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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Glad to hear you speak on behalf of Scottish voters everywhere ????. Unfortunately the UK has already left the EU so that ship has sailed. It's good to hear they still want to stay in the UK though and haven't changed their minds since they voted to stay in 2014. Not surprising really, given the recent corruption scandal in the EU. Are you implying that corruption is OK as long as the economic impact is not significant? I'm not sure you'd apply the same attitude if it was, oh I don't know, Donald Trump with the suitcases of cash under his bed. Yet you are fine to downplay it when it is an EU Vice President. Hypocritical much? In any case, it's impossible to know the economic significance until we know the full extent of the sordid story so it's a bit of a ridiculous question to ask at this stage.
  2. Not much chance of that ????. Talking of ridiculous notions of rejoining though, this corruption scandal has been more than a bit of a blow for the dreamers who think an Independent Scotland will join the corrupt EU. Double whammy for Sturgeon, I hope she's OK! https://news.sky.com/story/majority-of-scots-would-vote-against-independence-new-poll-suggests-12791201 https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/23269298.scottish-government-backed-group-faces-eu-ban-corruption-scandal/
  3. It got a massive pass. Fluffy edges and excuses all round. For example... I wonder if he'd have been so accepting, forgiving and nostalgic about misogyny, sexual inequality, opposition to immigration, elitism and xenophobia in the West? Somehow, I doubt it...
  4. Not sure what any of that has to do with my post about the EU. ???? But since you ask, 17 years here, 15 of them working for a multi-national in BKK. You?
  5. You on left wing guard duty much? ???? Yes it was the BBC. Which is why, if you read the article, you'd see it was all dressed up in a veneer of "Oh isn't it all so quaint and charming". Somehow, I doubt the BBC would be doing the same for UK/US based misogyny, xenophobia, elitism etc. Actually, if it came from a Labour MP maybe they would...
  6. Classic EU. It's always take, take, take. What yours is mine, what's mine is my own. You cut, I choose etc. etc. Never show any good will or reciprocity even when they claim that is it's policy. Projecting an image of virtue while (at least) one of their vice presidents does shady deals involving suitcases of cash. Don't hold your breath for any benevolence from the EU, Thailand...
  7. Terribly sad. I can't imagine how the parents must feel. ???? My niece was also bullied relentlessly at school (mainly via phone apps) but fortunately she wrote a letter to my sister and brother in law telling them what was happening before she attempted anything like this. They moved her to different school where she did very well but now aged 21 she still has a few issues stemming from that period.
  8. People often bemoan our home countries for poor attitudes towards foreigners, tough immigration laws, feelings of racial superiority, fear of outsiders, gender inequality, poor working conditions, evil elites etc. However, most of them cannot hold a candle to Japan in this regard. Obviously Japan gets a free pass for all of this, because "it's their culture" (which is basically a euphemism for "they're not white so don't you dare criticize them"). https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-63830490 The entitled elites have screwed the working man to the point they can't afford/don't want a family and simultaneously they don't want the evil foreigner coming in. Well, they've made their bed, so they're going to have to deal with the issues of an ageing population and falling birth rates.
  9. A bit unlucky against Arsenal. Still, with their squad top 4 isn't bad. They might even get 3rd if Spurs, Chelsea and Liverpool continue to shoot themselves in the foot.
  10. Let's hope he's not another ultra authoritarian powermonger masquerading as a #bekind "liberal" like Ardern (or Trudeau for that matter). The last few years under this woman are a dark period in Antipodean history that all New Zealanders need to learn from. Let's hope Canada gets some good news soon as well.
  11. If this course involves racist, divisive topics such as Critical Race Theory then I think it needs to be seriously looked at. Teaching racist theory is not OK just because Caucasians are the subject of the racism. If ever there was a case for banning hate speech, CRT would be number 1 on the list. Sooner or later, America needs to move away from the retribution driven race baiting from the left. Especially marxist, racist, corrupt organizations like BLM that sow even more division in an already deeply divided country.
  12. And why is it a perceived problem? Because the divisive Woke ideology has infiltrated places of learning. There is nothing wrong with an image of Mohammed in an educational context. Nonsense. Cancelling respected individuals because of one single perceived slight against a minority group is pretty much the definition of left wing intolerance, virtue signalling and ideology.
  13. I would disagree. The way the Professor was swiftly labelled Islamaphobic and then effectively "cancelled" due to a complaint by an ethnic minority Muslim student has all the hallmarks of extreme left wing ideology/cancel culture in the University's administration.
  14. Modern day "Liberals" are often anything but Liberal. Many have a disturbingly authoritarian streak in them. Trudeau is a good example.
  15. Yes, here it is again since you missed it on page 1. OFS stands for Office For Students. Jeez ???? https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/news-blog-and-events/press-and-media/almost-200-speakers-rejected-at-english-universities-and-colleges-in-2020-21/
  16. I made a clear distinction between the classic sense of the word, and the way it is now used in 2023. Your inability to understand the difference is not my concern.
  17. Are the OFS "right wing"? I already linked to their views. But you didn't like the websites that quoted directly from them ????. Simple deflectionary tactics because you don't like to acknowledge their very clear message.
  18. He is liberal in the classic sense of the word. Unfortunately, "progressives" have hijacked the word and now to be described as a Liberal means something completely different to the original meaning of the word. Now, it generally revolves around shutting down free speech, cancelling opposition voices and being generally unpleasant to (and putting inaccurate labels on) anyone who disagrees with you.
  19. The 'blog' has direct quotes from the OFS. Your constant attempts to attack the source are not only boring and repetitive, but ineffective. How about The Guardian? Is the source left wing enough for you? https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/sep/09/universities-in-england-favour-cancel-culture-over-quality-says-williamson
  20. Education? Indoctrination would be more accurate. I've already posted a link to Thomas Sowell that explains why Universities tend to be left wing. I suggest you watch it.
  21. By crippling the country with debt that they can't afford to service. Sounds great... Equality of outcome is a flawed concept.
  22. And yet the individual who liked your post claims Woke ideology doesn't exist. Strange then, that she liked a post claiming it is a form of critical thinking. So which is it? I don't believe Woke is a form of critical thinking, neither do I believe it is a fabrication by the right. Critical thinking relies on facts and evidence. Woke ideology is a tool to silence those who disagree with your extreme leftist views. It oftens takes the form of screaming "Racist" at someone even if the conversation has nothing to do with race ????.
  23. Are you suggesting Woke ideology does not exist? That's some incredible gaslighting, even by your standards. Don't like the story so attack the source? OK, how about the OFS themselves? Are they rightwing extremists as well? https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/news-blog-and-events/press-and-media/almost-200-speakers-rejected-at-english-universities-and-colleges-in-2020-21/
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