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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 7 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    He is merely following the same path our UK governments have been forging over the years - the difference being that the British public are spineless and weak; the French workers should be an inspiration to us all. Sadly, all we seem to do in the UK is to criticise our fellow man who stands up for his - and our - rights. 

    But this thread is about the French, not the British that you so clearly detest.

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  2. 42 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    I do see Scotland as a problem for the UK.  It's quite ironic that as the UK voted to leave the EU, Scotland has basically voted to leave the UK.

    Not really.


    In 2014 Scotland voted 55% Remain in the UK vs 45% for leaving the UK


    In 2019 55% voted for parties that opposed independence compared to 45% that support independence.


    Even if Johnson allowed another vote (he won't), there is a high probability that they would vote to Remain in the UK again.

  3. Macron is worth millions of dollars at the age of 42. Even if he didn't have plenty of well paid jobs lined up after this one (I suspect he will earn more millions in unelected positions at the EU after this) he'd live a life of luxury for the rest of his life.


    He doesn't need this pension, he's using it as a tool to force through pension reform policies that will make the elderly poorer. Meanwhile, he wants to reduce corporation tax and opposes tax increases on the rich.


    A real benevolent leader ????.

  4. 16 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    In what way? Your political aspirations, despite there being mountains of evidence of daily casual racism from a small number of Brexit supporters, even from the PM himself, is pure of intent, whereas mine is nasty and virulent?


    Get over yourself. If Scottish independence was tainted by even a fraction of the incidents that we see daily because of Brexit we would RIGHTLY be castigated by all and sundry. But we do not point to the alarming rise of racism and racist incidents in England and say that this is the fault of Brexiteers because we know that this is representing only a tiny minitory of Brexit supporters. Your weak, lazy and contrived attempt to smear Scots as anti-English is genuinely insulting.

    I am not saying your aspirations are nasty and virulent so please do not put words in my mouth.


    I am saying that there is Anti English sentiment in Scotland. I know because I worked there and experienced it, sometimes in a jokey way and sometimes not. I have also provided examples of it. I am sure you are also aware of it but if you wish to deny it's existence that is fine with me. 


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  5. 2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    No she does not.

    She states quite clearly she does not want them in the SNP.


    Here are her EXACT words.


    The First Minister admitted that "any party, any movement" could "attract people who don't want.. who will see, or choose to see, something in what you stand for that it's not."

    She added: "The banner you talk about, that person with that banner does not speak for the SNP and that sentiment has no place in the kind of Scotland I want us to be and think we are.

    "I think you can't get to a situation, in any party, that you can say with certainty that you never attract the wrong kind of person. But you can be vehement and resolute in calling it out and saying very clearly if that's your opinion you don't belong in this party, we don't want you.

    "And people who put up banners like that I don't want them in the SNP, I'm sorry if that offends them but I don't want them."

    She's a politician. She is essentially admitting it without saying it. Read this line carefully.


    "I think you can't get to a situation, in any party, that you can say with certainty that you never attract the wrong kind of person. But you can be vehement and resolute in calling it out and saying very clearly if that's your opinion you don't belong in this party, we don't want you."


    She is basically saying that they are here but we don't want them here. I'm sorry if you can't see that.

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