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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I don't disagree with your opinion of him, but IMO if every disgusting individual in places of power in the entertainment, financial, and political systems worldwide were convicted they would have to build about a million new prisons to keep them in.


    Yep. Ricky Gervais (legend) only just scratched the surface when he ripped the stars to shreds at the Golden Globes, including a dig at those who turned a blind eye to Weinstein's offenses. 




    Perhaps part of the conviction process could be seizing their funds and using the money to fund prisons?


    Let's hope they do that before Diddy is convicted. That dude is loaded. 

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  2. I suspect he will be found guilty in the retrial as well. Too much evidence.


    What an idiot. All that money and power, he could have had rooms full of high class escorts prepared to do whatever he liked. I suspect he enjoyed the thrill of "getting away with it" and the power of forcing women to 'perform' for their roles. 


    While I'm sure some of the women were prepared to give it up for the sake of their careers, it doesn't change the fact that he is a disgusting individual.

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  3. 1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

    The real question is Who will replace biden in the election?


    Or in the unlikely event he wins, after the election.


    It really makes a mockery of Democracy when the candidate clearly isn't fit to serve the term. They are simply wheeling him out because they believe he is their best chance of retaining the keys to power. And they have the nerve to call themselves the "Democrats" 😆. Mind you, when they also claim to be liberal and progressive, they may as well go all in and pretend to be democratic. In for a penny, in for a pound. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, Emdog said:

    I would suggest removing "leftist" from "loons". The Islamic hard core states, like Afghanistan, are anything but liberal or leftist. ISIS, Hamas, etc are all hard core authoritarian rulers much closer to Orban, Trump, Putin than any liberal belief of any sort


    There is some truth to that.


    Which makes you wonder why leftist loons like Corbyn consider Hamas to be his friends. The two groups are certainly curious bedfellows, but bedfellows nonetheless. Perhaps it is their hatred of Jews that unites them? Or perhaps the left support intolerance in the name of diversity?

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  5. 50 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


    Plenty of people (possibly most) have an issue with what Israel is doing in Gaza.  There is no need to hate Jews to feel this way.


    Not all people who object to Israel's response are anti-semites.


    But all anti-semites object to Israel's response. 


    The world's oldest hatred takes very little watering for the seeds to sprout strong. Let's not pretend this anti Jewish sentiment started after October 7 2023. 

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