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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. I would think at that time of year (low season, or, at least on the cusp), you could get something at the Karon Beach Resort or Kata Beach resort, in that price range. Both right on the beach.

    I was going to say try Orchid resort in Karon, as they have a great pool for kids, but there are too many girly bars nearby perhaps.

    Keep in mind April is the hottest month.

    But, if they are Ozzie's, they probably won't mind.

  2. My guess is that if (or when) Myanmar opens, the big foreign money will go there along with the construction workers (Myanmar workers)

    Then it will be hard to do quality construction here and things will deteriorate rather quickly.

    It may take a while for the rich farangs to switch, as they require some infrastructure which won't be available for some time.

    But, yes, the backpackers are most likely going to flock there (as long as the dollar and euro remain high enough) as I think there is so much potential.

    Just take a look on Google earth of all the islands and beaches.

    It looks like paradise (without electricity or roads at this point however)

  3. If he does it, your wife (and maybe you too, not sure) will have a much better chance of winning the lottery.

    At least according to my wife.

    I'd pay him, but get his phone number, it might be worth something once the lottery winnings start coming in.

    • Like 1
  4. The best thing we can do (the way I see it) is just tell all tourists you know NEVER to use a tuk tuk.

    Motorbike taxis, the buses, mini-vans, walk, rent a bike or car, bicycle................

    ANYTHING but a tuk tuk.

    You can only hurt them in their wallet.

    It takes law and order to do it properly, but we all know that will not happen.

  5. <snip>Extortion at it’s very best last night. Tried to get a Tuk Tuk to take me from Patong to Chalong and was quoted as high as 4000 BHT one way! Walked around and asked about 20 different Tuk Tuks, all the fares quoted were no lower than 2000 BHT.

    Really sad, how much longer do they think that they can get away with this.

    10 years? That's how long I've been here and it just keeps getting worse.

    Why should anybody think it might change?

  6. The problem is that the camcorders you talk about have motors (read moving parts) in them and they tend to get mildewed in this climate.

    I have 2 of them and there are similar problems with both.

    You would be welcome to try my old ones. I have the chargers around here somewhere.

    I suggest if you get something working, capture it to your hard drive ASAP as it's a common problem.

    PM me if interested. I live in Rawai

  7. Yeah GOM, You can bet us "die-hard fans" know the possibility is there

    But, they just don't deserve all that luck that it would take, the way they've played some of those games this year.

    But, Eagles teams under Andy Reid have often peaked this late in the season.

    Hey, I like your new signature. Martin Luther aye? I have to send that to my Lutheren brother in law (minister)

  8. If the eagles were playing well id be angry at Ubc for killing off asn but they are really sucking so im indifferent until next season.

    The Eagles just killed the Jets today. Blew them out of the water.

    So, maybe you mean the seaEagles from Seattle or something???

    I've been an Eagles fan (Phila) since '62 and we've had our share of bad years.

    Not just a "fair-weather fan".

  9. Those who demand "freedom" and a reduction in police activity are the first ones who shouts for the cops when someone else expresses their "freedom" against them. And my guess is the first time some idiot wacked out on yaba or ice runs into them on their motorcycle and injuries them, they won't congratulate the person on their freedom to get high, but demand a reason there wasn't drug testing...

    I certainly wasn't demanding anything.

    Just pointing out a world where these kinds of freedoms have been removed.

    It isn't pretty.

    And the people are not happy.

  10. Is this a bad thing?

    Not if you don't mind losing freedom.

    Also, remember that these tests can be rigged.

    I'm presently in the states and all my old friends just stay home anymore. They are afraid to go out as one or two beers can get them a DUI

    It's like they're living under a giant hand suppressing them.

    Times are changing and IMO, yes, it is a bad thing.

  11. All these negative posts about the Thai education system, yet the subject in the Original Post is about international schools in Thailand.

    So, maybe reading comprehension was lacking in whatever schools most of the posters here graduated from. (???)

    I believe it is not an easy job to teach in an internationals school.

    1st of all, many of the students are not native English speakers and some start with none. So, that in itself is a real challenge for the academic admin people AND or course the teachers.

    Then, I actually got to see some results lately as a friend of ours who went to 9 years of Montessori school in Phuket, graduated last year and went to middle school in America where she is excelling in many subjects, including math and science.

    She is half Thai and can speak 2 languages fluently with a minor in Mandarin which was also taught at the school.

    So, the way I see it, many of you are comparing Thai farmer's sons and daughters, some of them with only 4 or 5 years of schooling, to your family's children who went through western schools with everyone in the class a native English teacher and an agenda strong on geography, reading and writing English, science etc. (yet weak on art and music)

    Hardly a fair comparison.

  12. I agree to wearing your heavy stuff.

    All this really sucks as I do a lot to keep my body weight down: Jogging, swimming, eating healthy food and weigh only 10 lbs more than I did in high school.

    The norm, however tends to be closer to double that.

    So, why do I pay the same for an airline ticket as the one who weighs twice as much as me?

    And American based airlines are by far the most rude in my experiences.

  13. Chris has been taping the 3 games of the week and showing them Monday nights (skipping the numerous commercials) at the Freebird Bar in Nai Harn.

    Starting around 6 PM.

    Watched my Eagles get hammered by the Giants again. (glutton for punishment)

  14. I just asked my wife where the king was born.

    She said America (she is Thai with 5 years of schooling)

    She's even been trying to learn how to read a map and I don't know many Thais who can do THAT!

    I believe in Texas, the schools are teaching the children that the earth is only 6,000 years old or some nonsense.

    I guess my point is: Not all Thai's are ignorant.

    Not all Americans are as smart as they think they are.

  15. These "Which is the best?" questions are not easy to answer correctly.

    I used to hear that a "Mac" computer was the best. Until I got one and found out that you had to pay for anything you did relating to music and use Apple products exclusively.

    So, learned my lesson there.

    I used to think that the area where I came from was the "best"

    Had to live in a few other places to compare and find out THAT was so wrong.

    I've only lived in 4 different places in Phuket. Presently in Rawai. (I prounounce it Ra-WHY by the way)

    Comparing them all, I'd have to say my 4 years in Nai Harn, not far from the lagoon there was the best. Mostly because I like to go to the beach and I was so close. And I do believe Nai Harn used to be the best beach on the island. Now it often gets overcrowded and I've found some other gems I'll keep quiet about.

    So, "the best" places also change.

    Yes, there's a lot more "girlie bars" in the area now than there were 6 years ago (one or two then), but, maybe that's something the OP likes/wants. Who knows?

    Your best bet sir, is to come here and see for yourself.

    If you like tourists and abundance to food choices and don't care about high prices, perhaps Kata/Karon is for you.

    If you like peace and quiet and don't need to socialize with other farangs, and like golf, try the northwest corner of the island, up around Mission golf course.

    For loads of (over 50) expats living nearby, western food choices, access to boats to take you to islands, lots of bakeries, fresh fish markets, nice jogging track, beach with lifeguards that has decent surfing/kite sailing, as well as paragliding, etc. Try Nai Harn/Rawai/Chalong.

  16. Again, pretty simple. If they don't want to turn on the meter, don't get in.

    It's happened to me in BKK also (late night). I just found another one or walked.

    OK, if my family is involved and it's raining: get in, but take a picture of the driver and the meter off. They need to be reported.

    It won't work if everyone ignores the meters.

    There would have to be some cooperation with authorities. (I realize that the hard part)

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