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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I didn't ask if you were a member of the Conservative party. Lovely dodge though ????.
  2. Decent performance. If they had a proper striker it could have been a lot more, without needing a lucky Fred deflection to get ahead. Definite improvement though. At this rate they could get top 4.
  3. Nowhere near the beach, are you thinking of the road to Karon?
  4. Unsubstantiated tittle tattle.
  5. Perhaps he was also venting when caught talking about weaponizing Northern Ireland as a tool in the talks over Brexit? Yeah, I'm sure he didn't mean it... He was just "venting". ???? By the way, those links only show that the UK was considering such a deal. Not that the EU was willing to accept it.
  6. Barnier, 2017. “I have heard some people in the UK argue that one can leave the single market and build a customs union to achieve ‘frictionless trade’ — that is not possible.” https://www.ft.com/content/8404d08a-6221-11e7-91a7-502f7ee26895
  7. Which Conservative politican would you have supported?
  8. It was the EU that said we couldn't be half in and half out. Had we had the option to stay in the Customs Union without being bound by all the rules and regulations of the empire building EU politicians then I am sure we would have taken it. In fact, that's what the original free market was, and the British people were fine with it. That's how it should have stayed, it's when the federalist project started that the problems began. The over-reach by EU politicians was a huge mistake.
  9. Yeah, nothing to do with locking people in their homes for almost 2 years due to Covid. No No No, it's all due to Brexit. There are plenty of countries not in the EU, you know? In fact, the vast majority of them are not. And plenty of countries also in the EU are suffering for the same reason, Covid. The Euro is also diving against the dollar. In fact, forget parity, the Euro is now worth less than 1 dollar. PS I'm richer than I was in 2016.
  10. The misogyny is strong on this one. Let's give this woman a bit of time, instead of becoming hysterical every time she makes a decision that the left wing MSM don't like.
  11. Of course it matters. Legally and morally there is a huge difference between acting in self defense and an unprovoked attack.
  12. Selective editing. They cut the part out immediately before this where the Frenchman started walking away and the Thai guy goes after him and throws a leg kick. I haven't seen it from the start either, but the longest edit I saw showed this. Starts with the Frenchman getting up off the floor (presumably he was knocked down there and didn't choose to sit down in the road of his own accord). Thai guy kicks him. French guy throws a punch that knocks the Thai over. French guy starts walking away Thai gets up and goes after him again throwing another leg kick. Then the part shown by the Youtube video with the kick and the final punch by the Frenchman. It didn't show who started it but it did shows that this wasn't a one sided attack. Far from it.
  13. It wasn't a king hit. The video clearly shows that it was a one on one street fight that both were actively taking part in. Both were exchanging kicks and punches long before the final punch that knocked the Thai to the kerb. In fact, the foreigner tried to walk away a few seconds before the final blow was delivered.
  14. Yeah, because UK governments always call elections when they are at their weakest point. That way, they can ensure the worst possible result ????. I suspect they will wait as long as they can, which is no later than January 2025.
  15. You seem to have an issue with farangs. I will leave you to address that in your own time. I am talking about this specific incident in which I am not defending the French guys, I am saying both parties acted badly. Just a reminder, this is how it was reported, which having seen the video is 100% untrue. That story is a fabrication by the wife. He didn't try to escape into the Shabu shop. Instead, he went back after the Frenchman who was in the process of walking away, to throw more kicks at him. Had the Thai also walked away, he would not currently be in a coma in ICU. Fighting in the street over petty incidents is for fools. Now - one party is in ICU and the other is in jail.
  16. I am saying the way the story was reported was not accurate. Watch the video, the Thai guy is well up for it. Thai bystanders are stepping in when the Thai guy is first knocked down to let him get back up, at which point the French guy starts walking away from the situation but the Thai guy goes after him with another kick before getting knocked out. This is a case of 2 idiots fighting in the street and one of them getting knocked out. Of course there was no need for that degree of injury, but when you get into street fights on a concrete surface that is always a risk. Happens quite often in fact, that's why boxing rings have a soft ring apron. This is an example of why it is best not to get involved in this type of altercation because as the French guy is finding out, even if you win, you lose. As for leaving him unconscious, if you think the Thai guy would have been concerned had he knocked the foreigner out, well I have some news for you. He'd have been more likely to start stomping him on the ground than helping him out.
  17. Having seen the video now, it seems I was correct. The Thai guy was more than up for the fight, bouncing around like some wannabe Muay Thai fighter, throwing leg kicks etc. but unfortunately for him got knocked out on his feet and hit his head on the kerb on the way down. Of course, the media is portraying it as The Evil foreigner attacks lovely Thai couple that were only trying to help by offering directions. No surprise there.
  18. Joe is not happy about the cut in the UK top tax rate from 45% to 40%. The 40% rate in the UK kicks in at 50,270 pounds. In the US, the tax rate is only 22% up to the equivalent of 80,000 pounds, then 24% up to 153,000 pounds and the top rate of 37% kicks in over 483,000 pounds. I suggest Joe does a little research and then minds his own business.
  19. So the car was chasing them and beeping, then the Thais thought the foreigners might be lost so they stopped to help? Doesn't sound credible to me. If I had to guess, there was some back and forth on the road and then both parties stopped for a fight with the Thai unfortunately hitting his head on the ground during the fight. Let's hope he can recover. 2 young, aggressive guys driving a 8 million Baht car in Samui, I doubt they are making that kind of money selling 80 Baht beers in some dive bar, I wouldn't be surprised if they are involved in something that causes them just as much trouble as the assault. It's going to cost them a lot either way.
  20. Just take her passport and stick her on a dinghy in Calais. That way she'll get asylum AND 3 months free in a London 5 star hotel.
  21. Or when you once again bring them into a thread about the UK government.
  22. You keep bringing up Labour, then when they are rightfully derided you want the subject changed ????. If you don't want to discuss Labour, Brexit etc. then stop bringing it up.
  23. Actually we already tried that. It was going OK until power hungry politicians started empire building so we left the failed Federalist project following a Democratic vote to do so ????.
  24. I'm going to assume these are more unnamed sources from extreme left publications ?????
  25. Why would she do that? The Tories have 2 more years of power. Plenty of time to turn it around.

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