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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 23 minutes ago, samran said:

    Gawd, no hanging around cause it’s fun to see the delusion continue. 

    Sounds like you prefer the echo chamber though. 


    no one ever said you can’t trade, but trade, by definition it is limited by tariffs quotas and other non tariff barriers (eg red tape, national preferences).

    China and the EU are negotiating an FTA, but the ‘F’ in the FTA will be in name only. It won’t be seamless. 

    I doubt you’ll see a US EU one for a long while because access to agriculture will be sensitive. 


    With the UK leaving the EU, British exporters are going to face whole lot of these things they’ve never faced before. So your post is spoken like someone who’s doesn’t care if someone’s livelyhood is affected by these impositions.


    Yes I know i know, Donald is going to save you and you’ll have a brand spanking new FTA with the EU come November. So chest thump away, it’s entertaining to watch. 



    So we're in agreement that the US and China do shedloads of trade with the EU with no FTA in place.


    Jolly good.

    • Like 1
  2. 27 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    Yeah we got it. You won. Now get over it.


    Scotland did not make any commitments to existing UK projects. Westminster did that and allocated it to Scotland because they can. Think you will wait a long time to see any money from Scotland to build infrastructure in London and nuclear power stations.


    Oh yeah population size. Thats the criteria for joining the EU. Thats why countries like Malta, Luxembourg and the like all got told to forget it.


    The border between, for example, the United States and Canada is even bigger but seems to work fine. The border between the EU and the rest of the world is even bigger but seems to work fine. Indeed the border between the UK and the rest of the world will be bigger. Do you foresee any issues arising from that?


    Are you proposing to kick out the Scots who live in England after independence? I need to say there is no feeling north of the border that English born residents should be ethnically cleansed south after independence. 

    I didn't say population size will stop you joining. Debt will probably do that. Population size and GDP will just make you a minor, insignificant member and therefore you have little say and certainly not the independence you claim to crave.


    Re. the border, it's the EU that will insist on this not the UK. You know how precious they are about the single market and customs union. I never said it will be impossible, but it will have to be built and manned as other borders of the EU are. So you'll have a border on one side and the sea on all the others. Nice and isolated. And you call Brexiteers "little Englanders"? Ah the irony.


    Ethnic cleansing? Don't be childish. The same rules will apply for Scots as other EU members. In the future you'll have to qualify to work in the UK via an Australian based points system. Sorry, that's the price for leaving. You'll be free to work in Poland and Hungary though, so it's not all bad news as long as the Scots are prepared to learn new languages and live in countries with little shared history and culture.


    You won't be independent though. Seems a lot of hassle just to swap Westminster for Brussels but if that's what you think the Scots want then let's re-run 2014 and watch Groundhog day unfold with another Remain vote. 

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  3. On 1/5/2020 at 12:50 PM, scubascuba3 said:

    Do you have a homePro near you? i bought a metre of their thickest chain plus a good quality lock. Plus i used a used motorcycle inner tube round the chain, the shops usually give them away

    Same as I did. HomePro sells "bike chains" but it was cheaper buying the "normal" chains by the metre and a good padlock.


    To the OP, Global House in Korat sells the chain by the metre and also loads of choices of padlocks.




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