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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Smart move by Joe. He clearly has a lot to hide. The "forgetful Grandpa" defense is hardly convincing.
  2. Get real Chomps. Israel has been smashing Palestine since the October 7 terrorist attacks. They're hardly going to be fans.
  3. Yes, a Labour MP recently proposed family visas for Palestinians so they can bring granny and little Mo with them. As if Jews in the UK didn't have enough problems. God help us if Labour get in. Scary times for Jews if the anti-semites in the Labour party get power.
  4. Always liked Ron. Good to see him taking a stand against the doomsday cultists.
  5. Sad to see Hunter is skint. Maybe the Pelosi's could offer him some investment advice? They always seem "ahead of the game" when it comes to moves in the stock market 🙄.
  6. Surely these protests are "mostly peaceful" like the BLM riots? Why so heavy handed ? I guess beating down privileged white kids is a better look than... Either way, it's always good to see the extreme left get a dose of reality.
  7. Just get rid of her. DEI can only protect you for so long.
  8. Another case of Britain importing foreign conflicts and intolerant ideology onto British streets. I'm sure the elderly gentleman felt culturally enriched as he was stabbed to death to the cry of allahu akbar. God help us when Labour get power.
  9. Take the thief to the airport. They do both hands free of charge.
  10. Probably not. But why should gay men and transwomen be excluded? Not a very inclusive attitude.
  11. Well done Jezza. Top bloke. Just goes to show that satchel carrying metrosexuals have been out of vogue for years now.
  12. Not sure about "lurking at the beech" but I've had a few boys nights out after our annual conference at The Amari. Great nights out, lots of laughs, but feel free to clutch those pearls at the idea 😄. My experience? Lots of mentally ill trans people harrassing tourists. Maybe you should get off the computer once in a while and experience some things in the big bad world for yourself, it might give you some real world experience and change your narrow view of things.
  13. Doesn't make sense to me either. Who said they left because of unskilled labour?
  14. Did it also lead to Germany's labour shortages? https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/germanys-shortage-workers-is-biggest-risk-growth-minister-says-2024-02-21/ I would argue a bigger factor in labour shortage is importing a load of unskilled immigrants while skilled professionals like me grow sick of the place and go and work for a multinational in Thailand where some semblance of sanity remains.
  15. A walk along Pattaya beach at 1am might well support Peru's stance. As might more than 10 minutes at an LGBT rally.
  16. I doubt the Germans are too thrilled either. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/german-unemployment-seen-rising-highest-level-almost-decade-2024-04-26/#:~:text=Other leading German economic institutes,report for the German government. Weren't you telling us that Brexit was going to lead to massive Labour shortages? Not unemployment. Shall we file that in the same wheelie bin as your prediction for a May election, or a different one?
  17. Well well well. Project Fear, cliff edge, 8% drop in GDP (merely on a vote to leave). Little insignificant Britain can't possibly survive outside the mighty EU. If only someone had called those lies out at the time. Oh, wait a minute... 😃
  18. Traditional, conventional and boring is exactly what the monarchy should be going for. This isn't the Kardashians we are talking about.
  19. If your into watching unattractive, middle aged convicted drug smugglers on OnlyFans then go for it. Probably best to keep it to yourself though... 😄
  20. Sunak doesn't care about the opposition. Using Starmer's story telling 'style', I would have to describe Sunak as a hard working, self made Indian immigrant who married his childhood sweetheart and very much dotes on his father in law, a humble man who runs his own computer shop. 😃
  21. I thought he worked in a factory? It seems to change every minute, like many who lie about their background. In reality, Starmer's father was the owner of Oxted Tool Company who was able to give "poor Keir" a cosy private education and put him through Oxford University. Hardly Oliver Twist.
  22. You're welcome. Sometimes pictures tell more than words.
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