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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. My wife (Thai) never knew how to get around anywhere other than her local neighborhood or near the bus stations.

    I amazed her with my map skills driving through Bangkok and later all over Thailand.

    She wanted to learn and at first she had a hard time.

    Now she breaks out the map and follows our route whenever we travel away from home.

    So yes, Thais haven't been taught how to use a map.

    But that doesn't mean they don't want to learn or can't.

    It's all about priorities.

    And how can you explain geography without a map?

    Paper maps will be obsolete IMO in 10 more years.

    GPS's have the maps inside them and easy to follow. (and more and more user friendly)

    In America, I always carried one of those atlases with all 50 states and the major cities.

    Now, I just carry my handheld GPS and try to take different routes all the time.

    Same here in Thailand.

    It's all good!


  2. I was coming through there the other night (late) and just getting going when the light turned green.

    All of a sudden a double (empty) truck came flying by me in the right lane which is just a turning lane and ends at the light.

    He had to time it perfectly to swerve around me and back into the lane I was in before the curb would flip him.

    He did it and it scared the crap out of me.

    I could have very easily found myself in the same shoes as this driver who was killed had he timed it a half-second or so wrong.

    Someday the police will wake up and start pulling these killers over. (yeah right!)


  3. Hmmm, They are saving they have been saving an average of just over 10 people per day since they signed their new contract ? How many drowned in the time between that signing and the previous contract ? According to this link: http://phuketwan.com...-patrols-15978/ they had been "off the job" for 6 weeks as of 17 May. Add another 11 days from then until the new contract was signed.

    So are they trying to tell us that during the (53ish) days they were not on the job, we didn't have an average of 10+ people per day drowning ? But they have been saving an average of 10+ per day since they've been back ? Did people just not swim during those 53 days ? Or were they just considerate enough to not drown during that time ? Or were there an average of 10+ drownings per day that just weren't getting reported ? You'd think that eventually someone would notice that many bodies washing up on the beaches, but apparently not. blink.png

    (Or of course, perhaps someone is just fudging the numbers a bit in order to make things look good for their next contract negotiation.) whistling.gif

    You seem to be assuming that everyone they are saving would have drowned if they would not have been there.

    Assume what you want.

    I personally know surfers who saved many people who were in trouble.

    They (and I) are very glad that the lifeguards are back on the beaches, watching the hundreds of swimmers, moving their yellow and red flags, warning swimmers of jellyfish when necessary, attempting to keep people swimming in the safer areas, etc.

    • Like 1
  4. I think placing bins is a good first step.

    How many times have you had trash to throw away and simply couldn't find a place to throw it?

    But, the problem must be tackled at different level also.

    The Thai mind just doesn't seem to understand that it is wrong to litter.

    I was at Sapan Hin the other day and some Thai kids about 8-10 years old sat down nearby and had lunch in styrofoam square boxes.

    When they were finished, they just got up and left. And left the empty boxes on the table.

    I think they don't understand that it's wrong.

    If no one ever told them, and so many do it, how would they know?

    Their parents seem to just roll the window down and toss garbage out while driving.

    I teach my kid and his school (Montessori) definitely not only teaches them to no litter, but also to recycle and reuse things.

    Thai schools also need to teach this IMO.

    Don't blame it on lazy garbage truck drivers. I think they do a find job and a very unpleasant one at that.

  5. Sad news.

    Way too many 7's now.

    Oh well. Progress!

    At least we'll be able to get change almost anywhere.

    I like Mom and Pop myself. Has some character and maybe even something different.

    But they are dropping like flies.

    Soon Rawai will be nothing but 7/11's (and equivalent), Italian restaurants, massage parlors and girlie bars.

    All in a short 11 years. (OK, had a few massage places before Y2K)

    New Jersey here we come.

  6. So, I'll have to disagree with you fiddlehead. Thai women are just as ruthless in their pursuit of money from foreigners as their male counterparts, but would accept that the Thai men negatively effect more people, but for smaller money, and when those people are tourist, and the island's main business is tourism, that's not a great way of running a business.

    Only if you marry them.

    Hey, was just driving around Nai Harn and glanced up at the awesome wiring we get to experience here was thinking about this thread and couldn't help wondering that if Thai women were the electricians and cable/internet service people, wouldn't the wiring be more efficient (and neater)?

    I like to think so anyway.

    Again, I'm generalizing. Something I don't normally like to do.

  7. Interesting how the "bad" vibes/complaints/ripoffs are usually instigated from Thai men: jet skis/tuk tuks/traffic/politicians/handbag snatchers/etc.

    And most of the "good" stuff relates more to the women: food/bars/smiles/massages

    Just generalizing again.

  8. I don't really understand why she would want to have a book come out about this ordeal.

    It's not anything to be proud of, or known for for the rest of her life.

    I'd be very ashamed, blame it on booze or drugs, ask forgiveness, do the time, and quietly go home never to return.

    If I was her father, I believe that's exactly what I would recommend also.

    Not stirring the pot and act like she's been wronged.

    What she did is very bad. Maybe she is not aware of that (yet)

  9. I learned to sing in the church choir when I was young.

    Here, they have karaoke.

    Quite a difference yes.

    I also took piano lessons. (big help IMO)

    In todays world, I would go to youtube to improve technique, practice, and learn breathing, singing on key, etc.

    Not being able to understand English of course will be a detriment, as it will be in so many things in the child's future.

