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Posts posted by JonnyF

  1. 5 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    They have never voted against a deal that will do minimal damage to the economy. They even proposed one which May rejected.


    How did they vote in invoking Article 50? For or against?

    Money money money. The economy. GDP.


    Even if your doomsday predictions are correct (which they aren't) is that really all you care about?


    I get the distinct impression that most remainers would sell their own grandmothers for a 5% increase in GDP or 10% on the pound. 


    Pretty sad state of affairs when people are so skint that they would sell out their own country for a % of gdp or 10,000 baht a month extra on their pension. Fortunately you guys are the minority and always will be.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

    From Labour manifesto 2017


    Labour recognises that leaving the EU with ‘no deal’ is the worst possible deal for Britain and that it would do damage to our economy and trade. We will reject ‘no deal’ as a viable option and if needs be negotiate transitional arrangements to avoid a ?cliff-edge’ for the ?? economy.

    Define deal.


    Trade deal or European treaty ?

  3. 2 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    They always have and still are prepared to honour the leave result. What they are not and never have been prepared to do is leave with a deal that does major damage to the economy. Just as the leave campaign promised.

    Not true. They promised to leave to try and hoover up the leave vote. Then voted against it in HOC.


    But it doesn't matter now. Their mask has slipped and the Brexit party will stand against the Labour MP's in leave seats. They're gonna get mullered. Well the ones that dont bottle it and resign beforehand anyway.

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  4. Just now, DannyCarlton said:

    History tells us that the Tory party had a 14 point lead at the start of the 2017 election campaign, which all but dissapeared by polling day. The Tory party currently has a 10 point lead.


    Does this tell us that Labour are going to win the election?


    Yes labour were pretending to honour the leave result in 2017.


    Nobody is believing that any more. Plus everyone knows what Corbyn stands for this time around. Labour will be crushed.

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  5. 1 minute ago, cleopatra2 said:

    Look at the politics.

    Prior to prorugation Boris had sufficient support to wait and see what agreement he brought back.

    He could have delayed sufficiently to place pressure on MPs.

    Instead he prorogued Parliament allowing sufficient time for the Ben Act.

    Then when the Act was in danger of not having time to pass the HoL the government comes to an arrangement with opposition to allow it to pass

    I've never read a more confused opinion on TV. Bizzare.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

    Latest polls indicate a Boris/Tory clear majority of 60 seats. I find that hard to imagine, but that is clearly what is being forecast.

    Let's see. The silent majority will have their say. 


    Remainers can march around London and post on Facebook as much as they want. Leavers will silently judge them and then make their voice heard at the polling stations as they did in 2016.

    • Haha 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, cleopatra2 said:

    If you are looking to achieve a clean break then i would havs thought a Labour government under Corbyn the best option.

    Johnson can not abandon his WA . Mainly due to the fact he called a GE to be able to pass it through Parliament. Any attempt by Johnson to abandon this deal would result in a massive surge within Parliament to revoke in fear of a France veto of a request to extend.

    Johnson talk of no extenstion of transition is merely political expediency to kick the can down the road.

    Johnson hoping that events dictate extension inevitable.

    With a Corbyn government and a request for extension will result in the French declaring that the UK on this issue can not govern itself and the EU have to decide to refuse the extension to allow both the UK and EU to move forward.

    Corbyn who is a eurosceptic probably wants a clean break but Starmer et al have him by the balls. Their policy is incoherent. The shadow cabinet is an embarrassment. McDonnell and Abbott and Thornberry ? What a sheeitshow.


    If Johnson gets a massive majority then Parliament will follow him. Simple as that.

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  8. 14 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    A clear possibility if he can get the rest of the party to go with the idea. Somehow I doubt that as the majority of Conservative MPs don't stand to benefit financially from crashing the economy.


    BTW. Even with a no deal Brexit, the 38bn is still payable.

    Depends on the scale of the majority.


    No we don't owe 38 Billion. That claim has been debunked many times. We only owe it if we agree to the withdrawal agreement. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Johnson's aim was always for a no deal Brexit. He didn't achieve that because he didn't have a clear majority in Parliament. He has now expunged his detractors from the Tory party and aims to vanquish the opposition at the ballot box. If he achieves this I fully expect a virtual no deal Brexit to sail through parliament.


    Plus, it doesn't need to pass through parliament. If Johnson's deal passes, which is highly likely, he only has to run the clock down on trade negotiations and no deal Brexit comes to pass. The only thing that could prevent it is a new Benn bill, which wouldn't pass if the Conservatives have a clear majority and no opponents from within the party.



    Why would Johnson bother with the withdrawal agreement if he wants no deal and gets a majority? Just leave at the end of January.


    I'm still hoping his "deal" is around long enough to get a majority and then its trashed. Tough to win an election on No Deal manifesto. Once elected however he can take us out in January on No Deal and we save 40 Billion and get a clean break. No need for his pathetic "deal" to see the light of day again.


    That's what I'd do anyway but maybe its wishful thinking on my part.

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