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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. The jury deliberated for less than 12 hours. Almost like they had already made their minds up. Of course the rich and powerful can be convicted. It depends if they are on the wrong side of the political divide. Look at Thailand for example, Thaksin (like Trump) was removed. In fact Thailand now has many similarities to the USA in terms of removing popular politicians via kangaroo courts.
  2. No I don't agree that the laws should be changed to exclude people with a criminal conviction a day after Trump is convicted of all 34 out of 34 charges in less than 12 hours. That's the type of thing that happens in banana republics. Despite recent events, I'd like to think America is still above that type of thing.
  3. Grieving? πŸ˜„ For a start, I am no fan of Trump (although I prefer him to Biden) but I am less of a fan of kangaroo courts and politically motivated trials. Secondly, Trump has lost the battle but not the war. If this were a football game he's conceded a free kick in the opponents half in the 15th minute. Hardly worth grieving over, even for Trump fans. I predict he will still win in November. In fact I believe it is more likely after this debacle.
  4. Exactly. Guilty on all 34 counts after less than 12 hours deliberation. The optics are terrible. Like something from a banana republic. πŸ˜ƒ
  5. And yet here you are, calling for it the day after Trump gets a conviction. Not politically motivated of course πŸ˜„.
  6. Interesting timing to reach such a conclusion. Purely coincidental I'm sure πŸ˜ƒ.
  7. I think finding him guilty on all 34 doesn't look legit. If it was say, 25 out of 34 people might think it was a fair and well considered judgement. Now, with a slam dunk of all 34 it looks like there could have been a 35th charge of flying to Mars on a unicorn without a licence and he'd have 35 counts. The optics are terrible and are likely to increase his support.
  8. Yes now you have the conviction let's change the law to keep Trump out of office. That seems fair. πŸ˜ƒ
  9. Not before implementing the first one. Which is what they were trying to do. Agreed beforehand. They wouldn't have been demanding a second vote if they had won the first.
  10. It isn't if you try to oveturn the original vote before it has been implemented. Would it be democratic for Trump to demand another vote in December if he loses in January? Of course not, yet you wanted another vote on Brexit before the result of the first one had been implemented. So asking for people's acceptance of votes/verdicts seems a bit of a stretch for you. The hypocrisy is not surprising though...
  11. I hope you can accept the result in November. Or will you be calling for another vote if your side lose, like you did with Brexit?
  12. As for Trump's conviction, most Trump supporters will see this drama as politically motivated. Even people undecided might conclude they don't like their choice of President being dictated by courts/juries. I don't see this harming his chances, might even help them.
  13. No, they are culling anti-semitic, race card playing, mathematically illiterate loonies like you Diane. They have no choice if they wish to stand a chance of being elected to power.
  14. You don't consider Hamas and Al Qaeda to be scumbags? To suggest so is a slur? I can't say I'm surprised.
  15. A feeble attempt to divert. You said you find it amazing that accepting an election result is considered 'honorable' i.e. it should be a given. Yet you spent years on here supporting overturning the Brexit vote with a "second referendum" or "people's vote". πŸ˜ƒ
  16. I asked you to provide examples for Murray being Islamophobic. You ignored that request, and repeated the accusation. You have no evidence to back it up. I doubt you even read the book. Easier to trot out the same old "Islamaphobic/racist/far right/bigot" nonsense I suppose. Why break the habit of a lifetime? πŸ˜ƒ
  17. Great post. Unfortuately there are a handful of prolific posters on the forum (we all know who they are) who are unable to make a coherent argument against many Conservative ideas and therefore resort to labeling everything they disagree with as "far right" or "whateverphobic" or the classic "I will ignore what you typed because I know what you're really thinking". It's lazy, disingenuous and reduces the debate to name calling. The post directly above yours is a good example.
  18. More honorable than your mob demanding a second vote when the first Brexit vote went the 'wrong' way. Or are you still trying to forget about that? πŸ˜ƒ
  19. Surely Joe can just make up some more lies about the economy? He's had enough practice. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/16/politics/fact-check-biden-deficit-minimum-tax/index.html
  20. Just another bunch of scumbags to add to the long list of those supporting the anti-Israel movement. No doubt the radical left will be thankful for their support, along with their friends in Hamas.
  21. I make no such apology for observing your propensity to post drivel.
  22. If you can stop posting for 30 seconds you might want to clean your glasses. No I rarely pay much attention to any of your drivel.
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