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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 14 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    Here we go again. Bill is stating that the rest of the UK should get to vote in any Scottish independence referendum.

    Once again I point out the hypocrisy in demanding this when Brexiteers would have had a mass collective hissy fit if the same rule had been applied for leaving the EU.


    I don't know what you're so worried about. Allowing the rest of the UK to vote would massively increase the chances of a "Yes" vote, especially as we see more of Sturgeon. A lot of people would be more than happy to see the back of the SNP and their nasty leader.


    Her schadenfreude at Swinson's defeat was particularly unpleasant.



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  2. I notice they want to use the Sussex name as part of their new "brand". Their new website name shows that.


    They want to be a royal version of the Beckhams. 


    There is a simple solution to this. The Royal family should disown them and cut them off entirely. Let them make money as civilian celebrities by slagging off the British on Oprah.


    That would serve 2 purposes. Preserve the integrity of the Royal Family and highlight the awesomeness of William and Kate.


    So pathetic how Harry has been pussy whipped by this manipulative actress.



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  3. 35 minutes ago, jayboy said:

    They actually expect the British state and taxpayer to continue providing quite a lot.I'm not much interested one way or the other but they appear to want their cake in addition to eating it.Also inexplicable and shockingly bad mannered not to have consulted Queen in advance before making the announcement.

    Pretty shocking they didn't discuss this with the family beforehand. Even forgetting their status, who does something huge like this without discussing it with relatives?


    This has got Markle written all over it. Sad to see.

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  4. 1 hour ago, eisfeld said:

    I missed it but seems like BMW Motorrad released the new S1000RR a month ago at the Motor Expo. The price is now a whopping 1,020,000 THB up from 840k. As usual in Thailand not many options can be chosen, most interesting ones are included as fixed at least. It seems like carbon wheels or Li ion battery are not and also can't be ordered as an option according to the website.


    30k EUR for what costs about 20k EUR in DE. Tough sell imho. I know the new excise tax added a bit (10%) but then it should be roughly 925k. So they added nearly another 100k on top for the updated version. Interestingly the R still costs the same 675k.

    Do you know if that's the M Package or the standard model?


    The M has the carbon wheels, Li ion battery already so that might be why they are not an option. It would also explain the extra price but it's still expensive either way.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Calm down, your taxes are hardly involved in his financing. He is financed by his own inheritance from his  mother,  by money, from the Ducky of Cornwall Estate which his Father gives to him, and from a stipend from the Queen. And now I guess from his wife's own not inconsiderable wealth from acting.   The only place your taxes get involved is when he attends formal functions as a Royal and that will not happen as much in the future, so you can relax.  

    A stipend from the Queen. A portion of which comes from the Sovereign Grant. Which comes from taxpayers money.


    In simple terms, if you give your wife money and she then gives it to her parents to build a house, you haven't contributed anything towards the house? OKaayyyyy.

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  6. 2 hours ago, JAG said:

    His income (and that of Prince Charles and The Duke of Cambridge) comes from the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall. Prince Charles, as Duke of Cornwall, already pays tax (voluntarily) at the top rate on that income, The Duke of Sussex (Harry) and Prince Charles and The Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) do not receive any money from the Sovereign Grant (used to be called the Civil List) which is money paid to the Monarch to fund the Monarchy. Monies used to refurbish homes and so on may have been given by the Queen from her own funds, on which I believe she voluntarily pays tax. Both The Queen and Prince Charles are of course extremely wealthy, with large estates, but those estates are held in trust and can not be sold off. In Prince Charles's case he receives 15% of the revenues of his estate, on which hw pays tax, and the balance goes to the Exchequer. I believe a similar arrangement is in place for the Crown Estates. 


    The point is that whilst they are all financially "very secure", stinking rich, whatever phrase you choose to use, they are not funded by public taxation; The Duchy of Cornwall and The Crown Estate contribute far more to the Exchequer than they cost the Exchequer.


    As for the costs of security - well he is the grandson of the Queen, and will in time be the son of The King, and then probably the brother of the next King. That is a fact, because of his birth. Whether he lives in London or North America, those costs will continue throughout his life.


    I am of course, writing from the point of view of a supporter of the monarchy. By all means advocate a different means of selecting the head of state. But perhaps think carefully, both on grounds of cost and who you could end up with - Presidents Blair or Major anyone? Let's not even look at the financial transparency and orange hued and porn star littered style of the  current incumbent in Canada's southern neighbour!



    In a nutshell, the UK government makes a payment called the Sovereign Grant to the Royal Household every year, with its value determined by how much money "The Crown Estate" - an extensive real estate portfolio - brings in. That total added up to £82 million (including an extra grant covering restoration costs at Buckingham Palace) and the monarchy spent £67 million on official duties including travel as well as other costs such as staff and property maintenance. That last point is the primary reason the Royal Family is getting so expensive.


    Essentially, taxpayers money goes to the government which then goes to the Queen, then the Queen gives it to Prince Harry for things such as 2.4 million pound "cottage" (mansion) renovations.




    So while the sovereign grant (taxpayers money) doesn't go directly to Harry, he gets a portion of it via the Queen. So he's happy to receive the money, but doesn't want to do the duties. 


    I'm happy with the UK Monarchy on the whole and don't support a change to the head of state, but Harry needs to sort himself out.  

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