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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. A supporter of the head of the Biden crime family attempting to take the moral high ground 😆.
  2. Always about money with you lefties. A lack of morality doesn't seem to bother you.
  3. It's quite sad. It's no surprise that a young girl used by the doomsday cult as their child deity and then dismissed when reaching adulthood would end up like this.
  4. Stock "copy/paste" response when you can't address the points raised.
  5. Good to see the American public have seen through this self serving fraud. Hopefully Asseanow members get the memo some time.
  6. Labour's policy seems to be to drive out wealthy successful people while importing poor intolerant people. I guess it makes sense if you hate the country and want to destroy it.
  7. Free Gear Keir Starmer should do some porridge for his corruption scandal with Lord Ali. Or the harm inflicted to pensioners and farmers. Looking at the guy it looks like Karma is working quickly on this occasion. He looks haunted.
  8. In the unlikely event they catch the perp, the identity will be hidden same as the Southport killer. It will be a "man from xxx suburb" followed by a 10 year old picture of him in a cub scout uniform. You leftists have to try to cover the consequences of your failed ideology. You have to hide the truth. It must be awful, I'm grateful not to have to do that.
  9. Who in their right mind would fight for the UK now? Veterans sleeping on the streets while illegal immigrants stay in free hotels. OAPs who fought for the country freezing in their own homes so Labour can save a few quid towards overseas climate aid. A PM who hates the country and insults it's working class people. If he despises it so much why does he think other people's children should fight for it? People can't even fly the flag without being branded racist or mocked by Labour politicians like Emily Thornberry on X so why would anyone die for it? It's not worth fighting for at this point.
  10. Sounds like Australia has been importing the same type of doctors nurses and engineers that the UK has. I suspect from the same region. Possibly with the same belief system. Australians should be very grateful that the cultural enrichers will boost their economy and peace tolersnce and joy will fill the streets. Diversity is about to become their greatest strength. 😜
  11. Recession within 6 months. The UK has made a colossal mistake allowing Starmer and his clown posse 4 years to damage the country. Like giving your car keys to a 10 year old with behavioural issues.
  12. CNN shilling for the doomsday cult in order to promote their globalist socialist agenda. What a surprise. I'm sure they have polls to show 99% of Americans believe them, confirmed by BBC Verify. 🤣
  13. Biden has taken US politics back decades with his Banana Republic tactics. Lucky he doesn't have a legacy to ruin. Biden/Harris must be the worst combination to ever hold the top 2 positions. Dishonest disingenuous incompetent clowns the pair of them.
  14. False equivalence. There is nothing political about convicting a drug addicted gun toting prostitute frequenting trust fund kid. Trying to take out your rival for the Presidency on the other hand...
  15. Sounds like Tedros is desperate for some attention.
  16. Rachel "from accounts" Reeves is a joke as are Labour. She should fo back to customer services but she was probably useless at that as well. If she was a clerk at the bank I wouldn't trust her to count my money. Labour have shown themselves to be totally incompetent. The Tories have never looked so good. Starmer should have resigned over the lord Ali gifts scandal but he has no morality. They are a complete shambles. Pathetic. Got one term written all over them. Like Biden's shower.
  17. Good to see the BBC taking this extremely seriously. 😃
  18. Sounds like Canada is going the way of the UK. Counter protesters threatened with arrest for being "openly Jewish". Sad to see in 2024. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-68856360
  19. Surgery and medication for transitioning should never be given to under 18's. Teenagers often face mental health issues but they should be treated as such, not shoehorned into an excuse to cut off their body parts or block their puberty. Let them dress as the other sex if they wish, they'll probably grow out of it and it will be nothing more than an embarrassing story for their siblings to tease them about over Xmas lunch when they grow up, much as I tease my sister over her "Madonna phase".
  20. Yes, according to her it was misogyny and a million other "ism's". Nothing to do with her falling asleep on the job of course. No, it was everyone else's fault. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-56450997 Using the victim narrative was so predictable. 😆
  21. Should give Parliamentarians a chance for a well earned rest. It's hard work being a Labour MP.
  22. No surprise. Lots of "Liberals" in Canada. Hence the anti-semitism. On the plus side, every pearl clutcher who suffers from white guilt deserves it. Just not for the reasons they think...
  23. Starmer clueless on virtually every issue. As a lawyer you would think he would know the difference. Oh, he also broke the Covid rules but hypocrisy is second nature to him. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/01/13/keir-starmer-branded-absolute-hypocrite-drinking-staff-lockdown/
  24. Yes lockdowns were a mistake. But would have been much harsher under Labour. Labour giving 11 Billion to foreign climate aid when the country has so many issues of it's own to deal with just shows how little they care about Britain. Then they try to deflect by complaining about 50 Million wasted when they were the ones opposing the scheme and their leftie lawyers were preventing it via the courts.

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