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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. Weed Whackers!

    I lived for years watching (and of course hearing) 2 guys work practically non stop to cut the grass on a 7 rai plot of land.

    Now, where I live, they sometime do it with a backhoe, <deleted>!

    Will someone please turn these people on to a lawn mower?

  2. Thoughts:

    Yeah, when food prices starting rising quickly a few years ago, they said it was because of the cost of oil.

    So, will we see them come down? Yeah right!

    I sometimes put 91 benzine (100% benzine) in my motorbike (42 baht/litre)

    and sometimes i put the gasahol in there (36 baht/litre)

    I have found that I get much better performance and about 15% better mileage when i use the better (non alcholic) benzine.

    Since it cost about 15% more, it works out even.

    So, I prefer the faster pickup, more power when I need it to the slugging along feel of the gasahol. Same price overall, better performance.

  3. So, we've had many discussions on here about how to cleanup the litter around the island (and all of Thailand)

    I was always one to believe it has to start with education.

    So, this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see about 50-60 school kids, in uniform, going around Nai Harn lake and cleaning up every scrap of litter.

    I stopped to thank the leaders (who didn't seem to understand English) so, I thanked a bunch of the students anyway. (They understood)

    Some of you may not agree that it's right to use school kids to pick up litter, and maybe convicts or the lowest laborers would be better.

    But, I see it as a learning process and if the kids pick up enough litter, they will be more likely to think before throwing out the next batch.

    I couldn't make out which school it was as I can't read Thai at all but, Kudos to their leader.

  4. If you are over 55 yo: There's a new account at Kasikorn called "Happy Senior" .

    Presently, it is paying 2.9% and also gives you a life insurance policy (free for the amount in your account) and an accident insurance policy.

    100,000 baht minimum.

    Also, it adds the interest every month to whatever account you want them to (as long as it's with K-bank)

    The people in the smaller branches may not be aware of this account as it is new.

    My friend said he had to show the girl on her computer and then she called someone.

  5. My wife and I were successful last year.

    Yes, it is a nightmare but can be done.

    Of course there is lots of steps and plenty of red tape.

    The hardest part is getting an appointment.

    Seems they only put out a few openings every month and when we did it, after 2 AM on Tuesdays was the optimal time to try. (according to others and it worked for me, after about 4 weeks of trying)

    I have a friend who tried it this year and was finally successful after about 6 weeks of trying.

    So, start early.

    For the final interview, we had a big pile of papers, including letters, pictures, official documents etc. They only looked at one. (same with my friend this year)

    But, you never know which one they are going to ask for of course.

    The other thing that really upset me (wife didn't complain), was: after all the problems getting an appointment (7:15 AM on a Monday morning), they made her stand in a line until 1:20 PM for the 10 minute interview.

    IT's got to be one of the worst run application processes in the world.

    Good luck. After all the headaches, we had a very enjoyable 5 month trip to the states last year.

    We'd go again but would prefer to stay longer (flights so expensive) and I am just not up for the legwork of starting all over again for the homeland security's process.

  6. Here's a suggestion for all you well-liquored-up debaucherists: honor the local custom and give your tired and overworked livers a rest for this short period of time...

    Finally, After 11 pages of whining, someone says something sensible. ^

    It's their country folks.

    They make the rules.

    I've seen worse ones.

  7. Yes, their (air asia) website is such a hassle, I now do the following:

    If they are running a great deal, (usually 6 months advance purchase) I now go to my travel agent who charges me about 200 baht to make the deal.

    I just can't put up with the hassle of the credit cards they won't take and the extras they insist on putting on there.

    If I must fly on shorter notice, I have found that Nok air is not much more money.

    Last time I flew with them, it was 300 baht more than AA.

    $10 in savings is definitely not worth the hassle of their BS.

    Someone on here once told me that I must be one of the few as their numbers are hitting new records.

    Well, after reading this thread, I believe they could expand those records a lot more if they just paid someone a few thousand baht to fix their website.

  8. Had one drop into my shirt while camping 2 weeks ago.

    He stung me twice before I figured out it was more than a moot dang.

    Took my shirt off and got this picture.


    I've been stung by the nasty tiger wasps (Thais call them "Tor").

    The Tor are 10 times worse than this little sting I got from the scorpion.

    Of course, he was a small one.

  9. As an avid long distance hiker, I know what a "pocket rocket" by MSR is (and even own one back in the states)

    I could use one here too as I go camping and hiking around here. I had to make an alcohol stove instead.

    I have never seen one for sale in Thailand.

    It doesn't surprise me that they are made here but, they are made for MSR and they don't distribute here that I know of.

    I've never even seen the fuel canisters that a Pocket Rocket uses for sale in Thailand.

    Tell him to try ebay.

    As for the titanium cook kettle, Same same.

  10. You will not get 4.5% at Kasikorn.

    What you will get is a Step Up Interest Rate.

    You will pay 15% Tax.

    You have to visit the branch and open the account.

    . Step-up Fixed Deposit 14 Months

    Deposits from Baht 0.01 million and above Fixed Deposit Term

    1-3 Months 1.25 %

    4-6 Months 1.75 %

    7-9 Months 2.50 %

    10-12 Months 3.50 %

    13-14 Months 4.50 %

    Kasikorn Bank

    I was in there today and they told me a lot better interests that that (above)

    They gave me a brochure that is basically the same as this link: http://www.kasikornbank.com/EN/Pages/Default.aspx

    (up to 6% interest)

    10,000 baht minimum.

    Is there a trick? Something I'm missing here? This seems like an incredible rate at todays interest rates.

  11. Just reading about landslides on the road from SuratThani to Chumphon and also on the road from PhangNga to Krabi.

    Some villages covered in mud as well.

    Probably not a good time to be driving those roads.

    I may wait an extra day or two before I leave.

    I believe BBC is carrying the story (are we allowed to say that?)

  12. I am also driving up early next week.

    We always stop in Chaam and get a place right on the beach road there.

    We like Chaam.

    Anyway, as to the advice to take the more easterly route, I normally would agree.

    But, there is major flooding in that area and for once, I am going to go the Ranong route instead.

    I still am unsure about the problems in Chumphon and hope I can get through there.

    A Thai man, only this morning, warned me that there is one place with water 1-1.5 metres deep and the big trucks can get through but not cars or lower pickups.

    I hope it's do-able by Monday or Tuesday.

    Rain is supposed to stop by Saturday I hear.

    See you in Chaam perhaps. (I never try to make it in one shot, I like to enjoy the traveling)

  13. Well, I certainly think he must have seen something.

    To say that he made up the whole story makes me question WHO it is that is living in a fantasy.

    As a first time traveler to a country where some things are kept quiet, and you don't go around harassing police in any way, perhaps he sensationalized a bit, but to say that he dreamed this up on his own..................I don't buy that.

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