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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. Some of you guys sound so old commenting about how you can't understand how a DJ could make music, or the music today sucks, etc.

    You sound like my father when I was 13 and the Beatles were just getting popular.

    C'mon, the music that started back then hasn't changed much at all in the last 50 years and now, there's a change in the air and so, the old guys are complaining.

    I think it's a good thing and am ready for new styles, whether they are rap, reggae, house, trance, dub, or rock.

    Or some high dollar DJ's creating their own mixes of all of them.

    As long as it's not jazz. tongue.png

    There IS an art to what they do. If you don't believe me, download some DJ program (some decent ones are free), and try it yourself. Post your results here if you think they are good enough

    I wonder how many locals at Woodstock said they aren't going to hear that drug induced music they call rock when Jimi Hendrix, 10 Years After, and Carlos Santana, plus so many folk singers were slated to play. And probably most of those, now wish they would've gone.

    Anyway, I do agree that they waited a little long to get started and it could be a bit of a disaster.

    But I still wish them (the promoters, artists, and party-ers) luck in pulling this off.

  2. I wish them luck in pulling this off.

    3 days till the event seems a little late in getting things decided.

    But, who knows?

    Looks like they have some top DJ's coming.

    Between that and the building the world's largest floating stage, paying off the mafia and locals, finding accomodation in this high season for all workers, performers, etc. .................Well, I can't imagine.

    But, Woodstock was similar planning. Although the producers lost money on it orginally

  3. Yes, I view this is a positive article because the only way we are going to see things improve is if various consulates project travelers warnings and people stop coming here.

    Only then will the powers that be do something about the problem.

    But with tourist numbers continually growing, I doubt anything will be done.

    C'mon America, Canada, Western Europe, etc. find some balls and follow in these guy's footsteps.

    • Like 1
  4. Whenever I pass through there, late at night, I have to stop and get a kebab from the guy just outside of the Taipan who makes them. They're the best.

    So, I sometimes walk Bangla a bit just to see what's new.

    All Tiger bars have moved across the street and seem to be hopping.

    Crowded as ever.

    I usually don't get down as far as the lady boy dancers.

    It's a rockin cesspit. (with good kebabs)

  5. Yeah, I bought 2 cheap laptops in the past few years.

    One, the keyboard is messed up with 3 keys not working (after a little over a year)

    The other one, the screen died after about one and a half years.

    My old laptop was a thousand dollar Toshiba and it lasted 6 years.

    But, I understand that Thai people, on their wages, cannot afford the better quality ones.

    Good luck, tell them to do their best to take care of it. No food, no touching the screen, keep it away from moisture, etc.

    Perhaps they'll do better than I did.

  6. That's a good story Lemoncake.

    I find that there are good and bad people almost everywhere.

    I believe the Russians are quite new to traveling in other countries and a bit ignorant in the ways of a good traveler.

    Respecting others customs come to mind as the biggest problem but, we are all guilty of that at times I believe.

    In time I think they will learn. (hopefully) and maybe learn to smile a little would be nice too.

    Their women are pretty hot. Especially the long legged ones from western Russia.

  7. Drove through there last week.

    Looked pretty crowded (for Khao Lak) and I know many of the resorts are booked 100% for the Holidays coming up.

    It's a pleasant change from the hustle and bustle of Phuket (sometimes)

  8. Been following this for a while as I bought some about a year ago.

    Today was the biggest gainer this year and another new high.

    Anyone have any ideas why?

    I heard something about some new car buying opportunity.

    The govt. is going to help you buy a new car or something???

    I don't know, my wife was trying to explain it to me.

    I wonder if that has something to do with most Thai banks going up today.

    But K-bank is by far the biggest gainer.

  9. I came by there the other day and thought it wasn't too bad.

    The thing they need to do is get people to stop parking in the left lane, (Northbound) in front of Central.

    That will free up the lane they have closed off.

    Southbound may be a little more difficult BUT, they have 4 lanes there already, so removing one isn't going to upset the flow too much.

    In the long run, I do believe it will save a lot of the congestion.

    The problem, of course, is how long it's all going to take.

    And yes, there was no one working at 3:30PM in the afternoon when I went through

  10. It's a different culture.

    I'd recommend: get used to it.

