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Everything posted by kawikasudo

  1. Naklua road a little past Soi 14 going towards the fish market there’s a restaurant that sells Khao soi with a sign outside. It’s decent!
  2. If you just say อินเดียนแดง (Indian) it automatically means an Indian from India. But, If you say อินเดียนแดง (Red indian or Indian Daeng) it means American Indian. They know Red Indian means American Indian. You can put American at the end to be more specific.
  3. My transfer use to be fast from my bank in Hawaii to Bangkok bank but now it’s taking around 6to 8 days. But it does get here!
  4. If the subject is already known then you can just speak to each other using only the classifier
  5. That’s the classifier for stamps. I believe it’s the classifier for stars and round objects also.
  6. When I win a lottery I have a Thai collect the winnings. They give a farang less. I don’t know any farangs that try and collect the winnings themselves.
  7. Thanks to everybody for giving me good insight! I will think things over carefully before I make a decision!
  8. This is off the subject. I am 73 and a retired civilian federal worker from Pearl Harbor Shipyard and have Kaiser and Medicare as my provider but been living in Pattaya for 20 years. I was advised to consider in open season to switch over to FepBlue. I don’t know any American federal workers around here so I’m asking you guys for your opinion since I’m already 73. Thank you!
  9. I knew an American living in Jomtien. He said he lived with his girlfriend for 20 years. He told her from the beginning that he’ll give her a monthly allowance (I assumed it was a good allowance). Because she lives with him she’ll eat free and don’t have to pay for utilities but she’ll get no more. She can save the money or give it to her family but she’ll get no more. It worked fine!
  10. About three years ago I was told that no medical school in Thailand will accept any foreigners. But! The Thai Red Cross said they’ll accept foreigners who will donate all their organs and then they will create the body after they’re done. It’s only in Thai so you have to get a Thai to arrange where to send the forms. Someone will have to interpret for you and you will have to sign the form. I keep the card in my wallet and had the power of attorney person take a picture of it.
  11. At Jomtien they asked me for a copy of retirement pension which I gave them a copy of monthly gross and net of my federal government pension and they accepted it.
  12. Look for the Windmill hotel. The plaza is next to it
  13. I remember years back at the Chonburi immigration I showed them my monthly retirement income from my annual retirement statement from the “Office of personnel management retirement division” from the U.S. government and they accepted it. But! That was before the pandemic.
  14. แล้วแต่คุณ
  15. I’m born and raised in Hawaii. Hawaiian pizza was created by a Greek chef in Canada. It has nothing to do with Hawaii
  16. By her spelling maybe she’s uneducated in the Thai written language or maybe she’s not Thai. Be careful!
  17. I had diverticulitis and had to go to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. After I stabilized I decided to fly to Hawaii to consult with my doctor. It was about three months prior before I would renew my retirement visa so I knew I wouldn’t make it back in time. Immigration at Jomtien said they do it for 19,000 baht. That was before the pandemic so I don’t know if the policy is the same for emergency situations.
  18. While in Hawaii Bangkok bank New York wouldn’t let me do a domestic transfer to an account number which is linked to my Bangkok Bank Pattaya. I’m back in Pattaya and have Wise.com take from my American Savings Bank in Hawaii right to my Bangkok Bank in Pattaya showing an international transfer every time. I have no problems. Make sure when they ask for the reason you scroll down to where it says for long term stay in Thailand.
  19. I downloaded the Iherb app and order all my coffee from them (I believe they are U.S.). When you order a certain amount it’s free shipping but it takes 10 to 14 days. I had no problem so far!
  20. Mont Fleur and Aura seems to be the two top rated mineral waters. That’s the two brands I buy.
  21. I’m from Hawaii and we’re called the “Aloha State”. On following up on that I learned that most countries are given their nick names by the tourist industry to draw tourists in. The people from that area aren’t even asked what their nickname should be. I’m 72 born, raised and retired in Hawaii but now I’m living in Thailand. I have plenty of Aloha (which means Love)!
  22. I’m an American and made my will last week at Magna Carta in Pattaya. The main branch is in Bangkok. 7K baht for the last will and 5K baht for the Living will.
  23. When I send anything from Pattaya to anyplace and I forget to use EMS for tracking it doesn’t get there. They got your money you spent on sending it and they must throw it away. But, when I sent it by EMS for tracking it always gets there because they don’t want to lose face that they are responsible and have to compensate you!
  24. Bangkok Pattaya Hospital just got Maderna and they will give the shots for free but you need an appointment.
  25. I’m with Kaiser in Hawaii. Even if you have HMSA you can’t use it out here. When I had a hernia operation I had to pay in full. Then when I went back to Hawaii I had to show the bill to Kaiser and they reimbursed me most of it. I have Pacific Cross in Thailand but if I have any type of medical procedure I have to pay in full then give it to Pacific Cross and they’ll reimburse on what they see fit.
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