after Trump to unprecedented levels while dragging their feet when it's an investigation about Hunter/Joe Biden. I am saying both should be investigated with equal vigour if there is any evidence of wrong doing. For the FBI to go after Trump like a dog with a bone, then take years doing pretty much nothing when Biden needs investigating smacks of political bias. Me pointing that out neither makes me far right, a Trump supporter or a pearl clutcher. Keep throwing those labels out though...
  23. You clearly have more faith in the FBI and the political impartiality of the US judiciary than I do. Let's wait and see if they find the smoking gun. Seems awfully quiet so far.
  24. Please tell us all exactly what reason they have to believe that raiding his home will uncover evidence of this 'crime'. Facts only please.
  25. Far right would be the likes of the American Freedom Party and American Independent party amongst others. It's veering a bit off topic now though, this thread is about the USA rapidly descending into the murky realms of politicized law enforcement, more akin to third world banana republics. A sad day.
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