    (it's also free, but of course, the child has to WANT to do it, not just the parents)

    Practice is so important.

    It's a long process, singing on key is one of those things that some people simply cannot do IMO.

    But many can learn.

    I have been told that Bono couldn't sing on key and they were going to kick him out of the band, so he went and got voice lessons.

    Yamaha school above Big C might help. At least she'd be able to start HEARING things in key (certainly won't at a Thai karoake joint)

    Good luck, it's not easy and takes a long time for those who don't have a musical ear. IMO.

  10. Only been here 12 years but have yet to see a cobra.

    But I'm sure there is some truth to what you say.

    (I'm talking about small frogs the size of a one baht coin that live in my bathroom.)

  11. Get a couple of frogs.

    We now let one live in our bathroom and guess what? NO more mossies.

    Chemical warfare is not always a good answer.

    Controlling their breeding grounds and allowing bats, frogs, geckos around your place will kill more of them safely than those chemicals will.

    Now, cockroaches? I have traps AND will use chemicals if they are brazen enough to crawl over me.

  12. One of the things I like about living here is that I can tip those that I feel gave me good service, or an extra smile, or advice without me asking.

    And I can tip them whatever I want.

    I hate going back to the states where everyone now expects a 20% tip whether they treat you right or not.

    It's not what it's supposed to be about IMO.

    I worked my whole life and probably got less than $300 in tips in the past 30 years.

    Yeah, like $9 a year sounds about right.

    But yeah, I've tipped the gas station attendants (and gotten ripped off at them too already)

    I've tipped the beggars many times here but never will in the states. (they don't know how hard life can be)

    I usually tip buskers, if they are good. If they are blind or crippled, then almost always.

    Usually 20 baht for a meal or drink.

    Up to me. (that's the good part)

  13. Hey politicians: IF you want to do something to clean up Phuket: put some money into a few garbage cans at the beaches, local markets, parks, piers etc.

    Hey, even splatter your good name all over them. Might even get you a few votes.

    I doubt removing the flower vendors will get you many.

    Go to the schools and teach the kids about using these trash cans. Their parents aren't getting it done. How else are they to learn?

    While your at it, create a sign and explain to Thai's what they are supposed to do at a traffic circle. In case you haven't noticed, they don't know.

    Education is the key. Not getting rid of the flowers. Jeez!

    • Like 1
  14. OMG ! Saturday evening; Holland-Denmark ; later in the night Germany-Portugal ; in between practice for pole F1 in Canada. Sunday morning boxing, evening Spain-Italy, F1 main race, and another Euro match ( can't think of who).

    After euro 2012 there will be the Tour de France, Wimbledon AND the Olympics !!

    No wonder I cannot get my wife pregnant huh.png

    Also tomorrow: Game 7 NBA Eastern finals, Final French Open, Belmont Stakes (OK the favorite is scratched, but still.........), as well as Pacman, and don't forget the Stanley club Finals: Kings vs Devils. And Sharapova should be starting in an hour I believe for the womens Final French Open. Yes, it is a great sports weekend.

    And most important (to keep the thread from being axed) in Phuket : The Laguna Marathon to start it all off at 4:30 AM tomorrow!

  15. Gig is going for the big time which many of us here have been hoping she would do for a while.

    She is not 20 years old like so many of the new stars. But she sure does have talent, and that's easy to see.

    Sure not everyone likes her song selection. My wife tells me comments on the youtube page are running about 90% positive, 10% negative, which is great for a youtube hit. (1.7 million hits now is by far the most of "Thailand's Got Talent" performers and she's only been there 5 days!)

    Train her in dance, stage presence, let some professionals make her up and the right clothes and she can be a big hit here because, like many have pointed out: She's the first Thai singer who can sing farang songs with hardly an accent! And she's GOOD!

    She sings on key. And that's the one reason I normally never watch these shows. I hate it when they sing flat, like so many karaoke singers in this country.

    And maybe most importantly, she has energy and emotion. (again, so unlike many Thai singers)

    I'll be watching for her next performance.

    Good luck Gig!

  16. Post of the day! Im happy with Rawaii sports Club, The owner is a good bloke too

    Yes Stafford is a nice but guy.Has anyone informed him of this proposal as he was messed around big style last time a TV party (or <deleted> fight) was supposed to take place there.

    I think that one was canceled due to everyone wanting different venues.

    Ground hog day or what?

    Stafford reads Thaivisa daily. But through no choice of his own he is not a poster, catch my drift? He will see this

    Yes, I was talking to him and he said he would enjoy having the party up at his place and seeing old friends again.

    He keeps well informed I believe.

    Sounds good to me.

    Although signs to direct folks to his place would be needed.

    I remember there were complaints that people from the north of the island couldn't find Friendship Beach when the party was held there.

  17. On the other hand, it's tough to keep up with the Jones'es on all of the new electronics.

    My 6 year old is pretty good with a mouse and can already type, but, both are probably becoming obsolete by the time he's a teenager.

    So, how often to move ahead?

    I certainly can't afford the newest smartphone or Ipad every year for him>

    Anyway, good article and opinion Woody.

    Thanks. I agree on some of it, but the exercise, social life with his peers, language skills, are just as important IMO.

    It's the balance that counts.

  18. No argument from me.

    I learned a long time ago that when traveling in a foreign country, always try to dress according to local customs.

    Not everyone does it though.

    IMO they are just showing their ignorance.

    But, there's not much you can do about it.

    Unless you are Thai.

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