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Everything posted by djayz

  1. Thank you for your replies so far. Due to appointment problems, the HR woman cannot meet me at immigration on Friday as planned to cancel the visa. My next question is, if I simply go to the border (Thai/Cambodia) and leave, won't my visa be automatically cancelled anyways? I have a single entry visa as I didn't plan on travelling in the foreseeable future.
  2. I've tried explaining this to the HR manager, but I can't get her to understand it... Thank you. What you wrote, and my interpretation of the rules, make more sense than what she is saying.
  3. Just a quick question: My employer, soon to be former employer, is going to cancel my WP and visa within the next few days. The HR Manager tells me that I can "stay in Thailand for up to 21 days AFTER the visa has been cancelled and NOT be on overstay". My understanding has been that once the visa is cancelled, i.e. the right to stay in the Kingdom, then we have to leave on the same day. Has this changed or have I completely misunderstood it?
  4. And that's exactly why they keep on doing this, to both us and their own. I know it's easy for us to sit on a forum debating this back and forth, and yes, of course I want to sleep in my own bed, but I also want to be able to look at myself in the mirror every morning for the rest of my life and not feel like a helpless fool who has been taken by a good for nothing, lazy buffalo.
  5. I absolutely agree with you if the person has actually committed a crime. However, if innocent, then I have to disagree with you and say that it's about principles, not money.
  6. 1. Remain calm. 2. Whip out phone and record the whole incident, preferably LIVE (still haven't figured out how to do that). 3. Smile and tell him "I'm going to make you famous".
  7. Those are some beasts!
  8. Am looking for a small-ish chipper. Have found Kanto 6.5hp, 6cm, for THB 13,+++ on Lazada. The next biggest I can find is Kanto 15hp, 10cm for THB48,000. Was wondering is there anything in between? For example, 10hp, 10cm (or 8cm). While the first one is exactly what I need now, I can't help but think that in the future it might be too small. The second option above is simply way too much beast for me now and in the future. I'm surprised there isn't anything in between.
  9. Just do everybody a favour and admit that your system is rotten to the core.
  10. Some people recommend peeing (yes, urinating) on citrus trees. I collect my liquids in a 6l bottle, let it sit then for 6 months (to kill off pathogens), mix it in a 60l barrel of water and then pour around the tree drip line. Have good, healthy citrus trees now bearing fruit (don't know if that is because of my premium fluids or just mother nature doing her job).
  11. 7) Go back on your meds and stay on them.
  12. True, but they don't have that one thing that makes this land so great: a Thai smile.
  13. Nothing new or unusual about this. The vast majority of 'em fall into this category, unfortunately. That 8s the public education system here. It isn't going to get better in our lifetime.
  14. Thanks LogicThai! I have nightmares that it is going to be very stressful, but knowing that it is easier than I imagine it to be is a relief. Much appreciate the reply.
  15. To cut a long story short, I am currently here on a non B based on my job. However, I turned 50 recently and, for various reasons, I want to change to a non O. My current employment contract expires at the end of this month and will not be extended so I was wondering: 1) once my current employer cancels my current non B visa in early February, do I have to leave Thailand and return on a different / tourist visa and then apply for a non o? 2) can I apply for non o before the current visa is cancelled in early February? 3) approximately how long does it take to change from non B to non O? 4) is there anything else I should be thinking about that I have not listed above? I will use a visa service, but want to inform myself in advance first. Thank you for any advice you can give me.
  16. Thank you, again, China! The gift that just keeps on giving.
  17. If they did this, then the problem would be solved immediately. Either accept the charge, or look for an alternative taxi.
  18. Should those grow houses be in the shade, dappled shade or full sun? Or does it even matter as long as the light is blocked out?
  19. Should that not read "The Royal Police have been ordered again to...."
  20. Thailand. Why, what difference does that make? I live in Thailand, but read in English and German only. My partner, who also lives here, is Thai and she reads in Thai and English. My partner's brother in law is Thai, but he only reads English language literature.
  21. Although I don't believe a single word of these "facts", I have to admit that there used to be one very old, rather Chinese looking, woman in our village who sat out side everyday reading a paperback. Don't know the language, but it was endearing to see somebody reading. Unfortunately, she has passed away, but I did enjoy seeing her sit at the front of her house. I used to be an avid reader in my younger days, but for the life of me I don't know why I lost interest in reading as I got older. Time restraints, perhaps?
  22. We are starting to produce more and more fruit from our garden and are interested in drying some of it so we can eat it later. I've looked on lazada, but have absolutely no idea what to look for, pros and cons, brands, etc. Does anybody have a device that they can recommend? I have dried some fruit in the sun, good old fashioned way, but am looking for alternatives. Thanking you in advance.
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