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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. On 5/3/2024 at 6:46 PM, Chomper Higgot said:


    The cause of this was a schoolboy had been murdered at a nearby school and his severed head left outside the school gate.


    My alibi was solid so back to work I went.


    Maybe you just looked/seemed a bit shifty?


    You hadn't been enlightening the locals with your views on gender affirming surgery for minors for example, had you? Or maybe wearning rainbow bandanas while teaching the kids English?


    Seems a bit accusatory to assume this was due to xenophobia on the part of your hosts. 

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  2. 27 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    I am sorry if it hurts that the majority of Scottish people don't want to be in your union. It's nothing personal, honestly. But it's fact - Scottish people don't want to be in the UK. 


    It doesn't hurt. I would be glad to be shot of you. But the fact remains the Scots want to stay, unfortunately.


    Maybe we can let the English vote as well next time? We are tired of you. An English vote would pretty much guarantee you'd be crawling to the EU for a bit part in their failing federalist project while shouting Braveheart and claiming Independence. It would be highly amusing. 


    Without the English vote you'll never get out. Dependent on us as ever.

  3. 17 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    That depends upon who you consider a Scot. The majority of people who were born in Scotland and voted in the referendum voted to leave the UK. The vote was swung by incomers, a significant number being Europeans who believed the lie that a vote for the UK was a vote to remain in the EU. 


    So to be clear, in 2014 the majority of people who were born in Scotland voted to leave the UK. That number can only have increased since then, because let's face it - no matter how bumpy the road the SNP has taken, it's been nowhere near the binfire that has been the last 14 years of the Nasty Party.


    Independence referendum figures revealed: Majority of Scots born here voted YES while voters from elsewhere in UK said NO


    That said, we are a welcoming people, and even though incomers may have dashed our peoples' hopes for a better country, I don't think anyone holds it against them. We just need to help them better see how much better Scotland would be if it wasn't burdened by this union.


    Cool story Bro.


    Except Scots still want to remain.




    You nationalists are increasingly becoming a noisy, ageing, outdated minority.



  4. 51 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    It looks like your question will be answered once Sunak stops hiding from the electorate.


    I’ll put a punt on this though.


    As soon as a Labour Government comes along the news media will suddenly lose its aversion to discussing the part Government failure has in the Immigration mess.




    Nice dodge.


    The correct answer was "yes it will be much worse under a Labour government".


    The UK is done. I'm glad I saw the best of it and left at the right time. 


    Wokeism/Liberals will cause the ruination of the West and common sense will see the rise of the East. Thankfully I predicted this and planned appropriately so i don't have to live through the failure we are currently seeing.


    I watch it from a distance with a sadness for my extended family and a huge dose of relief that I could forsee it and acted upon my instincts. 


    My remaining hope is that Liberals stay there and experience what they created. It's only a matter of time before it reaches Islington. 

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  5. 35 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

    Whine, whine, whine. Rifles your pockets? Scotland has been subsidised by the UK at the expense of England (especially), Wales and Northern Ireland for decades. It is always someone else's fault with you lot. You know what, you got what you deserved with this racist chump. When you finally gain independence (at not soon enough), we all know who you'll point the finger at when it goes pear shaped.


    Of course, when he speaks of Independence what he really means is grovelling to be accepted as an insignificant minnow in the EU's pond. 😃


    He doesn't want Independence, he just dislikes "Waistminstair" (Westminster of course being a euphemism for the English). 

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