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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. They voted based on his lies. The only mistake they made was trusting the liar. As for Corbyn, if he voted against it then maybe he had knowledge of Blairs dishonesty ? Or maybe he just hated Blair? Perfectly understandable.
  2. We've established he doesn't like Starmer but where does it say he's a Corbyn supporter? I doubt a Jew is a fan of a known anti semitic hamas friend like Corbyn.
  3. I saw nothing in the article to suggest he agrees with Corbyn's policies. Seems unlikely that as a Jew he would be a fan of someone who has friends in Hamas. He clearly dislikes Starmer though.
  4. And of course Blair's illegal war in the middle east based on WMD lies last time Labour gained power.
  5. Well they would win it if Corbyn wasn't standing as an independent, wouldn't they... Hence, if he wins he is costing Labour a seat. I guess he is finally doing something useful. Maybe the anti-semite Diane Abbott could stand in Islington South and get rid of the English/working class hating Emily Thornberry?
  6. Highly unlikely. If there was a spider in the bath Harry would probably ask his wife to kill it, lest he broke his necklace and fell on the dog bowl.
  7. Given that his seat is Islington North it is hardly surprising that his brand of anti-semitism, pro Palestine, hard leftism is popular amongst the champagne socialists that reside there. As for the rest of your post, maybe you didn't read the part of the article below if you think this is of no significance to Labour.
  8. I couldn't give a monkeys how much money they are making/losing. GB News doesn't have the luxury of extorting the public for cash under the threat of bailiffs turning up at the front door to take their property. Then using that platform to lecture the public on Woke nonsense, climate alarmism, the Hamas 'freedom fighters' etc. Unlike the BBC.
  9. He actually said this with a straight face while on a BBC programme? 😃 GBNews have been a welcome addition to the rampant Woke, left wing propaganda of the BBC, Channel 4 etc. Are they right of centre? Yeah probably but it provides balance in an almost completely left wing MSM in Britain. It's no surprise they are doing so well when conservative viewers have been forced to watch the leftist drivel that the BBC has been putting out for so long, while strongarming citizens with threats to pay for the million+ pound salaries of the likes of 'that Hamas thing' Gary Lineker and the 'minor attracted' adulterer Hugh Edwards.
  10. A wise move. Trump is far from perfect, but compared to Biden he looks outstanding. Good to see the Republicans standing together. It bodes well for November.
  11. Interesting. Corbyn and his self declared "friends in Hamas" could split the vote. I'd be looking at hiring private security if I was standing against him. Or if I was guilty of being "openly Jewish" while around him or his ex lover and well renowned anti-semite Diane Abbott.
  12. Good luck Andrew. Jews will have a terrible time under the antisemitic Labour mob. I wish you all the best.
  13. You talk this nonsense sober? 😄 Great point, you'll never see me criticizing Biden, Blair, Harry, Sadiq Khan etc.
  14. It's like 80 year old women furiously marching for the vote, forgetting they already have it. Being gay isn't special or shocking any more. Just accept nobody cares any more. You're just an average Joe now. No need to dress like a flamingo and dance flamboyantly down the road to drum up a reaction. If anything its an advantage. Of all the DEI boxes to be ticked when applying for jobs, being gay is a pretty good one. To keep playing the oppressed victim makes you appear not so much as Baht, but Mai Dem Baht.
  15. Is that the same idiot Bush (and his neocon idiots) that Labour leader Tony Blair teamed up with for his illegal war in the middle east based on lies about WMD? You know, the illegal war that led to thousands of innocent lives being lost and the destabiiisation of the region? Or are you talking about a different Bush?
  16. We don't need to go back centuries. His parents are Pakistani. Not Indian. It's 2024. They are very different countries. Have been for a very long time. Stop embarrassing yourself and simply admit you confused the two nationalities because "these Indian chaps" all look the same to you.😄
  17. The IMF seems to think so. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cedd1nd5d9go I'm sure they will revise that down if "tax and spend" Labour get in.
  18. Indeed. Sneering "Youse are all Skoom" at the conservatives in one of her low cut, cleavage exposing tops. It' would be quite the sight to behold. 😃
  19. Can't he just say he forgot, like Biden? Or does that only work for Democrats?
  20. I'd imagine Labour will do the same thing if they are elected on July 4th. After all, they are friends with Hamas.
  21. Shame about Blair's illegal war/war crimes and destabilizing the middle east based on WMD lies. As for the economy, Labour had pretty much crashed it by 2009 before leaving the Tories to fix it in 2010. Same as they always do. Same as they will again. They take over in a decent position, crash it and then get voted out. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/GBR/united-kingdom/gdp-gross-domestic-product#:~:text=U.K. gdp for 2022 was,a 0.69% decline from 2018.
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