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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. "Liberals" think it is sophisticated and progressive to hate their own countries. Same as here in the UK, if you dare to fly the national flag you are branded a racist, a little Englander etc. and something to be openly mocked, even by politicians. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-30148768
  2. Given that it's Pride month, take 3 guesses. Alternatively, maybe they were making refreshments for their comrades in the Pro Palestine movement that did the damage?
  3. Bit early to conclude on Farage IMO. He only announced it a few days ago. Plus, some people just won't vote Farage because he doesn't always come across well and/or has been demonized by the media. Also, I doubt right wing Remainers would vote for him given his history with Brexit. So basically, if you are right wing in the UK you have a choice between Sunak and Farage. Given that choice, many might stay at home. Alternatively, right wingers fed up with the Tories have the option to vote Farage instead of Labour or abstaining now. Be interesting to see how it goes. Farage entering the fray has certainly made it more interesting.
  4. The Tories are no longer conservative/right. They make all the right noises come election time, but then fail to deliver with real policies/action. Failing to vote conservative does not mean you are do not want a centre right government, quite the opposite in fact. The reason they are losing votes is not because voters don't want to vote right wing, it's because the Tories longer represent right wing voters. Like Galloway said, Labour and the Tories are 2 cheeks of the same a**e.
  5. You can fall off quite easily if it's a sports bike like this R7. Perched up a lot higher than the rider, on a saddle smaller than an iPad with your legs tucked underneath you. Add in a rider who is accelerating, braking and turning hard and it's pretty precarious up there.
  6. This is why I don't ride in large groups, especially with people I don't know well. Ego/excitement takes over, people start racing each other and taking silly risks.
  7. Untrained dog left to roam free around screaming children bites child. Hardly an unusual event. The only reason it is news is because it is ostensibly half pitbull. Which looking at it, I highly doubt.
  8. Yep, the ultra rich elitist lefties certainly know which side their bread is buttered. DeNiro is another one. Trump supporters tend to be more your typical working man. Fortunately, multi-millionaire, elitist actor/singer luvvie's votes count exactly the same as Bill the auto-mechanic's. Much to their chagrin.
  9. 34 isn't that young. Although her lyrics do suggest she is mentally still a teenager. That's probably part of the act though. She's smart enough to target a young, confused, naive audience. I'll give her that... When it comes to crooning about teenage angst and breaking up with her boyfriend. Although most of the songs are written by someone else. She's definitely mouthy about issues she appears to know little about. She's certainly coining it in by jetting around the world pumping out huge amounts of carbon while telling her fans not to. So I genuinely commend her on her capitalist prowess, if she is a little too elitist and hypocritical for my liking.. Au contrare, I mean, I totally would...
  10. Most wars are based on religion, territory and money, not race. Religion and money aren't going anywhere, and neither are territorial disputes. Increasing the proportion of mixed race people won't stop war. Also, I highly doubt that the Japanese, Koreans, Thais, Chinese etc. will all look like your image in 200-600 years. Eliminating homogenous societies under the banner of DEI is a Western liberal ideal, not one held worldwide.
  11. Yes, because a live streamed beheading of Netanyahu is sure to ease tensions.
  12. She is a hypocrite. One rule for the plebs that come to watch her, and another rule for the her and her rich chums. A classic elitist leftist. No wonder you like her. 😃
  13. People are clearly sick of being sold out by left wing politicians. Simply labelling their opponents "far right" in an attempt to discredit them will no longer work. The people want effective leaders and common sense policies.
  14. Nothing new here. The likes of Douglas Murray pointed this out years ago with his excellent book The Strange Death of Europe. The only thing that has changed is that people have noticed there is truth to it, so now pointing this out is less likely to get you labelled a racist or Islamaphobe (except maybe on this forum). Politicians are selling out the indigenous people of Europe in exchange for cheap labour. Finally people are waking up to this and the centre right are making large gains in elections (labelled "far right" by the left of course). Probably too late though.
  15. I'm not surprised. Convicted felon is the new deplorables. But this time it exposes the whole justice system as opposed to just the votriol of a woman scorned. The former presidents cheated on bitter wife. The Dems will rue the day.
  16. I have no problem with her flying. Although private jet is the worst possible way to do it if she was genuinely serious about her carbon footprint. Not to mention the carbon footprint of tens of thousands of fans travelling to see her croon her weak pop songs. She ignores that though because she likes the adoration and the money that her concerts generate. Just stop preaching to others about the climate. She's in no position to lecture others. She's almost as bad as Lewis Hamilton. Taking private jets around the globe to race F1 cars is possibly the worst lifestyle one could live if you are concerned about the climate. Yet still he preaches. Hypocrisy is synonymous with the left and the richer they are the more hypocritical they tend to be. Their ilk are best ignored. Once you see how fake they are, it's impossible to take them seriously. Keep up the hero worship though. She hates Trump and that's the main thing, right...
  17. And climate change while flying around in private jets. The suckers lap it up. Well done Taylor. A fool and his money are easily parted and you have it down pat.
  18. I think we can all see where the rhetoric is coming from. This is just the stage after "convicted felon". Now it's far right and white nationalist. What's next? Nazi or fascist? My money is on fascist. Nazi will be saved for October. When you can't debate, vilify and insult. Discredit. It's straight from the leftist handbook.
  19. Yes, that was the point I was making. The rest of your post is gibberish, completely unrelated to the point I was making.
  20. It's clearly relevant. There was evidence of crimes on the laptop. Either the repair guy should report them or he shouldn't. Dealing class A drugs leads to untold misery. It wrecks lives. The repair guy did the right thing. The moral thing. That doesn't change just because it's the son of Joe Biden dealing them.
  21. I'm surprised he didn't claim his son died on the beaches of Normandy.
  22. Actually a lot of people know it. Just not you. Obviously.
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