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Everything posted by moe666

  1. Get a clue Nana Plaza owned by Thai Indian, Hillary owned by a Thai all of the land and buildings owned by Thais and a few individual bars may be leased by farangs. Remember they employed a lot of Thais who have been out of work for over a year.
  2. People need to stay away from big crowds. I have wondered a few times if there are any people planning for the future of on going covid. I would think that there is a bunch of hotshots some where planning how life will be living with covid. Let us know when you get it figured out.
  3. If your government is honest they test if not they get the results they want by not testing. Trump was a prime example of that when he said we will lower our number of cases by testing less.
  4. Covid sky rocket in Chiang Mai and they were closed. It came out of the markets. Blaming it on bars is just an excuse
  5. Well then lets put the football in your end of the field, other than the hear-say on this site do you have the proof that thousands of people have returned to their second home.
  6. I guess my neighbor thinks it is going to get better she has put up a for rent sign on her town house which has been empty for more than a year. There is more activity around the old town in Chiang Mai. But that could be just the increase of Thai tourist up from Bangkok. There are more farangs around than say 6 months ago or even 3 months. More out on rented motorbikes and the aimless walk of a tourist is apparent.
  7. I cannot agree with your post about putting on for tourist. Even before covid the powers that be were cutting into the flying of lanterns. In CM it was a mini business for young adults to make a bit of money selling lantern around the moat, you could see the affect first year. There was a real fall off of venders the next year a huge difference. Now with covid the party is over, it is not just farang seeing the difference the Thais are complaining as well.
  8. In Chiang Mai it is the mandate of no balloons allowed to fly. We had a small party last night on the roof of a hotel. During my 3 hour stay I saw 4 balloons flying in years past there would be thousands in the sky. They are just nibbling away at holidays making them a shell of there former self.
  9. How long did people think this free ride was going to last, people have been coming and going from Thailand for sometime now. In the OP situations it is too bad she is from a country who doesn't care about it citizens but in the end not Thailands fault nor any other country.
  10. Going out this afternoon, here in Chiang Mai. I saw about 10 tourist scattered about the old city. They are here but not great numbers of them. Lots of Thai tourist in town and a over abundance of Bangkok plates.
  11. There are a few around Chiang Mai, easy to spot wandering around aimlessly. Saw two today walking along highway 11 just pass airport plaza, still had their back packs on walking from the airport to there next destination.
  12. When you leave the US do not expect health care of any kind from the US government, that has always been their policy. I am a US citizen and I expect nothing from my government and those that do are bound to be disappointed. I did get two shots of pfizer for the expat only distribution in Chiang Mai. No need to grovel just be patient. By the way the signs are in Chinese because of the number of Chinese tourist who have visited, that is what a smart tourist authority does.
  13. Back to the drawing board the posters cannot complain why only farang. Geez do not you people read the article
  14. I guess you do not watch Thai news showing the parties, drunks and shootings and stabbings.
  15. I bought an old house back in 1993 and redid it. I am knocking down stuff, got to the old kitchen which was very small and separated from the living room by a wall. I am thinking what will that look like opened up. I finally decided if it wasn't right I could put it back. The wall has been gone since that day. There is plenty of stuff to look at on line have a go
  16. Yes it is easy but at the end of the day you will be either in Canada, US or Mexico, big deal. prefer to be in Thailand.
  17. It is the same in every country if you have big bucks the red carpet is rolled out. Half a million will get you a green card from day one in the US
  18. I would think any Thai who wanted to come back the last two years has been here for a while
  19. But but but I thought no one would come to bad o Thailand.
  20. If someone no longer likes Thailand why can they not just leave. O no they have to write long threads about why I have lost the love and how Thailand has let me down, it is always Thailands fault. Just leave pack your stuff and go no looking back bye.
  21. Never left a thing in many countries and do not need to experience a thing in them to know myself. Enjoyed your story about Brazil
  22. There is always people with money to come in after a covid, a war, adepression. These people will be back to open bars because there is money to be made To many pesimestic people here always saying Thailand is finished before it was the nail in the coffin saying now it is just flat out failure. I will believe it when I see it. If you know where to go in Chiang Mai there is a drink to behad as well as a few ladies
  23. Unless there is spmething hiding out there Dukes is the best of all I have had. Maddogs has been putting too much cheese on lately
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