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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 3 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Actually they're both 16 year old girls, someone's daughter. Her celebrity is irrelevant. I repeat, how would you have felt if someone had said that about your daughter when she was 16?


    I'm a father. If someone had said that about my daughter when she was 16, male or female, gay or straight, able bodied or disabled, they'd have needed to stick a toothbrush up their backside to clean their teeth the next day.

    You'd physically assault a disabled woman for making a joke that you found offensive? Wow. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    Or, people could just buy smaller bin bags. We have three or four different sizes for different purposes. So many who are commenting on this are either very obtuse or just moaning for the sake of moaning. Nothing new there. Trying to cut back on the amount of plastic used in Thailand, the amount of which has drawn condemnation from plenty on this site, is a good thing. But still people find a problem with it. Okay guys - those who don't agree with the policy, what is your own solution to the plastic problem? Hmm?

    Ummm, how does people buying smaller bin bags, instead of using free 711/Tesco bags for their household rubbish help the environment? It only helps people selling the bin bags.


    I'm heavily in support of this initiative and certainly not moaning, in fact I happily bought 4 linen bags yesterday from Tops. I am simply making the point that you cannot get rid of plastic bags/sacks completely unless you want to put wet household waste into paper/linen bags, which is not very hygienic once the contents of the bag starts dripping on the floor. If you think paying for 3 or 4 sizes of these plastic bags from the supermarket instead of using the free 711 bags for the same purpose is saving the environment, well...

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    Would you feel the same way if someone suggested that about your daughter?

    Ah, I see.


    No jokes allowed if it offends the parents/children/friends of the individual who was the butt of the joke. Trumps kids probably hate the jokes about Trump, it upsets them. So no more jokes about Trump, OK?


    If that's the criteria, I guess all jokes should be banned. 

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    • Haha 1
  4. On 12/30/2019 at 7:59 AM, jackdd said:

    Then i would suggest you buy one, unless you want to drill holes in the license plate.

    I'm pretty sure it's illegal to drill holes in them, although I have done in the past and the bike still passed the por lor bor check.


    Better to buy a bracket, they are very cheap.

  5. Very sad, RIP. He sounds like he was a good guy and whilst this was undoubtedly an extremely irresponsible thing to do, he didn't deserve to pay with his life. 


    It looks like it was lit from the first attempt and blew up exactly as he leaned over and tried to light it 'again'.


    Fortunately nobody else was injured/killed, that was quite an explosion.

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