    Did you read the article?:

    We have published shots of the dead on occasions where I thought it was important to do so. I remember especially the body of a drowned 10-year-old boy being wheeled past me in the foyer of a hospital, straight out of an ambulance,” Mr Morison said

    A friend of mine stationed in Afghanistan just told me about an 8 month old baby with her leg blown off.

    Kinda makes you think if they showed pictures of things like that, perhaps the war would be over a lot quicker and less death.

    Our culture is screwed up in many ways too.

  11. I see them around mangroves.

    Sapan Hin, just north of Chalong, and at that restaurant on the back road between Panwa and Chalong (sorry, forget the name but it is right on the tide-water channel)

    I've never seen them in the mountains around Phuket.

    Only the lowlands.

    Good luck. They are here but rare sightings

  12. I didn't see any supermarkets in Ranong, so I guess my answer is no.

    We saw a big (local farmers) market in town and enjoyed the free hot springs, small downtown streets with small bars playing live music.

    No, it was much different than Phuket.

    Hey. I'm not saying I want to live there, but I enjoyed being in what I call "The Real Thailand" with it's smiles and small shops.

    Like I said, it's all gonna change. IMO for the worse.

    I'm not going to fight it, or demonstrate against it. (I am a guest in their country)

    But I am applauding these local people for doing just that.

  13. Yes folks, this place is looking more and more like New Jersey USA.

    And most of you are glad of that fact.

    I don't really understand why you just don't move to jersey and get it over with.

    OK, it's not quite as hot, especially in January, but it has it's beaches, fast food shops galore, jug-handle traffic patterns, concrete most of the state now, huge shopping malls, cops who pull you over for any small infraction, and most ALL mom and pop type businesses are now finally gone.

    I came to Phuket (OK partly for the weather and beaches) because it was different.

    It was green. I liked getting waited on with a smile. Of course I liked the skinny women too.

    But it's changing and it's changing fast.

    My family and I love to go off the island for our time off and just came back from a 5 day/night road trip to Ranong and back.

    Guess what? We didn't shop in one 7/11 or Tesco.

    We still got waited on with smiles almost everywhere we went and stayed.

    We got real Thai food, cooked by real Thais with food that they bought at the local market. (where we still tend to buy ALL of our food)

    These people who are protesting have a lot more sense in keeping their culture alive than many of the posters on here.

    I don't think it's about money in this case.

    It's more about how they see the change happening in front of their eyes and they don't like it.

    I can't blame them a bit and wish them luck in their quest.

    Of course it's a losing battle and money will win out in the end.

    But, at least they'll be able to say they fought against the change.

    "they paved over paradise and put up a parking lot"

  14. OK Annabel, I took your advice and googled the man and he has been in the news a lot lately.

    I read about 5 or 6 different news stories about the man and it seems there are more stories praising his efforts than not.

    But, how could asking resorts who have possibly encroached on National Forest lands to prove their authentic land deals be evil.

    Let them prove it with the correct deeds and move on if they are legit.

    Seems to me just the fact that he used enforcement from out of the area (and away from the Phuket mafia) shows that he is serious about finding the truth here.

    Hopefully his intentions are honest.

    But lets let the courts decide, aye?

    • Like 1
  15. I know when I want to get rid of old paint, I do what my friend (has a painting business) does back in the states: Open the paint cans and set them out for a few days or a week. The paint inside turns from liquid to solid and then he puts them out in a garbage bag for the garbage truck.

    Yeah, all my Thai neighbors just throw contruction debris out across the street (so that it looks like a dump) I keep cleaning an area to park my car but they often park theirs in that spot. I really need to go clean out more spots. You'd think that sooner or later, they'd get the idea. (but after 5 years, haven't seen it yet)

    The garbage truck will take anything I put in bags or containers. Break it down if you have to. Because if you hire someone, they'll just dump it down by the Muslim cemetery nearby.

  16. The bats I generally see in Phuket are small.

    I've seen medium sized ones (about 10-12 inches wingspan) near Khao Sok National Park.

    I've seen those huge (2'+ wingspan) that I was told were fruit bats in Bangkok near the river (actually on the west side but not far from center city)

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