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Posts posted by fiddlehead

  1. I've heard both of the above as the way it works.

    I am led to believe that it works different ways in different provinces.

    Also, if you don't promise to vote a certain way, they take you off the books so you cannot vote.

    (and you have to pay to get back on!!!)

    Hey, the democratic government was forced on them. It isn't their natural way.

    Westerners try to make everyone act like them. doesn't mean it's right. Or enforced.

  2. Some still tie up at the pier over near Makam bay (Panwa) at the deep sea port.

    I saw one just leaving there last Friday. (a big one)

    If that's the case, it is in the southeast portion of the island on the way to the Phuket Aquarium.

    For your dinner (if they arrive over there where it's very quiet in comparison to Patong), Your choices for air con restaurant with a great view are somewhat limited within a 20-30 minute drive.

    Maybe the Metropole in Phuket town, but, the view is of the street and a beautiful traffic circle instead of the beach or sea view.

    Maybe the Panwa hotel scene but I don't know a whole lot about it.

    We used to frequent a restaurant over there but the place got sold and the new owners either hired a new cook that day, or forgot how to make pizza. I can't recommend it although it was beachfront.

    Good luck and have fun.

    A trip to Phuket is not complete without seeing at least a few of the western side beaches. (of which there are many)

  3. I was just searching on the net to find what is going on in Phuket, and find that it is very difficult to find something to go to.

    I like music, like 60 - 90 rock , good blues, folk, Irish music, reggae, etc. but when the blues come up - 4000 B bath for a ticket in Sheriton.

    I am looking for something free or up to 300 bath for a ticket.

    Just like to listen to good music with some friends a beer and do not like to ruin my economy and my monthly living.

    Where in phuket can you find information about a music places or event for low cost, like a weekly update , In Europe I can go to local festivals and music places with out ruin my economy.

    If you live near Nai Harn or Rawai, there is a Sunday night jam that goes on at a place called Orchid Garden.

    It is behind where Don's Mall used to be, on Soi NanaChat.

    Sounds like you would enjoy it.

    You never know who is going to show up but, some nights it's really good blues and rock jams.

  4. I know that you have to have the "verified by visa" or "secure by mastercard" code to book, but I don't see why you can't book with a US CC if you have done this. What happens to the poor Ozzies and Brits when they try to book from their home country.

    I have the "verified by visa" deal going.

    Still no luck.

    I forget who told me it's because it's an American cc.

    I don't think the Brits or Ozzies have the problems.

    I think they lose a lot of business because of this.

    I know I booked a flight through Thai Airlines instead last year because I couldn't book online through air asia.

    I'll try what GOM said next time as I have kasikorn.

  5. I find their site not to be credit card friendly.

    I've never had any luck with it.

    Found out later that the company doesn't accept American credit cards.

    I just use the website to get prices and then go to my travel agent who charges me 150 baht or something.

    I'll try their call center next time.

    By the way, keep an eye on their deals.

    I got a flight to BKK in Sept for 300 baht each way. (had to book it in Feb though)

  6. I am sort of in the same situation although I live in Phuket.

    My son is 5, and: Thai first, American second, Issan third.

    Right now, I have him in Montessori school. (which i believe is important at this age)

    The big dilemma is where will he live when he is 20+.

    NO one knows. Certainly I don't.

    If I thought he would be happy to live in Thailand the rest of his life, I would send him to Thai school.

    he will pick up enough English from me and movies and the little that Thai school offers but, certainly not enough to enter an American university.

    If he wants to go to university someday in Thailand, he needs to have good Thai language skills in reading and writing as well as speaking of course.

    For now, he is learning how to think and learn and work things out. That's good.

    In a year or two, I will have to make my decision.

    I might just let him try each one (international, and good quality Thai school) for a few years so that he can have all the skills.

    But I'm afraid he might not have the one he needs later.

    Tough decisions. I think either way, he will turn out ok though.

    Good luck with your decision.

