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Everything posted by djayz

  1. I ???? his manbag! He'll blend in nicely with all the lgbtqers in BKK this month.
  2. These French just can't hold their drink ????
  3. My kid's scooter, from the brand "Globber", has lost the back wheel and I am trying to find a replacement one. Have been back to the store where I bought it (Toys 'R' Us) but they don't carry spare parts. Does anybody know any stores in Bangkok where I can look for scooter wheels? Doesn't necessarily have to be from the same brand. Alternatively, I could order on Amazon and have it delivered here, but I'd rather buy locally if possible. Thank you in advance.
  4. There are two sides to every story.
  5. You don't honestly believe for a single second there is a Thai conspiracy to poison everyone who "insults" Muang Thai/som dam/spicy food/etc. etc. etc The guy probably ate something that didn't agree with him/gave him food poisoning and he put 2 and 2 together and came up with 47. The whole story is complete and utter nonsense.
  6. Some people show not be allowed to open accounts on social media.
  7. Why has it taken him so long to turn himself in? Ran out of money while on the run in SE Asia and decided to go back home to a nice, cozy all expenses paid prison cell.
  8. Thank you Ken! Always great advice and great trees from you.
  9. Bend over Hun, this is gonna hurt. If he, the officer, made a mistake, then he should apologize, shake hands and everything's back to normal again. The fact that he on two occasions mistakingly tried to fine the OP for an offence he obviously couldn't prove, speaks volumes for his competence and professionalism. Face 9r no face, he f-ed up!
  10. I never thought I'd see the day when people would argue over fruit... Now I've seen it all.
  11. Have I really? Or have you grossly overestimated the importance of/the needs of a minority group compared to the well-being of the majority of the people?
  12. A chance to be a part of the change that is inevitable?
  13. More important than the economy, healthcare, education, infrastructure or anything that would benefit the rest of the population? Good to see you lot have your priorities right. The Me. Me. Me. camp.
  14. Bought a bit more land recently and the previous owner had both durian and mangosteens growing on it. The trees are approximately 3 to 5 meters tall and the mangosteens are producing fruit, but not the durians. However, the previous guy planted the trees quite closely together, about 2 to 4 meters apart, which is way too close. Obviously, I now need to thin them out, but am unsure what distance I should leave between trees. I have looked on the internet for measurements, but all the sites I've looked at recommend different spacings. So, I'm now turning to you guys out there who are also growing either mangosteens or durians. What distance between trees works best for you? Also, I'm thinking of digging up a few of the smaller durian trees (approximately 1.0 - 1.5m high) and planting them somewhere else so that there's more space between the trees. Are durian trees sensitive to being transplanted?
  15. Just my 2 cents worth; Is there water on the land (stream, borehole, mains)? Is there fencing around the property (to keep out neighbours who forage and stray dogs).
  16. I most certainly did not go out looking for a dodgy visa. The agent I used came highly recommended by a (then) work colleague. Thanks for nothing.
  17. Did they have a choice in the matter? Don't let the door hit you in the ar$e on the way out.
  18. Had not thought of that!!! Thank you.
  19. To cut a very long story short, in Feb./Mar. this year I went to an agent in Bangkok and changed to a retirement visa. However, unbeknownst to me until after the visa was issued, they went to TRANG to get it there (long story). Now, I need a Certificate of Residence and this is obviously going to open a whole can of worms as I don't actually live in Trang. So, I am wondering is it possible to change my "address" from Trang to let's say Bangkok or Nakhon Ratchasima, where I actually live? IF yes, then HOW do I do this? Could I then do the extension in BKK or NR next year, or can it only be extended in Trang? Also, IF I were to leave the country, would that automatically cancel the retirement visa? Thank you.
  20. Are you mad?!?! Perish the thought.
  21. Didn't know him personally, but always found his comments and information good and useful. RIP Joe
  22. There you have it. From the horse's mouth. Case closed. We can all rest assured now.
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