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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Why does Biden always have to talk like some uneducated trailer park trash? Is it some kind of "salt of the earth" schtick he has going on? He's supposed to be Presidential. Was he raised in some backwater or something? Oh, wait a minute...
  2. In other words, ignore the stats and hand over your cash to big state anyway 😄.
  3. I didn't say he was imported. He was yet another illegal immigrant. I said the conflict was imported. He committed the crime out of protest at what was happening in the middle east and with an Islamic extremist ideology/mindset. Like the Rwandans? 😃 No doubt some bleeding heart liberal would have screamed Racism and mounted a legal challenge if that had happened. "What about his human rights, you racist fascist bigot!!!". You know, the usual hysteria from the left. The result? Another innocent British citizen slaughtered to the cries of "Allahu Ahkbar".
  4. Yep. Ricky Gervais (legend) only just scratched the surface when he ripped the stars to shreds at the Golden Globes, including a dig at those who turned a blind eye to Weinstein's offenses. Perhaps part of the conviction process could be seizing their funds and using the money to fund prisons? Let's hope they do that before Diddy is convicted. That dude is loaded.
  5. Ah, the cultural enrichers are at it again I see. Importing conflicts from around the world to British streets at the expense of British citizens. Oh sorry I went off script there for a moment. Repeat after me. "Diversity is our greatest strength". I can't imagine the pain Mr. Carney's family are going through. What a horrific end for an old man minding his own business while out for a morning walk. Disgusting.
  6. More censorship from the "liberals". Is cyber security in the US so weak that they cannot deal with TikTok? I suspect that's just the excuse for pushing through ever more authoritarian policies. Given the content of TikTok, I'm surprised Biden isn't a fan. I bet he's got it in some 'secret calculator' app on his phone 😃.
  7. I suspect he will be found guilty in the retrial as well. Too much evidence. What an idiot. All that money and power, he could have had rooms full of high class escorts prepared to do whatever he liked. I suspect he enjoyed the thrill of "getting away with it" and the power of forcing women to 'perform' for their roles. While I'm sure some of the women were prepared to give it up for the sake of their careers, it doesn't change the fact that he is a disgusting individual.
  8. Or in the unlikely event he wins, after the election. It really makes a mockery of Democracy when the candidate clearly isn't fit to serve the term. They are simply wheeling him out because they believe he is their best chance of retaining the keys to power. And they have the nerve to call themselves the "Democrats" 😆. Mind you, when they also claim to be liberal and progressive, they may as well go all in and pretend to be democratic. In for a penny, in for a pound.
  9. There is some truth to that. Which makes you wonder why leftist loons like Corbyn consider Hamas to be his friends. The two groups are certainly curious bedfellows, but bedfellows nonetheless. Perhaps it is their hatred of Jews that unites them? Or perhaps the left support intolerance in the name of diversity?
  10. Not all people who object to Israel's response are anti-semites. But all anti-semites object to Israel's response. The world's oldest hatred takes very little watering for the seeds to sprout strong. Let's not pretend this anti Jewish sentiment started after October 7 2023.
  11. Rednecks in disguise? Let's be serious for a moment, we all know who it is.
  12. Could be the National Front in fancy dress I suppose.
  13. Let's cut to the chase, it's mainly Muslims and the extreme left behind the "anti-Israel" (i.e. anti-semite) movement.
  14. In response to October 7. If Hamas invaded NZ and killed/raped NZ hundreds/thousands kids at an Auckland music festival, would you object to your military reacting with force? Or do you only object when Jews do it?
  15. This bike forum used to very good and very active. Lots of big bike riders, bike reviews, trip reports, banter etc. I think what happened was that a lot of the active posters left Thailand, one or two passed away, others got tired of hearing the "you must be mad to ride in Thailand" comments from non riders and some had issues with a particularly over zealous individual with 'the button'. So now we have what is left. Generally infrequent, boring talk about whether to buy a Click or a Wave.
  16. Looks "mostly peaceful" to me. A few idiots throwing drinks. Whoopdedoo. Compared to the BLM and Pro Palestine carnage this is completely insignificant. Obviously The Guardian will pop up and start talking about the "far right" etc. It's what they do.
  17. Indeed. To anyone who knows anything about Khan's background and nature, it is of little surprise that the Met Police are allowing Pro Palestine/Anti Israel marches while threatening to arrest Jews and Patriots.
  18. There was only a police cordon because of who they were. Of course. The two are not mutually exclusive, Captain Obvious. Eveyone knows that. Nobody cares.
  19. No surprise. Universities are full of these types of leftist loons, trying to corrupt young, impressionable students. I wonder if these "places of learning" should start carrying health warnings.
  20. I wonder how these students would feel had they attended the music festival on October 7th? They probably wouldn't feel anything, as they would have been slaughtered along with the Israeli youngsters.
  21. So presumably you think Yousaf is a hater? Or are Muslim Scottish nationalists excluded?
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