  7. Yeah, the Reggae band was about the best I've heard on the island and then the blues guy was incredible also.

    I was so wrapped up in listening to them, I didn't make too many introductions to other members.

    I did notice some preferred to stay incognito while others had no problem with saying who they were.

    Nice to meet the ones who weren't afraid.

    I was a bit surprised at the low turnout.

    I thought there were about 20 of us there (i don't think all of those young girls were Thai Visa people but, of course, i could be wrong)

    Good time for sure.

  8. I've seen a few churches around.

    There's a small one if you turn right from the Chalong pier road before the turn for Mr. India (restaurant)

    There's one about halfway to Phuket town from the Choafa East road but you must turn left on one of the crossroads towards Choafa West (I think there is an SBC bank on that corner where you turn)

    There's another one near my son's friend's house that is hard to explain but, you turn right from Choafa East road somewhere around the Mr Butcher shop and go back a windy road.

    They have what looks like a school but I've been told it's a church. They have a playground too. (my kid plays there)

    Also, the Dowroong school is Catholic and I believe there is one priest there. (from what i've been told)

    Sorry, i don't know the names of these places (churches) but they are there, at least signs saying so.

    That's just in this little corner of the island (Chalong to Phuket town)

    Good luck in your quest.

    Also, I googled it and found 8 right away.

  9. Well, if you want to get picky. I should have said 'Montessori kindergartens'. How remiss of me! So the one on Soi Na Na Chat has branches in other countries? That surprises me as it only seems like a small local concern.

    LOL, that is not what the OP meant with 'international nurseries/kindergartens'.

    Did not know Montessori also had a kindergarten BTW. I did not check them because I don't believe in their system so they were never going to be on my shortlist. Thanks for the information, may be helpful to somebody else.

    Damned, just checked their prices: kindergarten at over 140,000 Baht per year plus 13,000 Baht lunch fees plus 33,000 entrance fees. Much more expensive than any of the other international ones in the area.

    The two google founders both went through Monetessori schools.

    Same with the founder of Amazon.com and Wikipedia.

    Most factory workers and common laborers in the world went to govt. schools.

    Up to you!

  10. Another thing to do is wear long sleeve shirts and pants.

    It's normally only at sunrise and sunset for mossies although I have heard that the ones that give dengue are also prevalent in the daytime.

    Where are your friends living who are getting it.

    A few years ago, 6 people in my neighborhood (including me), got dengue so the govt. sent a crew here to fumigate all the houses around here.

    It was nasty. we had no say as they did every house.

    We left for a few days and then came back.

    No one has gotten it since.

    Good luck.

  11. Don't want to drift too far from the subject but, the other day, I shipped some stuff to America.

    My wife talked me into sending it from one of those pay at post centers or whatever it was called.

    I priced it: 2470 baht (it was 7 kgs by boat)

    Went to the PO in Rawai: price: 1230 baht.

    Beware of these places. The Post office (EMS) seems to be the best price for shipping and has always been reliable for me.

  12. OK, It's time to do something about this (today)

    But, although I hear from people that they got their ITIN number back in 6 weeks after applying (that gives me just barely time to get it done before the April 16 deadline), I see that it (W-7) must be turned in WITH my taxes.

    So, I guess that means I have to put it off till later. Procrastinate.

    As, I'm not ready with the rest of my tax stuff.

    Any other ideas?

    once again, thanks to everyone who replied and helped me out here.

    I do think it's a worthwile deduction and hopefully some others learned what it takes to claim your Thai wife. (and hope it works)


  13. Well then think that then.

    Enjoy the hassle of the other forms of proof.

    I am at a loss of what else to tell you.

    You simply either do not want to take the time to read the instructions, or you can't understand them.

    It states that her passport will be returned along with her ITIN.

    Don't get upset with me now.

    I'm trying.

    It's a lot to read and I just now read that part.

    Do you think they'll send it to Thailand?

    I plan to do an online tax deal.

    That way, I can try it both ways (single or "married filing jointly") and see the bottom line and know how much all this hassle is actually going to be worth.

