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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 1 hour ago, johng said:

    Anyone noticed that so called liberals are suddenly in favour of no freedom of speech,censorship,cancel culture  done a complete 180 on "my body my choice"  and now  fully support the deep state

    (CIA,FBI,NSA etc etc) intruding into every aspect of their life ?


    I noticed.


    I also noticed that "UK Labour" support people that don't want to work.


    I noticed that "Progressives" want to put race relations back 50 years with segregated spaces and 'positive' discrimination.


    I noticed that "Democrats" want to remove political opponents via the courts and elect a senile puppet that they can control.


    What a time to be alive! 😄

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Have an E-bike also, converted Schwinn, but wouldn't let that sway my decision on any other EV.   Though mine is a very good experience, so actually a positive vote for more EVs.


    Curious, so just checked, see which influenced which, bike or MB;

    ... E-MB - Sept 2021

    ... E-bike conversion - Nov 2021

    ... MG - Oct 2022


    I prefer ICE. A more rewarding riding/driving experience and more convenient. Hybrids are a decent compromise. 


    I believe in 20 years or so we will look back at EV as a failed technology. OK for 10-20 minute commutes around congested cities though, which is what I use my E-Bike for when I can be bothered to carry the battery up to my condo for charging. 

  3. On 4/23/2024 at 5:34 AM, Social Media said:

    The case of the "Birmingham Four" has resurfaced as the defendants seek justice through an investigation by the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC). These four men, convicted of planning a terrorist attack in the UK, are now questioning the integrity of their convictions, alleging a police stitch-up that mirrors past miscarriages of justice.


    Cool story, Bros. 


    Playtime is over. Back to your cells. 

  4. On 4/23/2024 at 4:23 PM, placeholder said:

    Fact Check: Drop in climate-related disaster deaths not evidence against climate ‘emergency’


    Social media posts are recirculating a bar chart that depicts falling numbers of deaths due to weather-related disasters over the last century alongside comments suggesting that the significance of climate-driven weather changes is exaggerated.
    Mortality, however, is not a useful measure of the number or severity of weather-related events including the floods, droughts, storms, wildfire, and extreme temperatures listed in the graph, experts told Reuters.
    Although deaths from these disasters have decreased, due in part to better forecasting and preparedness, the number, intensity, and cost of climatic and meteorological hazards have all increased over the last hundred years.





    In other words, ignore the stats and hand over your cash to big state anyway 😄.



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