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Everything posted by Heng

  1. I'm just going to send them some photos of glaciers.
  2. I'm not going to risk doing a new Thailand Pass as the hotel already refunded me for the 2nd PCR/5th day test. The goal is just to get on the plane with a valid Thailand Pass and get back from my vacation.
  3. Yeah, most of the TikToks I've seen seem to focus on the 'benefits.' There are discussions of whether joining the Russian or Ukrainian side would be a 'better' deal (with everyone seem to be overlooking the fact that apart from the initial optics, they'd likely just be cannon fodder).
  4. Oh what I night.... don't forget to lock in your profits periodically. All good things...
  5. Yeah, I meant the pre-departure test. And yeah, it was poorly worded.
  6. Those who stipulate the entry requirements for air arrivals in the US. At this point it's similar to Thailand, there's no point in 'keeping it out' as it's already here in (likely) greater numbers than where you're arriving from.
  7. Hopefully they get rid of the PCR test for arrivals as well like some EU countries have.
  8. A good idea I've already considered, I just find the process uncomfortable. I actually prefer getting blood drawn or needles vs. nasal swabs. At present I just have my daughter or son keep the car running just in case I have to make a quick escape.
  9. Thai elites on their weekly BKK-LHR-BKK flights are now routed through the southern track instead of northern track. Not much effect on flight time. Stay strong brothers and sisters.
  10. Not even sure as I haven't kept track of the rules. Still not even sure what the process is at present if I test positive via ATK at the dentist (my dentist/hospital requires it). I understand at the beginning of Covid they'd try to force admit (to treatment) me... but now I see some folks just go home, some go to field hospitals, hotel hospitals, etc...
  11. Looks like you have everything. Just did my own Thailand Pass last week, will redo it again as soon as I get my revised hotel booking for 1 day instead of day 1 + day 5 PCR testing.
  12. Well due to the state of the economy, generally speaking restaurants are less crowded and anything having to do with "hospitality" is turned up a notch or two to say the least.
  13. 55. Yes, I meant the powers that be / US LE in general. (for instance as many know, it's one of the few things that can keep you from renewing your US passport) Not your CC card issuer.
  14. Waiting for the hotel to update my booking now, anyone have any Thailand Pass issues with doing a new 'pass' with the exact information (dates, flight, hotel, etc.) except for 1 day instead of 2 day testing?
  15. Have known more than a few Thais and Americans and who racked up credit card debt/student loan debt/left unpaid debts up in the air in the US and no one ever came for them. I think as long as it's not felony level numbers, it's not worth it for them to chase you. An exception that they do take seriously and has been mentioned many times is skipping out on child support.
  16. I seem to recall the last upload step offers a PDF option. Didn't need it as 'converting to PDF' is as simple as taking a screen shot of a PDF file on your phone. Takes 2 seconds. Also can take 5-10 minutes if you prefer using Photoshop or Corel Draw.
  17. Mine took 3 working days. Did it last week. Scuttlebutt (in this case the CAAT guy on TikTok who does his clips wearing sunglasses) says they're maybe going to scrap the 5th day test as well as the 'at origin' PCR test requirement. Meeting supposedly on Feb. 23.
  18. @ those who have already come in on Test and Go, for the PCR test requirement, do they need a paper printout direct from the clinic/hospital or are they okay with you printing out the email that contains the test results (a lot of places email you the test results instead of having you come back in to the test site to keep traffic/clusters at a minimum)?
  19. Let's roll the dice and play a little Monopoly.
  20. Since there are no insurance requirements for returning Thai tourists, I assume we are immune from the "scam?" What happens to Thais who test positive in day 1 test and go? (I do have Covid insurance; but I'm assuming they'd just charge whatever treatment to the 'local gold card' health plan).
  21. Kind of a tangent but somewhat related... is there any definition yet as to how old your most recent vaccination jab is to still be considered 'fully vaccinated' for entry to Thailand? (the way some EU countries only consider 9 months since your most recent jab as fully vaccinated)
  22. Not a bad entry point. IMO you'll enjoy some decent results.
  23. Sometimes it's their only outlet to vent, for both locals and foreigners. I just let these folks go, natural selection will get them sooner than later.
  24. Well when you transfer funds out of Thailand through their internet banking interface, at least Bangkok Bank (and likely others) has that note: 'if this transaction is related to cryptocurrency, it needs to be reported to the Bank of Thailand.' Sure thing.
  25. They want to tax crypto gains, but it's going to stall at the 'who's going to explain how...' stage for awhile. We're still waiting on a one card metro (BTS/MRT/ARL) system because no one trusts anyone and that's with an accounting system that can physically count passengers.
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