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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Personally I would have given Labour more time to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Now, they only have 6 weeks to come up with something ridiculous. But Sunak has never been the sharpest of minds. For those bringing money from the UK to Thailand, I'd recommend doing so before Labour get power and trash the UK economy like they always do.
  2. Harry trying to manipulate his sick father into giving in on the security issue. First, cut off access to the children. Then, cut off access to himself. His wife appears to be coaching him well. At least it's some fresh material for another book. He seems a bit thin on the ground for interesting stories lately, unless he's going to write about smoking weed with his chickens in Montecito.
  3. That's fine. What if you were an old woman waiting at a bus stop and got stabbed to death? Maybe she would have liked the option to take the car, like Khan does. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-69010196
  4. My mistake, it was merely a threat to be arrested if they didn't comply with restriction of movement being applied as a result of being openly Jewish. Which is totally fine 😃.
  5. Yes, nothing about pride marches inidicates a need for attention.😃
  6. One might conclude that they (and I don't mean all gay people, I mean the ones who attend these rallys) do not want to be considered equal, they want to be considered "special". Hence all the exhibitionism, the crys for attention, the exaggerated flamboyance, and even indecent exposure that we see at such marches. It all just screams "look at ME". Personally I have a lot more respect for people who just accept their sexuality, whatever that might be and get on with their lives, like the majority of gay people I work with on a daily basis.
  7. And I would apply the same logic to those marches. Pointless, and a cry for attention.
  8. I don't see why being gay is something to be proud of. Any more than being straight. It's just what you are. It's like being proud of having blue eyes. As for my opinion being sinister, I presume that is a euphemism for homophobic but you don't have the stones to come out and say it. A weak argument, especially when we consider that many gay people agree with me, Douglas Murray for example.
  9. Being a second generation immigrant born in London does not make you indigenous.
  10. I don't see it as hostile. I just don't see the need for it. We don't see white pride, straight pride, ginger pride, bald pride, tall pride etc. I don't see gay people being harrassed in Thailand. There are gay people in senior positions in the company I work for, nobody bats an eyelid. If you raised it as an issue you would be treated as a Pariah and rightly so. Just get on with their lives. No need to shout about it, it's almost like inviting hostility where there is none. Like racism, the demand for homophobia seems to be outstripping the supply so some people are trying to manufacture some to fill the gap. It's like "let's be deliberately provocative and see if we can bait someone into objecting so we can scream Homophobe and Bigot at them". Equally, you could say places like Soi Paradise in Phuket or Silom Soi 4 in Bangkok are like gay pride every night. The gay scene has their areas just as the straight scene does. Just another example of equality already achieved.
  11. Fortunately I'll be out of Bangkok for the long weekend so I won't have to suffer these attention seeking exhibitionists making complete fools of themselves. Look at MEEEEEEEEEEEE. Ummm, no thanks...
  12. Once again, censorious left wing politicians trying to take over the job of parenting from the parents. Here's an idea, how about you stay out of people's lives and focus on doing your own job properly?
  13. Of course. Some will like his two tiered, anti-semitic policing and pro-palestine police force. Some will like pricing the poor out of their cars and onto a mismanaged, crime ridden public transport system. Some might even like the rise in violent/knife crime. I don't. Oh the irony.
  14. If their goal was to raise a hypocritical, incompetent liar who is presiding over an unprecedented wave of anti-semitism in the capital with his two tiered policing then yes, they must be very proud of little Sadiq.
  15. Not sure what that garbage is supposed to mean, but let me know when you have the stones to say what you mean.
  16. Yep, she defeated another Democrat candidate. Another DEI vote. Or maybe she was elected due to her high moral standards and lovely personality? 😄
  17. I know the history. Khan is still not Indian. He is the son of Pakistani immigrants. Just admit you got his nationality wrong. 😄 If you do not understand the difference between Indians and Pakistanis in 2024 I suggest you go to a cricket match in Delhi and tell the home crowd that they are in fact, not Indian but Pakistani. Don't forget to film it and post back here.
  18. Here is what you said to me. I have clearly stated the policies of Khan that I do not like. Multiple times. So if you believe it is due to something else, then have the minerals to say it. If not, drop the childish insinuations.
  19. Khan is the child of Pakistani immigrants, not Indians.
  20. Nobody is disrespecting the vote or calling for another one. We are not Remainers.
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