    I have used taxslayer the last few years and it pretty easy.

    I think i'll just send in her passport and hope to get it back and then don't have to fly to Bangkok for the hassle of the certified copy.

    Thanks everyone for all your help.

  14. I did talk to them about registering our marriage and they said they don't do that anymore.

    That was last year.

    She does have a US visa (which has been used last year) in her passport.

    Shouldn't that prove things?

    Now, mstribling, do you mean mail my wife's Thai passport along with my income tax form to the IRS?

    I would think she'd never see it again.

  15. Although I can not speak for the Embassy I do not believe notarizing a copy of a Thai passport with the original in hand is the same as notarizing a domestic Thai document. A call to the embassy would probably be in order - but - it may be cheaper to go the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affair route anyway and avoid the notary fee at the embassy.

    Which means a (dreaded) trip to Bangkok just for this, correct?

    Does anyone know if it can be done in Phuket?

    They (embassy personnel) are supposed to be coming here in a little over 2 weeks.

    But, it's sounding like that won't help, aye?

  16. Yes, I read that and seems she (we) are qualified to file "married filing jointly" to me.

    Yes, we have been married for almost 2 years now (happily i might add)

    My son is definitely a deduction and I have been using him for 4 years now.

    Once again, thanks for your help.

    I also read this on page 11: . It takes 6 to 10 weeks to get an ITIN

    So, it really seems confusing that you are supposed to send in W-7 form WITH your tax form yet, get an ITIN number which is supposed to be inserted in place of spouses SS#

    Once again, thanks for your help.

  17. Trying (hard) to read through all that 1040 instructions, especially pages 12 through 18.

    Not seeing any talk of a wife as a dependent. Only children, brothers, half brothers, blah blah blah.

    I really do appreciate your help and if you can direct me to which page you are seeing this info that makes you think I should get to use her as my wife (dependent) I will do my best to understand this.

    It's OK to scold, I'm just not good at reading through all the options and understanding what pertains to me.

    Thanks again.

  18. Thanks guys.

    I'm trying to understand all this. If I file the W-7 with my tax form this year, will I be able to use her as the "married filing jointly" option? That is the important thing here.

    I realize that according to "mario299" i cannot but didn't see anything like that on the IRS website.

    I'd really like to use this this year but don't know what will happen if i leave the line blank about her SS# or ITIN#, and just submit the W-7 form.


    My son has all proper papers, US passport and SS number already.

    My wife was in the states already but doesn't have a SS#. (only a 10 year visa which I plan to include a copy of)

    Anything more you folks can add is a real help.

    Thank you all.

  19. So, I am hoping to file "Married Filing Jointly" as I got married almost 2 years ago but just filed "Single" last few years.

    It seems my (Thai) wife needs an ITIN number that requires you to send in form W-7.

    Form W-7 says: Caution: If you check box b,

    c, d, e, f, or g, you must file a tax return with Form W-7 unless you meet one of the exceptions (see instructions).

    So, my question is: what tax return to they want me to include with this form W-7? Mine from last year? My wife's from last year (of course she doesn't have one as this will be the first year we are trying this)

    It seems like a catch 22 situation to me.

    Any help here would be appreciated.

    Does anyone here have a wife who has one of these ITIN numbers?

    Thanks in advance.

    ps. i hate tax season.

  20. I went in to extend my visa the other day and went and got all the photocopies that I thought I needed. Every relevant page of my passport for the last 2 years plus the front and visa page of course. Had the bank letter, book, picture and form filled out to a T.

    The immigration guy gets all my paperwork, looks everything over and hands me my passport opened up to a page that had a 4 year old stamp and pokes his finger at it saying: Copy page.

    I went back to the girl and got the senseless copy (probably so the imm. guy could have a 5 minute break) and she apologized because I had asked her previously if she thought I had everything I needed.

    So, I don't think it's about the money. She was doing her best to keep things flowing on a busy day and apologized for the immigration officers a$$inine behavior.

    I have a new respect for her (and the same lack of trust to him)

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