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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Let's hope this "taking a knee" nonsense stops. It never should have happened but it's sooooo played out now. Supporters go to matches to see the team play, not to be lectured to by a bunch of clueless millionaires who dropped out of school at 16 to play football. Keep politics and activism out of sport. It is deeply divisive as we saw with the Manly Sea Eagles debacle last week re. the Pride jersey, resulting in them losing 7 key players for the match and hence getting smashed in a critical game against Sydney ????.
  2. And Brexit, wasn't that going to be a landslide for Remain? That's the trouble with left wing echo chambers. The majority of the voters don't pay any attention to them and simply place their vote. Then when the blinkered inhabitants of these echo chambers lose - it's a shocked chorus of "I can't believe it, I don't know anyone that voted Leave/Conservative, let's re-run the vote". ???? Gotta love the clueless lefties.
  3. Best lawyer? I don't remember this going to court for a trial. That's what would happen in a developed country with a decent police force/legal system. The fact that the police have refused to act despite one of their own being killed simply confirms Thailand's status as a corrupt, third world country with a few fancy hotels. All he needs to do when he returns is dress well, get a beautiful celebrity girlfriend and attend a few hiso events in a Lamborghini and the majority of the locals will be idolizing him. Because it is money and beauty that counts in Thailand, not morals.
  4. 555 you're funny. Good to see you finally read my link though and understand the UK system now. Never too old to learn. Although your attempt to save face is a bit like referring to The Democrats in a discussion on US politics and then later claiming you didn't mean the policitical party at all, you just meant anyone who believes in Democratic values, including Republicans, the greens, the natural law party etc. ???? Weak. Soooo weak. ????
  5. I wouldn't be investing too much money into Cannabis cafe's until the government can decide whether the current status of legality is going to be overturned or not.
  6. I've provided 2 links already to educate you who the official opposition party are. It is currently the Labour party. There are no other parties in the opposition. Here is a third. I advise you read it before replying. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Her_Majesty's_Most_Loyal_Opposition_(United_Kingdom)
  7. Obviously heard about some planned protests. Wasn't he only supposed to be staying for 6 months after the coup that he said wouldn't happen?
  8. No, they ARE the opposition. Maybe better to learn how UK politics works if you are to attempt to appear knowledgable on the issues, otherwise you just come across as a bored troll.
  9. Truss going from strength to strength. Now she's putting Nicola in her place. #gotruss https://news.sky.com/story/liz-truss-suggests-she-would-ignore-nicola-sturgeon-if-she-becomes-next-pm-12663818
  10. You do realize that Labour ARE the opposition? I mean, officially... Or is that above your level of understanding of UK politics? ????
  11. Never any disagreements in the opposition of course. Noooooooo...... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/aug/01/bt-and-openreach-strike-lisa-nandy-visits-picket-line-in-wigan
  12. Immigration officials at Australia's airports are real little Nazi wannabees. I had the displeasure of dealing with them last month. Rude little creeps, no doubt bullied at school. I bet they absolutely loved handing out such a ludicrously OTT fine.
  13. He didn't really throw it. He accidentally twisted the throttle as he tried to move it, causing it to wheelie into the side of the BMW. Anyway the rotund soldier is clearly at fault, trying to squeeze through a non existant gap and then acting like an entitled brat.
  14. She's an oddball for sure. I remember her ripping up a copy of Trump's SOU address like a petulant teenager. Now, you could argue that she didn't like it and Trump is terrible blah blah blah but whatever the content of it, it was really childish behaviour for someone of her age and in her position. It makes me think that her and Biden are both regressing back into childhood as they lose their faculties. It is well documented that dementia can cause childlike behaviour and these two seem like living proof of that. The fact that they both hold positions of great power is very worrying for the United States.
  15. Let's face it, all you need to host a meeting between these 2 is a Commode and some Marmalade sandwiches.
  16. Infighting? ???? Outside of your lefty echo chamber we refer to it as democratic process and vigorous debating. That's how you work through these issues, not by calling for anything you disagree with to be cancelled.
  17. Another teacher with a huge ego and a lack of self control. A great example for the kids...
  18. For the final time, we don't need your permission to mention Brexit in a Thread about Liz Truss since her role as Secretary of state for foreign, commonwealth and development affairs was intrinsically linked to the post Brexit process of establishing new trade deals. Her success in this role is absolutely relevant to the discussion. Her party will get behind her once she is PM and gains their respect with strong leadership a la Mrs Thatcher. The Conservatives have a history of getting behind their leader for general elections. Besides, it's not the Conservative party that votes, it is the General Public. If I was the opposition I would be focusing on getting some coherent policies together and removing embarrassments like Abbott and Rayner from the public eye. Not sit there doing nothing, hoping the Tories self destruct. Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine brighter and the sneering/vitriol/general nastiness from the likes of Thornberry and Rayner hasn't gone down well in the past.
  19. Xi owning the weak lily livered US politicians. A sad state of affairs. I can only hope she skips Thailand as well. I mean it sounds a bit like Taiwan so maybe Biden has told her to stay clear, just in case. No flies on Biden... We really don't need her stinking up the joint here.
  20. Well you guys wanted to re-run the Brexit vote, why not the General Election as well? Or do you selectively apply Democratic principles? Truss, if she beats Sunak, will be judged in 2025 after 2-3 years in the job. I'd save your predictions until the electorate have judged her performance in the role. I suspect it will be favourable when compared to Sir Keir (My Lord) the working class Woke hero (well, son of a factory owner) from Islington who doesn't know what a woman is. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she won't be loved by everyone, but respected my enough to see off Labour for the 5th consecutive General Election. We'll see in 2025.
  21. You may not worry about those things, but a female voter sees these things and think "Why would I vote for someone (Starmer) who doesn't even know what a woman is?" Other people, male and female will think "how can they run a country when they cannot even dress themselves coherently?". It symbolizes their ineptitude. Hence they keep losing general elections. Why on earth would the Tories call an election? They have a massive majority until 2025. You can't keep re-running votes just because you lost, I'd thought you Remainers may have learnt that by now... Why do I mention Brexit? Because Truss showed her competence in securing many trade deals, quickly. I don't need you to mention it, I can do it all by myself since it is relevant to the topic on hand as we are discussing her credibility for leadership and her role in securing the trade deals demonstrates it. It doesn't matter how bad Truss is perceived to be by the far left. Until Labour ditch the likes of Starmer, Rayner, Abbott, Lammy, Nandy, Thornberry etc. they are pretty much unelectable, so make yourself comfy and strap yourself in for the ride.
  22. Well done England!!! What a great event for women's sport. Marvellous.
  23. A. Yeah, coz the Lib Dems have got a chance... Maybe they could get Jo Swinson back? ???? B. Truss has excellent policies on low taxation, free market economy, post Brexit trade deals etc. You keep worrying about the definition of a woman and getting Dianne into a matching pair of shoes, leave the economics to the serious party with the power to legislate.
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