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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Not surprised. This legal warfare is beyond boring. Roll on November so the American people can decide, not politically biased judges.
  2. Truss bang on the money again. With truth bombs like these, no wonder she was removed so quickly. Biden has been a disaster. If he wasn't so dangerous to world peace you'd laugh but it's well beyond that.
  3. The attacker is 15 apparently. The live feed showed him shouting allahu akbar as he attacked. https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/chilling-vision-of-grinning-alleged-attacker-of-sydney-bishop/news-story/8e3eb0fd4a9799e0989d643b2cad589b Police treating it as a religiously motivated terrorist incident. Best wishes Sydney, you're going to need it.
  4. Best wishes to the victims. Once again, Sydney seems to be following Londons knife crime pandemic. Images on twitter of a large mob trying to get to the suspect. Police holding them off. Given some of the characters I have met in Sydneys western suburbs this could get ugly. Let's hope not.
  5. Wow. Being pro bodily autonomy does not warrant being stabbed. What a bizarre post.
  6. Apparently there has been a second knife attack in Sydney. A Christian priest attacked at the altar. Seems Sydney is following London in terms of knife crime. Thankfully it seems no fatalities yet in the second attack.
  7. The rioters are responsible for riots. Not jurors. We cannot have mobs deciding the result of trials via threats to riot.
  8. I am aware of the verdict. I have moved on to discuss why he was found not guilty. Do try to keep up dear.
  9. Totally agree. Same with motorcycle gloves/leathers. He could also have put on weight between the crime and the trial. Either way he was guilty as sin and escaped justice due to the demographics of the jury which was deliberately selected for that purpose. A shameful example of the American legal system and a terrible example of a human being.
  10. Why am I not surprised you would side with OJ being found not guilty for a crime he clearly committed?
  11. https://www.essence.com/news/oj-simpson-not-guilty-verdict-payback-rodney-king/
  12. One of them recently admitted it. Cant be bothered to find the link.
  13. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Acquitted by a mostly black jury looking for revenge for Rodney King. The politics of hate and payback later promoted by BLM. 2 sides of the same coin. Fortunately the brutal murder he committed still effectively ruined his life. Forever remembered as a lying brutal killer. Quite the legacy.
  14. Makes sense. Women know what women like. I heard LB's are good at certain oral tasks as well. Men know what men like. Unfortunately the 'tache and the nuts put me off
  15. Joe should concentrate on walking without falling over before attempting predictions on geo politics.
  16. She was right about a lot of things. That's why she had to be removed. Telling the truth is dangerous in 2024. Fortunately some of us continue to do so.
  17. Truly shocking. RIP to the victims and I hope the baby survives. Australia repeating the mistakes of the UK and getting the same results.
  18. She should be. But she won't be. She ticks too many boxes and she knows it. She plays on it. Her reputation is shot to pieces and her career is nearing the end. If Biden wins she will be offered a quiet exit via the back door. An area she is no doubt familiar with. If Trump wins? Maybe less comfortable.
  19. Oh dear. The mask has slipped and Google's ugly Woke/Leftist culture has been laid bare for all to see.
  20. Adopting Trump's policies in a futile attempt to cling to power. 😃 If somehow he manages to win again he'll reverse this within days. What a charlatan. No shame whatsoever.
  21. What a waste of time/money. Impossible to get an appointment to see a Doctor but they have resources for gender indentity reviews. No wonder the NHS is broken with this type of nonsense.
  22. Did you read it? They were playing Wrexham, a second rate side. And still got hammered. Imagine if they were playing Man City. Or a national side like Brazil. 20-0? Maybe more. The gulf is massive. It's almost a different sport.
  23. How about 2023? https://www.nationalreview.com/news/u-k-mens-soccer-team-crushes-u-s-womens-players/#:~:text=A professional men's soccer team,have over their female counterparts.
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